
819 27 3

Ava Bekker

Dear diary

So me and Connor was operating on a HIV POSITIVE patient. I don't like being around people like that. (Sorry not sorry)

You can really catch what they have and I don't want that, I'm to smart and beautiful. ( I'm being a little overboard I know) 😂

But that's not the scary part, I got cut and it really hurt. The patient blood got on me, I freaked out.

But think god Ms. Goodwin told me what to do, even though I already knew how to clean it .

Connor ask me if I was ok and that he is sorry. In my mind he is so cute and so so sweet but you know I had to be tough.

He ask me can he check my finger but I told him I'm fine, even though I wanted his attention so I can fix things between us.

When I got home that night I took my pills that the HIV clinic gave me and took a shower. When I got out some one was knocking on my door.

It was Connor, he brought Yamazaki 18, I know it don't sound like much but it is.

After a second of talking Connor finally left, it was just me in a quiet house, even though I don't mind quiet, but I wish he was here with me.

I wish he could just believe me.

Hey guys how do you like it so far
More is coming.

The Chicago med writer's need to put back all the couple that were together.

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