keep your secret's 🤫🥵😚

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Ava better

Me and Conner slept together 2 days ago (after I confronted him) , he just don't get how I'm feeling (he just worried about himself).

I've been pushing him away, since we, (you guys know what I'm talking about). It's been so hard, he's my everything, but I have to punish him for what he did to me, I can't just let him do this to me.

His dad is getting on my nerves, I can't take it no more, (I want to kill him so bad💀) , but I just can't for Connor sake.

And don't get me started on Robin. She's everywhere like sit down and eat a lollipop or something.( just playing I'm nice to her only for Connor) 😁

I've been telling Connor he needs help for God sake . He blames me for every little thing that happen in this hospital.

I love Connor so so much, but it would never work between us like we used to work together.

I forgot to tell him I'm moving back down to South Africa for 2 reasons, one, (my family) , I want to see them and I miss them so much too, Me and Connor, we can't never get along anymore like we used to, but I think it's the best for me to go back and just start over.

Before I moved, I want to say goodbye to everyone first my friends, my family down here in Chicago with me, (ps: I'm not moving yet just putting out there) 😍😜✌❤😂

#keeping are little secret

Connor needs to stop treating Ava like that. And the Chicago med writer's are SO wrong for this. 😭😢

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