Coming Back

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Ava's POV

I'm probably coming back, early then you think, because I can't stand seeing Ellie ( Elizabeth) with out Connor in her life and me being a single mother to her.

Connor is her blood, and I can't take that from her, because I'm scared of facing him in life, and that has to change.

Natalie son Owen Birthday is coming up and I'm thinking about surprising the girls. I probably stay for a week and try an find a house so I can move back and work at med as a surgeon again.

When I'm down there I want to try and talk to Conner about being the father of my daughter, I don't want anyone to interfere in our conversation, even if it gets out of hand.

I'm hoping and praying, if I get the courage to do talk to Connor, I hope it goes well.

Natalie POV

So owens birthday is coming up and I'm going him if he small birthday party families and friends

I already invited the people I already know, I'm inviting Connor and Robin to the party because they're friends to me and besides Ava was back home and I really want her here, so I can see miss Ellie cute face. I didn't really get to face time Ava to see her, because I've been working and watching Owen and planning this birthday party for owen and everyone is in the way so I can get a chance to talk to Ava and Ellie.

Robin POV

Today, I'm going to find any evidence to see if Ava baby is Connor's. This stuff is getting on my nerves and I can't stand it no more, Connor is mine, and I don't want anyone else saying Ava had a child by Connor, our love for each other is going to be destroyed because of Ava, I can't let this happen.

( or there will be hell to pay)

All I need is Connor DNA and the baby everyone keeps calling his baby DNA to, so I can see if it's true or not.

( I can't see the looks on everyone face when Connor is not the father)

Hey guys so I'm late with this story but here you go. Enjoy the story and please keep voting.
Thank you.

What do you guys thank is going to happen next.

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