New Start 😞😢

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2 months later

Ava better

I'm on my last couple of boxes to move back home, I know what you guys are thinking *don't leave tell Connor you're pregnant* well, I would if he listened to me for just a SECOND but he's not.

Natalie tried to talk to him these past 2 months, but he's won't listen to anyone, not even our coworkers.

I'm leaving in 2 more days, I booked everything already a month ago, my parents is meeting me at the airport when I get there, I'm so happy to see them again, I haven't seen them since I moved to Chicago.

I brought a house back home until the baby is born, and then I'm coming back to Chicago. I can't lose my friends slash family, so I'm going to keep in contact with Natalie and my other friends.

( do you guys want to know a secret a big secret )

( Me, Natalie, April, and Maggie is a girl group, but don't tell anyone it's a secret)

Me and Natalie been thinking about girl group names, we came up with *the dream catchers or just a dream* we don't know yet.
Its been hard trying to balance out the 2 of them while pregnant  but I got this, don't worry about me.

I got to see my little cupcake today he/she is so small but growing, Natalie said I got one more month until I find out the gender of my baby. The only way you can see my baby bump is in tight dresses or shirt, everyone can't see my bump now because I wear bigger shirts in the hospital so nobody figure out I'm pregnant yet, but I hope when we move me and bump have a great NEW START. ❤

Do you guys think Connor gonna find out any time soon

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