C h A p T e r 1 ✔️

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"Come back here!" Haru screamed as she ran after her brother.

"Ha, You wish!" Chanwoo screamed as he ran away from her grip.

"Chan please, I don't have time for this. Audition starts in fifteen minutes and your goddamn 7 years old. I think you're old enough to put on your pants by yourself now" Haru pleaded exasperated.

"But I don't want toooo, jeans are tight and awfully uncomfortable" Chan pouted and Haru shook her head.

"Fine whatever, just wear sweatpants!" Haru gave in and Chan nodded excited and ran upstairs into his room.

"Is Chan ready?" Mrs.Yozoki asked as she walked downstairs ready.

"Mom, this is my audition, we have only 13 minutes left, yet I'm not ready" Haru sighed as she rubbed her temples stressed out.

"Awww Honey, there's nothing to worry about, I promise we'll get there on time. Now go on and get dressed, I'll give Chan breakfast."

Haru nodded and ran upstairs into her closet. She sighed and picked out a pair of very slightly ripped jeans and a Hoodie. she grabbed some extra accessories to go with her outfit and admired herself in the mirror for a few seconds. She took a deep breath in and looked at the reflection of her own eyes.

"Remember what Hana said, You'll do great today, just sing your heart out," Haru muttered as she grabbed her backpack filled with song lyrics, a notepad, and an mp3 player as she walked out of the room. just as she reached for the door handle, her phone vibrated and she grabbed it. A text from her BFF Hana greeted her as soon as she unlocked the phone.

That Thing 하나 😜:

Hana: Haruuuu I know you're going to do great today. Good luck!! and Don't forget my treat when you get back! 🎉 P.S I miss you! when are you going to take me back to Korea with you?

Haru: Thanks! I'm so freaking nervous. I promise if I get in as a Trainee I'll get you an apartment here and visit you often!!

Hana: You'll do fine Silly, You better pay for the apartment. Bye!

Haru smiled as she ran down the stair and hugged her mom. "I'm gonna go now Mom, remember to go to the BT21 store near the SM audition center and I'll meet you there after Auditions. Bye" Haru ran out the door of the motel towards the bus stop and climbed onto a bus.

she then looked towards her left and happened to notice the time on the guys watch. It's fcking 2:30. My auditions are at  3:30, Ugh, Chan must've changed the time on the clock to get to the BT21 store early.

She sighed and plugged in her earphones as she rested her head against a window. She remembered when she had planned out everything about her future at age 12. She had gotten into a new Kpop Band BTS, and she loved them. she would often be bullied for liking  Kpop but she didn't care.

The more Bands she was introduced to, the more she wanted to become an idol herself. Living in LA, she had decided that she would audition for SM, YG, Pledis, JYP and a bunch of other companies. She had somehow convinced her parents to let her audition at age 15. She had sent an audition video to Pledis as instructed and had flown all the way to Seoul to audition at the  other companies. She had an audition for YG tomorrow and for JYP two days after. Haru's main option was of course SM. It was her dream company, but she still had a backup if it didn't happen.

The bus pulled over at her stop and Haru got off before looking back at her watch with the correct time.

"I still have over 30 minutes left, maybe I can go get some bubble tea" She muttered and walked around according to were google maps claimed the shop was.

she got herself some bubble tea and happily skipped down the road. From the other direction, a masked boy came running. Haru stopped and tried to move out of the wei (Up10tion pun lmao) but it was too late. the boy crashed into her causing her to spill the bubble tea and both of them falling to the ground. Haru looked up at the boy in shock as the boy looked at her his eyes wide. "Shit, I didn't mean to. oh god! I'm so sorry" The boy helped Haru up and she looked into his eyes.

They were beautiful.

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