c h a P t E r 6 ✔️

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"This is it. The day I move a step closer to my dream"  Haru stood in front of BigHit's door. She had just gotten out of a black van that was filled with their staff. They told her to go inside and they would move her luggage into her room and she nodded furiously.

She was told that her intense training would start from the day after and that she was free to unpack for today. She opened her soon to be dorm room and stepped inside her room. It had two beds and she understood that she would probably be sharing it with one of her band members.

She started moving in her furniture and then started unpacking her books into her shelf first. She was done setting her furniture by afternoon and decided to go meet her next door neighbors.

She hesitantly knocked on the door and it was opened to reveal a boy half naked with pajama pants. Haru's face turned red as she hid her eyes with her hands. The male at the door seemed quite confused but then suddenly screamed and started running around the dorm. "Taehyun! there's a cute girl at the door!" He screamed and ran behind another male. Haru looked through the gap in her fingers at the boy standing there with a toothbrush hanging from his mouth.

"Beomgyu hyung!" The one with the toothbrush yelled and then stood there standing asleep.

Another Boy walked out of the bathroom a towel wrapped around his waist and Haru flushed an even deeper shade of red.

The boy stopped in his way his eyes wide as he stared at the frail girl in front of the door.

"Um, Hey" The boy slowly waved.

"Oh god. I completely forgot that there was a new trainee moving in today." Beomgyu slapped his forehead and Heuningkai looked at her.

"She's the girl? Hello! I'm Heuningkai" The boy beamed and shook her hand.

"Soobin hyung and Yeonjun hyung are out right now. They'll be back soon. Taehyun in the shower. NOW! Heuningkai go and change. And- Haru, Right? Come on in!" Beomgyu ordered and everyone nodded.

"Ey ey sir!" the two of them yelled and ran off. Haru hesitantly walked in and looked at their very messy room. She sat down on the couch as the three boys fumbled around in a hurry trying to get everything done quickly. After about 15 minutes of hurrying around and Haru reassuring Taehyun that his outfit was fine, there was a knock on the door. Beomgyu sighed before opening the door and smiling at the two boys in front of the door.

"Hey, hyungs!!" He beamed as they all ran into the room together.

"YO! you must be Haru, right? I'm Yeonjun." One of them greeted. "I'm Soobin!" The other one greeted and Haru mentally squealed.

"I'm a huge fan of TXT!" Haru greeted back and smiled. Then they all headed over to her dorm and started helping her unpack.

"Woah! Those are a lot of posters!" Taehyun yelled as he opened her boxes filled with posters of kpop bands and My hero academia characters and a Tokyo ghoul one. Haru opened them all up and hung them up with the help of Soobin and Yeonjun as the other three took out all her clothes.

"Those are a lot of Kpop and Anime merch" Heuningkai exclaimed as he folded the shirts and sweatshirts and placed them on her closet shelves.

After about 2 more hours of joking around and unpacking, they were finally done.

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