C H a p T e r 27 ✔️

861 47 18

"Morning" Taehyun cheerfully greeted Haru who was sulking.

"C' mon Haru your never sad" He chorused as he threw his arm around her shoulder.

"I know I'm just so bored. Everything's the exact same. I wanna cut my hair" Haru replied and Taehyun widened his eyes.

"That was random" Kai replied and Haru shrugged.

"I'm gonna ask manager tonight" she replied and smiled.

"Well at least she's happy" Taehyun shrugged it off and Kai pulled his closer.

"I'm gonna ask her out today" he whispered and Taehyun smiled.

"Good. Because we were at that point were you both liked each other but weren't doing anything about it" Taehyun smiled as he managed to say the sentence without cursing.

"I love how innocent you are" Beomgyu replies as he patted Taehyun on the back.

The rest of the day rolled by pretty fast and soon Haru found herself talking to the manager about her haircut.......
He seemed to like the idea and agreed, but no one including the boys could see her until she was done with her hair and her practice.

Kai never understood the point of this and was bored the hell outta his mind waiting for the time when he could see Haru again.

"I wonder what her hair looks like now," Beomgyu commented as he threw a ball at the wall and caught it when it bounced back.

"You know her. She loves to take risks. Her hair before was pretty long. I'd be surprised if she hasn't cut off more than 3 inches." Yeonjun replied.

"Well, I wanna see her soon. Cause I miss her" Kai stated before looking up startled.

"Did I say that out loud?" He asked causing everyone to chuckle.

"Guys! The manager just sent me a text. Haru is coming over like right now" Soobin yelled and Kai broke out a grin.

"Let's go! We get to see her hair!" Taehyun yelled as the boys waited for Haru. As if on cue there was knock on the door and Yeonjun ran to open the door.

"Woah! You look so good!" He yelled as she walked in. Her hair was just about 2 cm above her shoulder. Her tips were dyed a faded blue blending into her brown hair with a lighter shade of blue. Kai was absolutely mesmerized. he was staring at her with his eyes wide open.

" I cut off 6 inches." She stated and everyone started clapping.

"That's our brave risk-taking girl" Beomgyu patted her on her back and she laughed.

Kai knew that this was it. He felt weird on the inside. Like a million butterflies had been released inside his stomach. If she could take risks then couldn't he?

So, he did~

He stood up and walked to her. Gently stroking her hair before smiling. Haru blushed at his sudden action while all the boys stood off to the side holding in their inner fanboys.

"You look so cute. really beautiful. Like an angel" he smiled at her and she let out her eye smile. Kai admired how her eyes formed such small crescents even though her eyes were huge. She had a really soft dimple on the left side.

"Thanks" She hugged him and he wrapped his arms around her too.



(Just to be clear Haru in this story is like 16 but happens to be in the same grade as Kai since she started school early and happens to be smart? Idk lol)

Just to be clear Kia isn't asking her out just yet.

He's just kind of hinting the fact that he likes her....


Bye~ Thanks for reading

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