Chapter 5 ~ Arcade

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I awoke to the sound of my phone going off. I rolled over and picked it up to see why it was going off. My mum was calling me.

(Phone convo with Mum)
M: morning y/n I am about to head down to the shops. Do you want me to drop over some clothes?
Y: yes please mum also good morning.
M:ok see you soon
Y: ok bye

Cruz woke up after I hung up. "Sorry if I woke you" I said. "Dont worry you didn't" he said. "How did you sleep?" "Pretty good" I said. "You?" "Yeah same" he said. We laid around for a bit before we heard the doorbell ring. I got up and answered the door to see mum with a bag of stuff I need to get ready. " Hi, Thank You" I said. "All good, I got to go bye" mum said. "Bye" I said as I shut the front door and went back upstairs. I quickly got dressed for the day and put on this:

I came out of the bathroom and did my hair while Cruz went in and got dressed. "Ready to go down?" I said as he came out of the bathroom. "Yup....race you" he said speeding past me. "Hey no fair" I said running after him. We both tied even tho he had a 10 second head start. "Morning guys" Victoria said. "Good morning" me and Cruz said at the same time. " Hey guys" Romeo said as he entered the dining room. "Hi" I said back. After we all said our good mornings and ate breakfast we heard the doorbell go off. Romeo got up and went to get the door as me and Cruz went and sat on the couch. I heard Romeos voice faintly talking to another voice which I didn't recognise. Romeo walked into the lounge room with another boy following behind him. "Y/n this is Monty and Monty this is y/n" Romeo said. "Hi" I said giving him a warm smile. "Hey, how are you" he said. "I'm pretty good, you?" I said. "Yeah same" he said. "You guys ready to go" David said walking into the room and grabbing the car keys. We all looked at each other for a second then said "yup". "Well let's go, everyone out to the car" he said. Harper came running down the stairs and I texted mum to tell her that Poppy needs to be out the front and we are on our way. We picked Poppy up and went to the arcade. Cruz and I both ran straight to the 2 on 2 basketball shooter game and versed each other. I won the first round 52-23. Then Cruz won the second round 30- 20 even though he cheated by throwing my balls out of the machine. I was playing pinball when Romeo walked up to me. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I said trying to give him some of my attention but still keep most of it on the game. "Do you wanna play just dance with me?" He said. "Sure" I said giving up on my game and walking over to the room with him. "What song do you want to dance too?" He said as he started setting it up. "I don't care to be honest" I said. "Ok how about bust a move" he said. "Sure". The song started playing and we started dancing.

Convo between you and Romeo (Romeo in bold)

R: So what are some of your hobbies
Y: I love to play soccer and Basketball, I am also good at art and music. What are yours?
R: I love tennis and I play a bit of football(soccer) in my spare time
Y: Cool, what's your favourite place you have ever travelled to in the entire world
R: Probably the Maldives or LA, what about you
Y: Probably Bora Bora or Paris. I hope to get engaged too or married in Paris one day
R: I love Paris too, that would probably come in third for me
Y: haha cool
R: What qualities do you look for in a guy?
Y: weird question but ok and probably humbleness, kind, caring and funny. What qualities do you look for in a girl?
R: Probably smart, brave, kind and fun to be around
Y: Nice, what's your favorite Movie?
R: Probably any throwback movie, what about you?
Y: it really depends on my mood. What is your favorite Food?
R: Pasta, you?
Y:same it's so good
R:haha I know right, favourite subject in school
Y: Well they all suck but if I had to pick I would say Math and Art, You?
R: Probably HPE and Science
Y:Nice, What are 3 words to describe yourself
R: hm probably humble, kind and funny, you
Y: haha very funny, and probably smart, brave and extremely fun to be around
R: haha perfect
Y: I know I know

The song ended and we both got off the machine, we then went over to the go karts and decided to race each other. We both got into a go kart and drove to the starting line. The man counted us down "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go!". I sped and over took Romeo almost immediately. We both started driving faster and faster trying to beat each other. We had 1 more lap to go and Romeo and I were currently tying. Romeo was within reach of the finish line when I went speeding past him and winning the race. "Haha I won, but good race Ro" I said. "Congrats and Ro... I like it" Romeo said. "I shall now call you y/n/n" Romeo said. "Haha ok" I said. We both got a text saying that we were leaving in 10 minutes. We both decided to go over to the cafe and get a drink. I got a bottle of Ice tea, same with Romeo and we sat down and continued to talk until Cruz, Monty, Harper and Poppy came back so we could all leave. We all got in the van and David dropped poppy and I home. Romeo and I became quite close at the arcade actually. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and said "Bye guys, Thank you David for the lift and it was a pleasure meeting you Monty" as I exited the car. "Your welcome" David said. "Are you free tomorrow?" Cruz said. "Yup, why" I said. "Wanna hang out again?" He said. "Sure just text me" I said as I shut the door and walked inside the house. "How was it" mum said. I continues to tell her about what happened at the arcade and then decided to go get ready for bed. I went upstairs, showered and got dressed. The second my head hit the pillow I fell into a deep sleep.

Hey guys next chapter will come out on the 21st of February. Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now