Chapter 12 ~ the water park

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I woke up laying sideways with my head on Romeos chestand Cruzs head on my lap while Romeos arm was wrapped around me. I sat up to see Romeo was already up. I quietly moved Cruz off of my lap and signalled Romeo to come to the kitchen with me. We got to the kitchen and I jumped on the kitchen bench as Romeo came and stood between my legs and gave me a hug. "Morning" I said with my arms wrapped around his neck. "Morning, I did wake you did I?" Romeo said with his hands wrapped around my waist. "No, I thought I woke you up to be honest" I said whispering. "That's good that I didn't wake you" Romeo said pulling me in closer and kissing me on the lips. I kissed back for about 5 seconds, when I remember what Cruz had told me. "Wait, what about Cruz? What if he comes in here?" I said worried Cruz would come in and then hate Romeo and I because we were kissing. "Y/n calm down, he's a really heavy sleeper he won't know anything" Romeo said leaning back in. I trusted him so when he kissed me again, I kissed back immediately. We made out for about 5 minutes before Cruz walked in the room yawning. Romeo and I tried to get away from each other as fast as possible. But it was already to late, Cruz had already seen us. He ran upstairs and slammed his bedroom door shut, waking every one up in the theatre. Fin and Tilly came running out to see what was going on. I ran upstairs after Cruz to try and talk to him. "Cruz I can explain" I said knocking frantically on his bedroom door. Not even thirty seconds later his bedroom door swung open and he stormed past me straight back down the stairs. He grabbed his coat and ran out the front door with me running after him. I sprinted over to my bag and ripped my shirt off and threw another one on quickly. I had bike bummers and socks on already so I threw in my sneakers and sprinted out the door and straight to the most obvious place Cruz would be at. The skate park. I immediately regretted running out of the house in really short clothing without a jacket in freezing cold weather at 6:30 am in the morning. About 5 minutes later I got to the skate park and saw Cruz sitting on a bench balling his eyes out. "Cruzzie, I'm really sorry. I can explain, but only if you just hear me out...please" I said feeling really upset. "How could you, he's my brother. Plus..." Cruz said mumbling the last part. "Plus what?" I said. "Cruz tell me" I said sitting down next to him. He looked away from me at the ground. I grabbed his face and made him look at me. He suddenly plunged at me and kissed me. "I like you ok... and seeing you with him... my brother" Cruz said. I was still in shock. "Cruz, your super sweet and all but I think of you as just a friend, I know you will find some amazing girl one day who will love you and be the best thing ever... but I don't feel the same way towards you and I am so sorry." I said truthfully. "Its ok, but why do you like Romeo?" Cruz asked. "I down know how I became attracted to him but he is so kind, and sweet and I can't really explain it but I just do" I said. "I'm sorry..." I said looking down feeling ashamed of myself. "It's fine, I'm happy for you guys" he said still sounding upset. "No, it's not okay Cruz, I went behind your back and broke the promise I made with you" I said feeling extremely bad for what has happened. "No it's Ok, I swear. Just as long as my bestfriend and my brother is happy, I am happy" Cruz said honestly. I just smiled and gave Cruz a hug. "Wanna go to the water park and hang out today. You know just us" I said. "Yup" Cruz said jumping up. " Its good to have my best friend back" I said. "Yup, I know. Race you to my house" Cruz said running off. "Hey, no far" I yelled out running after him. We got to his house and he went and spoke to Romeo while I went over to my house to get swimmers and a towel. I put my bikini on and put clothes over it then packed a bag. The weather outside had started to warm up, so I think Cruz and I will be alright at the water park. I went over to the Beckham's and Romeo came up to me immediately and smashed his lips onto me. I kissed back then pulled away. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. Cruz is in such a better mood now" Romeo said hugging me. "Haha it's all good" I said.

Time Skip to when you and Cruz went to the water park.

David took us in too the water park before it opened so he could speak with the manager. He went inside and came back out about 5 minutes later. "Right kids, go have fun the whole park is yours" David said. Cruz excitedly grabbed my hand and ran me over to this massive water slide. We through our stuff on a bench and took out clothes off so we were in our swimmers. We climbed up the ladder all the way to the top and went down the slide. We had the time of our lives. We mucked about in the pool for another 3 hours before we decided to go to the beach out the back and surf for a bit. After another hour of surfing we decided to head back to eat our lunch. We went back over to the table and snapped a couple of photos of eachother for Instagram before we ate our lunch. We both decided to post our photos at the same time.

Liked by @romeobeckham, @cruzbeckham and 6,890 others@y/n

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Liked by @romeobeckham, @cruzbeckham and 6,890 others
@y/n.y/l/n.14 🌊🌹☀️
Tagged: @cruzbeckham

@romeobeckham Holy smokes 😍😘😍
@y/n.y/l/n.14 @romeobeckham 😂😘
@cruzbeckham ily bestie ❤😍😂
@y/n.y/l/n.14 @cruzbeckham ily too ❤
@brooklynbeckham Wowza, I'm gonna be related to that one day 😂😂
@y/n.y/l/n.14 @brooklynbeckham 😂😂 what r u on about
@victoriabeckham glad you kids are having a great time. Xx.
@y/n.y/l/n.14 @victoriabeckham love you. Xx.
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Liked by @y/n.y/l/n.14, @romeobeckham and 198,899 others
@cruzbeckham 🤙🌊🔥
Tagged: @y/n.y/l/n.14

@Davidbeckham 🔥🔥🔥
@Brooklynbeckham dope 🔥
@cruzbeckham @brooklynbeckham Ik 😂
@y/n.y/l/n.14 ❤ great day with you cruzzie
@cruzbeckham @y/n.y/l/n.14 same with you y/n/n ❤
@romeobeckham wish I could of come
@cruzbeckham @romeobeckham nah it was our day 😂

After we posted on instagram Cruz made us both sandwiches and we ate our lunch then went through the water park again. We decided to pack up and head home to watch movies and play video games for the rest of the day.

Hey guys next chapter coming on the 14th of March Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now