44 ~ Exposed Part 1

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Time skip to a week later

I have been in LA for about a week now and Finn and I have been sneaking out every single night to hang out while the rest of the IT vast were asleep. It was currently 1 am and Finn and I were going out to get Ice Creams. "So when does your next movie come out?" I said to Finn as he pulled into the parking lot of this small ice cream store. "The Addams family comes out in a few weeks actually, the trailer gets released next week" He said smiling we he thought about the movie. "Cool" I said as we walked into the shop. We both ordered our Ice creams and then grabbed a booth to sit at while we waited for our Ice creams. A few short minutes later our number wad called and Finn paid so we could leave with our Ice creams. We grabbed our Ice creams and left the shop so we could go for a walk around LA. "When's your modeling project with Romeo come out?" Finn said as he linked our hands together. "Well I was meaning to talk to you about that... the massive premiere comes out on Saturday night next weekend" I said as we kept walking. "Mhm Congrats" Finn nodded as he looked at me and took a lick of his ice cream. "I was wondering if you wanted to fly back to London with me on Friday morning and be my plus one to the Premiere" I said as I looked up into his eyes. "I would love to, I'll text my manager to organise a plane ticket for me tomorrow" Finn said As he kissed me on the forehead. "Oh no it's Ok, still text your manager. But Victoria is going to be in LA on Wednesday and she is also flying back on Friday morning so you can fly back with me in her private jet" I said as we got close to the apartment building. "You sure she will be okay with it" Finn said worried about it. "Yeah, I'll text her tomorrow arvo to ask her if it's okay, but I'm sure she will be perfectly fine with it" I said as we walked through the front door of the lobby. "Okay" Finn said as he lent in and kissed my lips before entering the elevator. Once we got to the floor of Finns apartment we went inside and both went straight to his room and fell asleep.

Time skip to the next morning.

I woke up in a really good mood cuddled into Finns chest. I rolled over and grabbed my phone and saw it was now 10:30 am. "Finn" I whispered shouted as I shook him trying to get him to wake up. "Yeah babe" he said in a groggy morning voice. "We gotta get up, it's 10:30 am and the others are going to catch on to us if we don't get up" I said as I was half on top of him. "Its ok don't worry, they won't know" Finn said as he ran his finger through my hair. "You sure" I said as Finn just nodded and kissed me. I kissed back immediately hoping that I might be able to feel the same as when Romeo kissed me again. But I didn't, I just felt as if I was making out with someone I barely knew. We continued to kiss for a while before we heard the front door open. " Finn...we.... have to...stop" I said in between kisses, Finn was now on top of me. "Its fine, they all think we are both asleep so they won't come in here" He said as he went back to kissing me. I trusted Finn enough to keep going with him as I heard Jack's voice down the hallway. "And here we have Finn-OH MY GOD GUYS!!!" Jack yelled as he opened Finns door to us. I quickly shoved Finn off of me as I realised that Jack was on a live stream. "Here you have it kiddos, Y/S/N is real, Oi Sophia, Jaeden, Wyatt, Jeremey, Chosen come here" Jack yelled as he slammed Finns door shut and ran down the hallway. "Shit" Finn said as he got up and ran after Jack. I sprung out of Finns bed and followed him. "JACK END THE LIVE WE NEED TO TALK" Finn yelled as I got into the living room to find the both of them on opposite sides of the table and the others all sitting on the couch watching them. Jack ended the live and sat down on the couch and asked Finn to tell him what was happening. Finn explained that we started dating last week and that we both weren't planning on telling anyone yet. Finn and I's phones started blowing up with notifications and text messages half way through Finns explanation. I got a Call from Cruz in the middle of the notifications and quickly answered his call.

(Phone call with Cruz)
Y/n: Hey what's up?
Cruz: Hey, what is going on with you and Finn. The fans are tagging Romeo, Millie and I in a bunch of posts about you and Finn from the live stream of a guys named Jack
Y/n: Oh Yeah about that....
Cruz: Well?
Y/n: Finn had asked me out and Jack kind of just walked in on Finn kissing me and he had to go and tell the whole world.
Cruz: Oh, can you guys love to explain to the fans to leave Romeo and I out of it. Honestly I don't care if they keep going at Millie but at the least they have to keep Romeo out of this.
Y/n: Yeah ofcourse, I will go live in a minute with Finn we just have to sort some things out.
Cruz: Okay thank you so much *aaaaaahhhhh whhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyy*
Y/n: all good and don't mind me asking but who was that, because I know Romeo doesn't scream like that and it definatley wasn't Harper, Brooklyn, You, David orVictoria
Cruz: it was Millie she came over this morning
Y/n: Oh, what on earth is she screaming about?
Cruz: I don't know I'll ask, just a second.
Y/n: kk
Cruz: *a few seconds later* I'm sorry to say this but she is pissed that you now 'stole' Finn from her as well
Y/n: Oh, I didn't think they were together before
Cruz: They weren't but she seems to think they will be one day because the fans say so.
Y/n: haha Ok, I got to go and see if Finn is okay
Cruz: Okay bye, Love you
Y/n: Love you too Cruzzie bye

I hung up the phone and walked back inside to the living room. "Hey guys do you know where Finn is?" I said as I looked around and noticed that they weren't there. "He went back to his room because he got a phone call from Millie" Sophia said. "Shit she is pissed at me, I hope she isn't a bitch to Finn" I said as I grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge. "I'm really sorry, I didn't think you guys would have been in there doing that, I just wanted to annoy Finn and wake him up on my live" Jack said sympathetically. "Its Ok, the fans were going to find out soon. It was just earlier than we expected. Don't sweat it, it's all good" I said as I ruffled Jack's hair while walking towards Finns room. I walked in quietly and put the two water bottles down. I saw Finn sitting on the edge of his bed looking very frustrated and angry. "LOOK MILLIE YOU DON'T GET TO PICK AND CHOSE WHO I CAN AND CANT DATE. ITS THE SAMR DEAL WITH WHO IM FRIENDS WITH. Just stop I'm tired of your crap, Goodbye" Finn said as he let out a massive sigh, hung up and threw his phone across the room. "Hey" I said sympathetically as I came and climbed onto the bed behind him, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. Finn turned around and pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. I just texted my head on his shoulder and hugged him as tight as I could before asking if we could go live to explain to the fans what was happening and telling them to leave the Beckham's out of it.

We both sat our phones up and went live at the same time.

Y/n: Hey guys Finn and I are only going to be live for a little bit because we both have something to explain to you all. Oh hey Cruz
Finn: So Y/n and I are dating, we aren't official yet which is why you guys didn't know. The video going around from Jack's live stream is real, it was not staged
Y/n: Yeah basically what Finn just said, we didn't know Jack was live until he turned to his phone and started talking to most of you guys.
Finn: Just to be clear we are not going live get to get everyone's approval because we really couldn't care less whether your guys approved or not because it is our relationship after all.
Y/n: Also one more thing, the Beckham's have been nothing but kind and helpful to me, so please leave them out of this. Especially Romeo, it isn't his fault that we broke up. He is the kindest, sweetest, funniest guy ever and is one of the last people of this earth who should ever get dragged into something like this. I still really care about him so don't send him a hate or any crap from Finn and I's relationship. Same goes with Cruz he is my bestfriend so don't pull anything on him either.
Finn: I guess the same goes for Millie but it doesn't really matter to me as much for her. Anyways thank you guys for listening to us but we have to go, Bye.
Y/n: Bye

We both ended the live and were couch potatoes for the rest of the day.

Hey guys I was thinking of writting anpther Romeo beckham book, what do you guys think? Next chapter coming on the 8th of July 2019. Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now