Chapter 30 ~ Practice shoot

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"Y/n/n, wake up" Romeo said shaking me. "Shhh five more minutes" I said groaning while rolling over. "No, you gotta get up now!" He said still shaking me. "Romeoooo, shut up" I said pulling the blankets over my head. Suddenly Romeo ripped the blankets off of me, the cold air hit my skin sending chills throughout my body. "You gotta get up, the world is ending."Well in that case let me have my last sleep in" I said as I rolled up into a ball near my pillows. "Fine then Romeo said walking over to my window and opening it. The room got really cold but I didn't think anything of it. The room got really silent, 'finally he left me alone' I thought before trying to go back to sleep. Moments later I felt something really cold be dumped over my head. It was cold and hard, it wasn't water at all. "Shit" I yelled as I knocked over a vase while jumping up from the sudden hit of coldness. Romeo had threw a bucket of snow at me which he had gathered from my window sill. "Finally, now that your up we have a practice shoot today with Burberry. It's so we can get ready for the campaign" He said putting the bucket down and the blanket back on my bed. "Ugh... But why did it have to be so early" I groaned as I walked towards my closet before being stopped. "It's not early the shoots at 10:00 and it's 8:30, also.." Romeo said puckering his lips. "Nope" I said as I pushed his face back and continued making my way to the closet. I got dressed in some short shorts and a baggy sweater. I through my hair up into a messy bun and left my face natural. I came out of my room and saw Romeo sitting on the edge of my bed with his back towards me. I decided to sneak up behind him and scare him. I snuck up behind him and pulled him onto the bed so he was facing the roof. Straddling him in the process. "Woah you sca-" I cut him off by kissing him. We made out for 15 minutes before Victoria walked into our room.

"Hey you guys are going to be la-" she said before streaking over the fact Romeo and I were making out on the bed. "Oh my goodness guys, stop!!!, your going to be late" she said as Romeo and I stopped kissing and started laughing. Victoria went to my closet to grab me a pair of shoes and a denim jacket so we could leave. Romeo and I deliberately started making out again to annoy Victoria again. As Romeos hands started roaming my body and the kiss started deepening Victoria walked back in the room. "Ok that's it, no more" Victoria said grabbing a pillow and wacking us with it. We quickly got up and put our shoes on. I put my denim jacket and Adidas sneakers on then we left for Burberry.

Time skip to when they arrived at Burberry

"Hey guys" Beth said walking up to us. "Hi we both said giving her a hug. "Hair and makeup is this way she said taking Romeo and I to a room while Victoria went somewhere else. We both sat in the stool while two peoples came and started doing my hair and make up, and one person went to Romeo to style his hair. After we got out hair and makeup done we went to wardrobe and got dressed. Ten minutes later we headed into the main part of the studio were they started taking photos. "Y/n, go on that top stool, Romeo go on the bottom one. Act natural, be creative wi5h your poses guys" They camera man said as we started to posing. The photo shoot went on for an hour before we were able go leave. Victoria came and looked at the photos while Romeo and I changed back into our normal clothes and left to get Starbucks.

Hey guys next chapter coming on the 15th of May. Sorry this chapter is super short. The next one will be longer I promise. Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now