42 ~ Calpurnia

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I rolled over onto the left side of my body and stared at the wall out of pure Bordem. As I rolled onto my back I got a phone call. I sat sip and grabbed my phone from the end of my bed and looked at the contact name. I saw Finn was calling so I answered him immediatley.

Phone call with Finn
Finn: Hey
Y/n: Hey, how are you
Finn: I'm pretty Good, what about you?
Y/n: Yeah I'm Good, wassup?
Finn: So, my band and I have a concert on tonight...
Y/n: Omg cool, im sure you guys arw going to do amazing
Finn: Thanks but I wanted to know If you wanted to come and see us perform?
Y/n: Omg I would love too, what time?
Finn: 6:00 tonight
Y/n: cool, I'll be there
Finn: Ok, its at the cricket field in town. When you arrive and get through security. Go to the back stage door and tell those security guards your name and the will let you through to our dressing room. I'll let them know your name and I'll text you the room number later
Y/n: Okay cool
Finn: I got to go rehearse, see you later
Y/n: Of course, see ya Finnie
Finn: haha See ya y/n/n

I hung up the phone and went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I grabbed a black body suit that ties around the back of my neck, a black and white skirt, an oversized distressed denim jacket, dr Martin's and a black beanie. I grabbed a choker and some rings then went to the bathroom to have a shower and get changed. After I showered it was now 2:30. I got dressed and straightened my hair. I then did my makeup and packed a small bag with my phone, portable charger, perfume, headphones and gum in. I then checked the time one last time and saw it was 3:30 So I decided to watch a movie. About an 1 hour and 15 minutes later it was now 4:45. I called an uber to take me to Finns show.

Time skip to when you arrived at Finns concert.

My uber dropped me off outside of the massive field Finns band is going to be playing on. I got to the outside of the gate and grabbed my phone with the ticket on it ready to show the security guards. Be for I showed them the copy of the ticket Finn sent me the all looked at eachother nodded and then let me threw. As I got in I looked around and say many more gates a bunch of people on the field and then the massive stage down the end. I pulled out my phone and texted Finn.

Hey, I made it here alive 😂

I started to head towards the stage when a really big security guard came up to me. "Are you Y/n Y/l/n" he said in a deep voice as he towered over me. "Yes sir" I said as I tried to not act scared. "You can call me Mark and right this way miss" he said as he lead me to the back door of the stage. I thanked him as the other guards let me go back stage. As I got back stage and got a text from finn as I started walking.

Haha that's good the room I'm in right now is 305

I continued walked down the long corridor until I heard the sound of drums. I checked the room number and saw it was room 305. I knocked and a really pretty girl with blonde hair and a guitar in her hand opened the door. "Hi you must be Y/n, I'm Ayla" she said as she opened the door all the way and gave me a hug. "Yeah and Hi it's really nice to meet you" I said hugging her back. "Come in" she said as I walked in and closed the door behind her. "Guys this is Y/n, the girl Finnie boi won't stop talking about" she said catching the attention of the other two boys in the room, laughing. "Hi I'm Malcolm and this is Jack" Malcom said as he put his drumsticks and came over and shook my hand. "Pleasure meeting you" Jack said as he put his guitar down and also shook my hand. "Where's Finn?" I said as he came out of the bathroom looking very handsome. "Woah" he whispered to himself as he looked me up and down. "Hey" he said giving me a massive hug. "Hi" I said hugging him back. "I'm so glad you could make it tonight" he said as we pulled back slightly, but we're still in each others arms. "Well I'm glad you invited me" I said as I staired into his eyes. His eyes were like Romeos, except Finns eyes seemed to be giving off a much more calming vibe. "Hey lover boy, we got to get going we are about to go on" Malxom called on to Finn as the others started to head out to the actual backstage area. "Okay" Finn called back as he still held me and looked towards the door. "I got to go now, go with Mark and he will take you to an area where you can see properly" Finn said as he gave me one last hug. " Okay, goodluck you will be amazing Finn" I said as I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and walked over to Mark. As Mark started to take me out of the room, I quickly turned around to see Finn standing there with a very flustered look on his face. He had his hand on the back of his neck and he was smiling really big. I walked down the corridor once again and got to a door, I passed Ayla, Malcom and Jack wishing them all a good luck and went to the area were I could see the crowd and the whole stage perfectly.

Time skip to the end of the concert

"Thank you very much guys, have a good night" Finn said as the crowd went wild and the whole of Calpurnia came off stage. As Finn got off stage he appeared to be looking around for someone, suddenly Ayla tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at me. He started walking towards me as I speed up and ran to him, jumping in his arms giving him the biggest hug ever. " Oh my God you were so good, I am literally so proud of you" I said into his ear as my arms stayed wrapped around his neck. "Haha thank you, so I'm taking it as you liked the show" he said putting me down and smiling at me. "Are you kidding, I loved it" I said as we walked back to his dressing room. Ayla, Jack, Malcolm, Finn and I all hung around for a while before we all decided to head off. I said good bye to Ayla, Jack and Malcolm, before Finn decided he was gonna walk me home. We got to my house and Finn came up to my room with me. We were laying on bed watching a movie and must have crashed because that's all I remember of what happend from that amazing night.

Hey guys next chapter coming on the 30th of June. (Sorry if you saw September, I wasnt paying attention while writting this last bit). Xx

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