37 ~ Accident

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...I heard a horn go and tires screech as everything suddenly went black...

Romeos POV
'I can't believe I just did that' I thought to myself as I sat on the park bench worrying about Y/n. I am still so angry at myself for yelling at me girlfriend. 'What if she gets lost, or kidnapped? What if I never see her again?' I thought to my self as a massive wave of anxiety started to hit me. "Hey, is this where you ran off too" a soft voice said as they sat next to me on the bench. 'Oh it's only Millie' I thought to myself, "hey and yeah" I said in a small voice. "What you did for me back there was so sweet Ro" she said smiling to her self. 'I didn't do it for, I did it for Y/ns sake. I didn't want her to get hurt or in trouble'I though to myself before nodding my head. Suddenly my phone started ringing.

Phone convo
(Romeo in Bold, Victoria in Italics)

R:Hey mum What's up?
V: Romeo come back to the hotel immediately
R: Why?
V: I need you to look after Harper and Poppy now
R: Why? Your with them
R: ok, ok, I'm coming

My heart started to race as I began to feel myself starting to sprint towards the hotel. I burst through the hotel door to see Harper and Poppy watching a movie on the couch with all the lights off. I looked around the room to see if anyone else was home. "Where is everyone?" I asked the both of the girls. "I don't know" Harper said. "All we know is that my mommy got a call and everyone started freaking out" Poppy said without taking her yes off of the movie. "Okay" I said as Millie came in and went and sat with the two girls. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a drink. After I grabbed a bottle of water I flicked the kitchen lights on so I could get something to eat. As I turned around I saw Cruz huddled up into he corner of the kitchen with his head buried in between his knees. "CRUZ" I said as I dove down beside home to see if he was alright. I placed my hand on his shoulder as Cruz looked up at me with tears pouring out of his eyes, his expression changed from complete sadness to a look of pure rage. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, IF YOU COULD LEARN TO CONTROL WHAT YOU SAY THIS WOULDNT HAVE HAPPENED" Cruz screamed at me as he through my hand off of his shoulder. "What are you on about?" I said shocked at his sudden outburst. "If it wasn't for you, Y/n would have ran off. She wouldn't of gotten hit by a car and she wouldn't be in a coma in the hospital right night" he said through gritted teeth. "WHAT" I yelled as I grabbed my phone and started sprinting to the hospital. The hospital was quite a large distance away but I didn't care because Y/n is my girlfriend and I love her. I arrived at the hospital 30 minutes later and asked the lady at the desk what room Y/n was in. "floor 4 room 32" She said as I bolted towards the elevator. Once I arrived on the floor that Y/n was one I tried desperately to find her room. When I finally found her room, I felt my throat start to close in and I began to feel dizzy. I saw our families plus the Irwins sitting in the waiting room. I snuck past them and peered into the window leading into her room. She looked so pale, I started to feel extremely upset that I was the reason she was in this state. As I starred at her appearance noticing every single cut and bruise that covered her body, I felt a hot tear fall down my cheek. As one tear after the other started falling I couldn't control them anymore. I jumped as I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. I slowly turned around to find Mum with puffy red eyes and a runny nose. I gave her a big hug and cried into her dress for five minutes before returning my attention back to Y/n. "What happend" I said as I started at Y/n laying in that hospital bed as if she had no life left in her. "A drunk driver hit her a few hours ago" Mum said as tears started to swell up in her eyes again. "Why aren't you with the other kids" She said looking at me up and down noticing how much I was sweating. "They are at home, Millie is watching them. I was going to but the Cruz told me Y/n was in hospital so I ran here" I said looking down. "Ok" Victoria said as she walked me back to the waiting room with her. Hour by hour passed before I dozed off, leaving back to the hotel the next morning...

News headline:
Late last night a 15 year old girl was hit by a drunk driver down on the outer skirts of the Gold Coast. This young girl has been identified as a 15 year old girl, named Y/n Y/l/n. Y/n was here in Australia on a holiday with Millie Bobby Brown, The Irwins, The Beckham's and her family before this tragic incident. Y/n was also Identified as Romeo Beckham's girlfriend. Earlier she was seen by fans of the Beckham's in a fight with young actress, Millie Bobby Brown. What was the fight over? Who knows. All that was said by witnesses of the fight was that they had seen Romeo Beckham yell at Y/n moments before she ran off, later on getting hit by a car. The driver of the car had hit her and ran off leaving her laying on the ground fughting for her life. The driver was later identified as 34 year old, John Atkins. Y/n is currently in a coma in hospital but is going extremely strong.

Y/n Pov
*Beep - Beep - Beep* I awoke with a sharp pain bolting through out my body as I laid there in a bed freezing cold. I heard a heart monitor beeping as I lay there still for few minutes before deciding to finally open my eyes. I tried to speak and sit up as I saw Mum and Robert rush over to me. Robert handed me a glass of water which made my extremely dry, sore throat to feel much better, allowing me to speak more clearly. "What happened and where am I?" I said as I sat up properly and started too take in all the cuts, bruises and casts that took over a majority of my body. "Y/n, your awake" some man in some coat said as he walked through the door into the room I was in, interrupting my dad who was going to answer my question. "I'm Dr Murray, I am just going to do a quick examination on you to see if everything is going well" he said as he grabbed a torch and started looking in my eyes. "Now you do know what happened don't you?" He said as he started scribbling on some piece of paper. "Well...I saw a light and then got hit by the light" I said bluntly and slightly confused. "Yes, do you know what that light was?" He said. "Well yeah, it was a car" I said in a duh tone. "Yes very good, that will be all. The nurses will take you to run some small basic physical tests later and you should then be set to leave tomorrow" he said positively as he left the room. "Hi gu- Y/n/n your awake". Cruz said as he rushed over and gave me a big hug, followed by a kiss on the forehead. " Hi....Where's Romeo?" I said as I scanned the room noticing that the only person missing from the room was Romeo. " Oh he is out at the moment" Brooklyn said. "Quit lying Brooklyn, he's being a little you know what. He is such a 'great' boyfriend, he put you here and he still hasn't came and visited you yet" Cruz said sounding annoyed at his two older brothers. "You know what he is- "okay that's enough Cruz, I'm sure Romeo didn't mean it" David said speaking up. "It's not his fault Cruz, the guy was drunk" I said started to feel a little upset. "Yeah but he still..." Cruz said looking down. "The main thing is that your safe" Brooklyn said coming and giving me a hug.

Time skip to when you arrive back at the hotel.

We pulled up out side of the hospital and we walked to the elevator to go back to the room. "When are we going back to the Irwins?" I asked out of curiosity. "We will leave to go back there in 3 days sweetie" Victoria answered smiling at me. "Okay" I said as the elevator door opened letting us all out. I walked inside of my hotel room with Cruz and Robert following closely behind. "What do you guys want to do?" I said as I put my phone on charge. "I dont know" Cruz said as he looked at Robert. "Well what do you want to do now Y/n" Robert said as he sat down. "Hmm...Oh I know let's go to Wet n Wild" I said excitedly. "Y/N!!! You just got hit by a car, No. How about we give you one more day of rest before we go and do anything crazy, ok?" Cruz said sounding like he really cared about me. "Yeah, your right. Netflix?" I said sitting on the couch. "Yup" Robert and Cruz said at the same time as Robert put the first episode of Friends on.

Hey guys next chapter coming on the 10th of June. Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now