21 ~ hanging with Tilly

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2 days later
*Buzz - Buzz - Buzz - Buzz* I awoke to my phone going off. I rolled over to check it and saw that Tilly was texting me.

Morning boo, I am filming for my show today and I was wondering if you and the guys wanted to swing by so you could be a guest on my show today. Xx

Morning Honey bun, I would love to swing by this morning and I would love to be a guest on your show even more. I'll ask the guys if they want to come to rn, I'm sure they will want too. What time do you want us to be at your house?

Cool and how about 9?

Sounds good see you then Xx

Kk bye xx

I got up and walked over to Romeos side of the bed. I sat next to him and shook him lightly. "Romeo, wanna go to Tillys house, she is filming today" I said. Romeo rub his eyes and sat up "yeah sure, what time?" He said. "She said to be their by nine so be dressed and ready by 8:30" I said. "Okay" He said as he got up and walked to the bathroom. I went to wake up Fin and Cruz next. I walked over to their bed and woke Fin up first. "Fin, wanna hang out with Tilly today" I said as I shook him awake. "Mhm what time" He said still half asleep. "9" I said. "Okay what time is it now" He said "8:50" I said trying to get him to actually get up. He sprung out of bed and dashed to the bathroom. The bathroom door shut and then opened again. "It is not 8:50 y/n, it's only 7:45" Fin said lookin kind of annoyes that I lied to him. "I know I was just trying to get you up" I said trying not to laugh. He just chuckled to himself and shut the bathroom door. I jumped onto the bed where Fin just was and started shaking Cruz. "Cruzzie, Cruzzie get upppp" I said shaking him vigorously. "Y/nnnnnnn" He said rolling over and pulling the sheets over his head. "Cruz, quick the building is being attacked by bears and snakes are learning how to fly" I said trying to get him up. "Omg really, you better go stop them" he said sarcastically. "Ok then, that's not the truth" I said trying to think of something else that will actually get him out of bed. "I'm pregnant and Romeos the dad" I said. "What" Cruz said as he sprung out of bed. "I'm kidding I'm not actually" I said. "Jesus Christ, you scared me for s second" Cruz said sitting back down on the bed. I just laughed at him and said "clearly". "So why did you need me up so urgently and where are the others" Cruz said looking around us. "The others are getting dressed and I needed you up because we are going to Tillys house at nine" I said. "Oh ok" He said. I grabbed my phone and sat back on Cruzs bed with him while we waited for the others. I was on my phone when Cruz pulled me into his lap and started cuddling me and dozing back off to sleep while sitting. "Cruz you need to stay awake" I said looking at his face which was rested on my shoulder. "I know I'm just resting my eyes" He said as Romeo walked into the room. "What are you tryna steal my girl Cruz" Romeo said jokingly as he pulled me away from Cruz and started hugging me. "No I'm just tired and she is my bestfriend so are you tryna steal my best friend" Cruz said in a joking manner. "No" Romeo said laughing and kissing me on the lips. "Ugh get a room" Fin said as he walked out of the bathroom. " We are in a room and if you dont like it you can get out sow e can finish this" Romeo said trying to sound serious. Cruz and Fins mouths dropped in shock. Romeo turned back to me and kissed me again to stir them up more. "Omg guys stop" Cruz said pulling us apart. Romeo and I just laughed. "Ima go get ready" I said as I walked towards the bathroom as Cruz went to the other one. I jumped in the shower then got our and got dressed quickly I put on a short black skirt with a metal chain, Dr Martin's, a checkered strapless crop top and a leather jacket. I left my hair in my natural waves and applied a little bit of makeup. I came out of the bathroom and sat on my phone for 20 minutes before we decided to leave.

Time skip to when you arrive at Tillys

"Omg hi come in, im so excited. How are you feeling" Tilly said running over to me and giving me a hug and bringing me into the house. "Um hi" Cruz said still standing at the door looking at Tilly and I as if we had forgotten them. "Oh sorry, Hey" she said giving each of the boys a hug and welcoming them in. "Anyways y/n today we are cooking beef Wellington, veggie pasta and crepes" Tilly said sounding really excited. "Cool" I said as I saw the camera men setting up. The boys went and sat down at the dining room tables so that they could watch us and be out of ths way. "Ok so make sure you are out of view of the camera when they start filming and when I have done my introduction and I introduce you jump into view of the camera and come join me beside the counter" Tilly said giving me instructions of what to do. I walked so I was out of view of the camera like Tilly said and waited. "Hi guys Tilly here and today I will be showing you all how to make a delicious but easy beef Wellington, a very healthy veggie pasta and some extra yummy crepes. But there is a small difference in today's show. I when a special guest with me... please welcome......one of my bestfriends y/n y/l/n" After I heard Tilly say this I jumped in the camera frame and waved. We filmed for 2 hours and 30 minutes then had a small break. Romeo and I went down the road and got everyone lunch while the beef Wellington was cooking. We walked and held hands the whole way there. We arrived back at the Ramseys house, are lunch and finished filming. After we had finished filming for the day Tilly and I had a sleep over.

Time skip to the sleep over.

"So how are you and Romeo" Tilly said as she turned her aircon on. "Really good thanks" I said. "Have you guys done anything yet" Tilly said. "What no!! We are only 15" I said. "Oh not like that" Tilly said dying of laughter as I sat there confused. "Then like what" I said. "Like have you guys kissed or anything" she said still laughing. "Oh yeah heaps of times why" I asked. "Just wondering because you guys are so close I just thought that you guys have had to have already done that before" she said. "Oh ok" I said laughing. I got up showered and changed into my pjs and headed straight to bed because I was so tired.

Hey guys I will be away for a bit for a school thing so next chapter won't be coming out until the 8th of April. Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now