35 ~ Flight to Brisbane

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"Y/n, Robert can you guys come down stairs for a minute" Terri called up the stairs towards Roberts bedroom. We were both currently laying on his bed with my head in his lap, scrolling through our phones. "Let's go" I said jumping up as Robert got up sluggishly. "But I want to stay here!!! I was comfortable" he said in a jokingly whiney tone. "Let's go Mister" I said dragging him out of his room and down the hallway. We got to the bottom of the stairs and saw everyone sitting in the kitchen already. They all appeared to be waiting for us to come to the kitchen so they could discuss something. "Kids, you all need to pack or repack your suitcases with enough clothes in it for three days because we are going to head to the gold coast. "Cool" we all said as we got up to go back up stairs. "You will need normal everyday clothes, some nice clothes and some swimmers" Victoria called out to us all as all of us kids besides Tyler and Brooklyn. After I packed I headed back to Roberts room. I passed Romeo in the hall and said a quick him to him, in which he responded with a huff and a roll of his eyes. 'Jeez, no need to be a rude prick' I thought to myself as I entered Roberts room to see him and Cruz playing video games.

We all played video games for a while before it was time for dinner. Romeo and Millie were extremely quiet at dinner. After we all ate we all showered and went to bed. I fell asleep until 12:45 am and then couldn't go back to sleep. I was extremely tired and exhausted but I couldn't sleep. I rolled over and grabbed my phone to text Robert to see if he was up.

Hey r u up? I can't sleep

Yeah, I can't sleep either. Wanna come to my room to talk?

Yeah, one sec. I gotta get past Millie who has so kindly decided to block the doorway

Oh haha ok c u in a minute

I got up and snuck over to the door. As much as I wanted to hit Millie, I tried my best to open the door enough for me to get out. Once I got out the door I snuck to Roberts room, who was already standing there with his door opened for me to come in. "Hey" I whisper yelled as Robert shut the door behind me once I entered. "Hey" he said as we went and sat on his bed. We both laid down on his bed in the door so we don't wake anyone up. As I laid there I started thinking about me and Romeo and how much he seems to hate me at the moment. "Hey, come here" Robert said as he opened his arms offering me a hug. We laid in the same position before the both of us feel asleep.

Time skip to the morning, before you leave for the airport

"Guys, you gotta get up before Romeo sees you or you both are going to die" Tyler said shaking Robert and I obnoxiously. "Ok, I'm up" I said in an obvious bad mood. "What the hell is going on" Tyler said as he handed me my clothes and went and locked the door. "What do you mean" I said as Robert went to the bathroom. "Why were you and Robert cuddling? Romeo is your boyfriend afterall" Tyler said in complete shock. "I couldn't sleep last night" I said in an annoyed tone while looking out the window. "And besides... I dont think Romeo would care whether I got hit by a truck or not at the moment because he has his 'precious' Millie" I said in a sarcastic, mocking tone. "I will be having a word with you later" Tyler said shaking his head as he left the room. "Ugh" I said as I got dressed in the bathroom.

Time skip until you are on the plane.

We got on the plane and I headed over to sit in a booth with Cruz and Robert because Romeo was already cuddled up in his booth with Mille. I honestly don't get it, he always with her. I just wish things would go back to the way it used to be.

Time skip to when you guys landed.

We landed in the gold coast about an hour later. We got off the plane and headed through security so we could go to baggage claim. As we were halfway put of the airport security a bunch of paparazzi were there taking many photos of us all and bombarding us with questions. "Y/n, why aren't you next to Romeo" "Millie are you dating Romeo" "Robert, who is your new girl" "Y/n or Romeo are you guys cheating on eachother?". I heard being screamed at us all from left and right. When someone asked if Millie was dating Romeo and if Romeo was cheating on me, I felt my heart start to sting really bad. As if someone had just ripped my heart out of my chest and slapped it into next week. We collected our bags and this hurt feeling would not leave. Once we arrived at the hotel and settled in, I chose a room with Bindi, Poppy and Harper to share while Cruz, Robert, Romeo and Millie took another room. Brooklyn and Tyler had their separate rooms and same with the adults. I started to feel really nauseous thinking about Romeo and Millie. I had this massive feeling deep with in my gut that something really bad was going to happen to Romeo and I's relationship during this trip. I just decided to sleep it off instead of worrying any more.

Hey guys next chapter coming on the 3rd of June. Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora