33 ~ hanging with the Irwins

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I woke up really early this morning for some reason. I laid in bed for a bit before grabbing my phone to check the time so I can get up. It was 6:30 so I went for a quick shower to wake myself up properly and then got dressed. I grabbed a white teeshirt, blue and white stripped denim shorts and my Adidas white sneakers. I then left my hair out and put on some mascara before going back to sit on my bed for a bit. My phone buzzed and I got a text just as I sat down so I quickly checked it.

Hey Y/n, I don't know if your up or not but if you are do you want to go on a private tour of the zoo with me? Also sorry of I woke you by sending this text.

Hey Robert, I would love to go on the tour and don't worry you didn't wake me up at all.

Ok cool, Meet me in the kitchen downstairs in 5 for breakfast.

Ok see you then. Xx


I got up and started heading downstairs. 'Robert is so sweet' I thought to myself as I walked down the stairs. "Hey" I said as I got to the bottom of the stairs and saw Robert making cereal. "Hey" he smiled while looking up at me. "Sorry it's not real flash or anything, I just didn't want to wake everyone up" he said coming and sitting next to me at the table. "It's all good, I think it's perfect" I said as we started eating.

After breakfast Robert started taking me on a tour around the Zoo. We walked for a few minutes before I met the first animal. Her name is Josie and she is a red-necked wallaby. She had the most gorgeous brown eyes and incredibly soft fur. *Click* I heard a camera snap go off and I looked up to see Robert knelt down above the wallaby and I taking photos. "Sorry I hope you don't mind, you guys just looked so cute and the zoo needs more photos of human interactions with the animals" He said going a slight shade of red. "Awe, Its ok. I don't mind and I don't think this little guy minded the bit of extra attention anyway" I said making the both of us laugh. We walked around the Zoo meeting the rest of the animals before returning back to the house for lunch.

"Hey" Robert and I said as we walked through the front door into the living room. Everyone was sitting spread out across the couch and Victoria, Mum and Terri were in the kitchen cooking lunch. "Hi" said Cruz as he patted the two empty seats beside him for Robert and I to sit on. As I sat down I noticed Romeo and Millie laying on the couch opposite us. They were laying in a position where Millie was in between Romeos legs cuddled into his chest, while Romeo laid on his back with his arms wrapped around her. They were both sound asleep and looked as comfortable as ever. I felt a strike of pain and jealous bolt through my body as I continued to watch the both of them sleep. "What's the go with them" I whispered to Cruz with a tone of annoyance in my voice. " They have been like that all day...pathetic I know right" Cruz said starring angrily at his older brother. I just rolled my eyes and then laid back onto Roberts chest, putting my legs up on Cruzs lap in the process. Cruz looked over at me giving me a small smile before returning back to watching the movie. Whereas Robert turned a bit do it was more comfortable for the both of us and wrapped his arms around me. I guess I kinda fell asleep in this position because I don't remember what happened next.

Time skip to after dinner

"Y/N can I talk to you?" Romeo said getting up from the table. "Yeah sure what's up" I said as I followed him into the room he was staying in. "What the hell, why are you with Robert so much. Your my girlfriend and I don't think you should be cuddling up to him and always hanging out with him because he isn't good for you. I don't trust or like him" Romeo said sounding really angry. "Im sorry but What?" I said in shock at the fact Romeo is practically describing my emotions towards him and Millie also because I know that he can not tell me who I can and can't hang out with. "You heard me" he said as the vains on his neck started popping out as his face reddend while he balled his fists up. "But your doing the same with Millie" I said getting up and storming out of the room in anger. I walked straight into Bindis room that her, Millie and I all have to share and went straight to bed.

Hey guys next chapter coming on the 27th of May. Xx

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