701 21 6

"Team Red has earned 1 point. Now return to your bases and the next round will start once you hear the whistle"

The Red team ran back to their base celebrating, while the yellow team was refilling, their now empty paint tubes.
"I didn't know you could shoot from that far" Taehyung said in disbelief.
Jennie who was flustered by the comment, couldn't do anything but giggle.

"Kamsamida" She later replied, though it sounded muffled from the helmet she had on.
"Ok any ideas for a plan this round?" The mint haired man interrupted.
"How bout we switch, so we and Taehyung-oppa guard while you and Jimin-oppa, try to score." The brunette said to Suga.
"Ok fine with me"
Then a whistle was heard in the distance"
"Let's do this"

Jimin and Suga had ran out dodging any bullet of paint that came at them as they hid behind a tree.
"You go to the left and I'll go to the right" Jimin nodded in response.
"One, Two, Three!"
With that both the shorties of BTS ran for their lives, hiding behind trees even closer to Yellow teams base.
All you could hear were frantic screams and yells of the leader telling Jeonkook that they were behind the trees, but Jeonkook being Jeonkook just ignored him as he followed J-hope into Red teams territory.

While RapMon was watching Jeonkook in disbelief, this gave Jimin the perfect shot.


"RapMonster has been eliminated by Jimin"
"Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me"


"V has been eliminated by Jeonkook"

With that said, Jennie jerked her head back to see J-Hope and Jeonkook sneaking closer to the board. They had caught the 2 Gucci lovers off guard, making the perfect shot to get them out. Jennie ran behind the tree closest to them as she tried sneaking up on the two.


Missed by a millimeter.

It made both J-hope and Jeonkook frantically look around trying to see where the shots had come from. Until their eyes landed on Jennie.

Ba-oh no.

"Hurry! get her hyung, she's out of paint!!"

With those exact words, without even looking back, Jennie ran for her life.


"Yellow team has earned 1 point. Go back to your bases."
Once they were at their bases, everyone got a refill and a drink of water.
"Get ready round 3 will start in 5 seconds"
This time a buzzer was heard instead of whistle.

"Suga has been eliminated by J-Hope"

"Yellow team has earned 1 point"

"RapMonster has been eliminated by Jennie"

"J-Hope has been eliminated Jennie"

"Jin has been eliminated by Jimin"

"Red team has earned a point"

"Red team has earned a point"

"Yellow team has earned a point"

IT WAS ALWAYS JENMIN.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora