Chapter 10

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(Drama's P.O.V)

I walked to Sam's place, since he invited me to discuss a few things. I rang his door bell and he answered, pointing me up the stairs and I walked upstairs with him. We got into his room and we sat on his bed, him facing me with a smirk.

"Why did you invite me here? We aren't even friends Sam." I said, getting uncomfortable.

"But I did hear you don't like Abigail Hemmings very much." His smirk began to widen and I was lost on where he was going with this.


"I have an idea on how to ruin Abigail, but I need your help."

I smiled. "Tell me more..."

(Ashton's P.O.V)

Only a couple more days till March break and I am soo excited to spend some time to go out places with Abigail. I just want as much time as I can get to just relax and just show Abigail how much she really means to me.

Currently I was in last period, looking through my science work and sighing. God dammit I hate work. Why do kids even have to go to school? Why can't we just all be dumb?

The bell rang and I instantly grabbed my bag and my work and speed walked out of the classroom, going to my locker and putting my textbook inside before locking it up and jogging to Abigail's locker. She was leaned against her locker with her bag on her back and her eyes glued to her phone.

"Abbie!" I jogged up to her and picked her up.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I set her down, kissing her forehead. She slipped get phone into her pocket and gave me a bright smile.

"Hi, Ashy." She giggled and I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Hey Abbie." I smirked and she poked my dimples, making me chuckle.

"Only 3 more days till March break, you excited?" She asked as we started walking down the hall and out the front doors to my car.

"Yes, cause that means I get more time with the one person I love." I wrapped my arms around her as we walked and she tried to pull me off her while laughing but she was too weak.

She licked me and I flung off of her while laughing. "Your such a dog."

She ran to my car and I shook my head before walking over to my car and getting inside with her.

"So when was the last time you talked to Drama?" I asked as I pulled out of the parking lot and drove to Abigail's house.

"I think last week or longer, I don't know and to be honest I couldn't care less about Drama. He got so worked up over nothing and I just...I just don't wanna deal with him if he doesn't wanna deal with me." She sighed and looked out the window.

I placed my hand on her thigh and smiled slightly, looking away from the road every now and then to glance at her.

"Don't worry Abigail, it's gonna turn out alright at the end, I know it. Trust me, okay?" She looked at me and nodded slowly.

"Yeah alright..." She looked out the window again and I kept my hand on her thigh to try and make her feel better.

(Abigail's P.O.V)

"Thanks for driving me home, I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed Ashton before walking inside and heading to the kitchen where my mom was making dinner.

She smiled at me as I sat on one of the bar stools and put my bag beside me.

"How was school Abigail?" She asked while chopping some cucumber.

"It was great, same old stuff." I took out my phone and looked through my twitter.

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