Chapter 25

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(Abigail's P.O.V)

"What happened last night, was just fucking insane! Why did your brother, and your best friend, break into my house?!" Ashton ranted on, yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Ash, calm down okay-" He cut my off and continued yelling.

Why can't he just shut up? I know what they did was completely wrong but god, stop yelling.

The doorbell rang and I sighed. "Stay here and try not to break things. Okay?"

Ashton nodded and I went downstairs to open the door. Sierra smiled and I smiled slightly.

"Come in." I moved from the doorway to let Sierra in.

She walked inside and I shut the door. I grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs to Ashton's room. When she saw Ashton, she took a deep breath and smiled.

"Hi Ashton." She said.

"Hello." Ashton said awkwardly.

"If you don't mind me asking...why were you yelling? I could hear it through the window." Sierra asked while sitting on the computer chair.

"Because of what you did last night with Luke." Ashton said, starting to slowly cool down.

"Yeah...about that...I'm sorry you guys. Luke said he was gonna go and I didn't want him to go alone and I should have stopped him at your place Abigail and I'm SOOO sorry and-" I cut Sierra off.

"Okay. It's alright. We forgive you. Just please talk to Luke. I feel like if Ash or I talk to him, something bad will happen." I said.

Sierra stood up and hugged me. "Alrighty."

Ashton's phone rang and he slowly walked over to his dresser and answer it.

"Hello? Yes this is Ashton Irwin. Yeah, okay. Yeah sure. I'll tell the guys. Thanks. Alright, be there in 10." Ashton hung up and ran into the bathroom.

I hear the water begin to run and a few seconds later it turned off. Ashton came out with a comb in his mouth as he fixed his belt.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I stood up.

"We have to get the guys. Do you know where they are?" Ashton asked Sierra and I.

"Yeah." Sierra responded. "They're at Luke's place."

"Great." Ashton put the comb down, slipped his phone in his pocket and pushed Sierra and I out the door and downstairs.

We all walked outside and Ashton pulled me to his car.

"Sorry Sierra, we gotta go." Ashton and I got in his car and he began the drive to my place.

We made it to my place and Ashton took of his seatbelt.

"Stay here." He gave me a quick kiss and ran inside.

"Alright..." I said confused.

A couple minutes passed, Ashton came out with Luke, Michael and Calum. They all got in the car and Ashton began driving again.

"Is this good or bad news?" Calum asked.

"I hope it's good news." Michael responded.

"Yeah. But I guess we won't know until we get there." Luke said nervously.

Ashton pulled into the parking lot of a pizza place and we all got out and went inside. We all walked over to a table and waited for a bit. We sat there drinking out milkshakes and chatted.

Paul walked up to us and smiled. He held a paper in his hands as he stood at the head of the table.

"So guys, I've got good news..." He flipped the paper around and put it down in the centre of the table. "One Direction has asked for you guys to be the opening act of their Up All Night tour!" The guys bursted out in screams, as they hugged each other from around the table.

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