Chapter 18

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(Abigail's P.O.V)

I woke up in the morning to my phone buzzing. I groaned and picked my phone up from the night stand and looked through my texts. 5 texts from Ashton. Why is he texting me at 5 am? I read the texts one by one.

From Ash💕: Abigail, how could you!

From Ash💕: You said forever, and it's only been a day and yet you go and do this to me?!

From Ash💕: Abigail answer your fucking texts!

From Ash💕: Abigail is it true yes or no? Cause the picture looks fairly true.

I looked at the texts in confusion before texting back.

To Ash💕: I don't know what your talking about.

From Ash💕: Yeah, okay. Well, Sierra sent me a picture of you and Michael sleeping together.

I looked over at Sierra's bed to see that she wasn't there. I put my phone in my pocket before leaving the room and walking down the hall, looking for Sierra.
She came down the hall and smiled at me. "Hey Abs." She tried to hug my but I pushed her back.
"Why the fuck did you send Ashton a picture of Michael and I?!" I yelled at her, not caring if I wake anyone up.
"Because Ashton has a right to know what your doing." She placed her hand on her hip as she spoke.
"I trusted you. Your my best friend and yet you do this to me. I tell you everything Sierra, and we've been through so much, are you seriously gonna throw that all away?!" I clenched my hands into a fist and kept my hands to my sides so I wouldn't hit her from all the anger shooting through my body.
"I don't even wanna talk to you anymore, so who cares." She smirked and I raised an eyebrow at her.
"And why's that Sierra?" I said while grinding my teeth.
"Reasons." She began to walk back to the room and I pulled her back to where she was standing before.
"By saying that, your making me feel like you don't wanna talk to me because of what happened during March break." It's true, I know it. She hates me because she thinks I'm insane.
"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But seriously, you need to stop flirting with Michael. Toodles." Sierra walked down the hall and I just stood there.
Am I flirting with Michael? If I am, it's not like I'm trying to. I don't intend on doing it, maybe I just do it without realizing. God I need to stop thinking about this, I am not flirting with Michael and I know it.
I took my phone out and dialed Ashton's number while sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall.
"Hello?" God I know it's only been a day but I miss his voice.
"Hey Ash."
He sighed. "Oh, hey." He said coldly.
"Ashton, I swear it's not what you think it is. I don't like Michael that way. Ashton I love you...just please believe me when I say Michael means nothing to me." I waited hopefully for a reply.
"I believe you." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "I love you Abigail."
I sighed with relief. "I love you Ashton."

(Michael's P.O.V)

I walked down the hall, looking for Abigail, until I found her sitting on the floor on her phone. She looked stressed.
"Ashton, I swear it's not what you think it is. I don't like Michael that way. Ashton I love you...just please believe me when I say Michael means nothing to me." She said into the phone.
My lips parted in shock and I felt like my heart had shattered into a million pieces. I mean nothing to her?
"I love you Ashton." She said before hanging up.
She stood up and began to walk in my direction but stood still when she saw me standing there.
"Michael did you hear that...?" She slowly walked towards me.
"Yes. I mean nothing to you?" I wanted to run off but I'd look weak, and I can't look weak.
"Michael, I only said that to get Ashton forgive me. Your my friend, of course you mean something to me." She said, now standing in front of me.
"Why can't you like me the way you like Ashton?" I put my hands on her arms and held her there, staring into her eyes.
"I-I...I do." She looked serious but I didn't know if I should believe her or not.
"If you do, then kiss me Abigail." She stood there, not even moving a muscle. "Exactly-" I was cut off by her lips pressing against mine.
We kissed for awhile then she pulled away, breathing heavily. "I told you I do like you Michael."
I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my room. I opened the door and pulled her in before shutting it slowly so I wouldn't wake up Luke and Calum.
"Now this is more private, cause anyone can walk out in the hall." I pushed her against the wall and smashed my lips against hers.
I roamed my hands on her body, wishing I could do this whenever I pleased but she wasn't mine so I couldn't. I placed my hands on her hips as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her against me roughly and she let out a small yulp.
" don't wanna wake up your brother, do you?" She shook her head and I smiled before continuing to kiss her.
I kissed down her neck and she bit her lip to hold back any sounds I was causing her to make. I sucked on the skin under her ear and a moan escaped her lips.
"Michael..." She bit harder on her lip and pressed herself harder against me. "Michael if you keep doing that, I won't be able to keep quiet." She whispered, trying not to be loud.
I ignored her and sucked harder on her neck. A loud moan escaped from her lips and soon after I heard a yawn.
"Shit." I mumbled before moving away from Abigail and rubbing the back of my neck as Calum walked into the room.
"Why are you guys standing there?" He said in a raspy voice.
"Sorry Cal, we didn't mean to wake you up." I apologized, hoping he didn't hear anything clearly.
"You woke me up when you guys opened the door and came in." He said as Luke walked in and crossed his arms as he stood beside Calum.
"And I heard everything too, Abigail." He said, looking at Abigail with a angry look.
"Luke, I-I'm sorry...I..." Abigail opened the door and stormed out of the room.
"Michael, you know she has a girlfriend." Luke said as be sat down on the couch.
"I know that I like your sister, I told you. And you know that I can't control my behavior when I'm around someone I like." Luke nodded and sighed.
"Michael, just stay away from her. It's best for the both of you." I didn't respond, but nodded instead.
God...I can't stay away from her.

(Abigail's P.O.V)

"Okay, meet back here in 1 hour." The class separated and I walked alone down the street of Ottawa.
Michael has been avoiding me today and I don't know why. Just this morning we were...yeah...
"Abigail!" I turned around and smiled when I saw Michael running up to me.
"I thought you didn't wanna talk to me?" I wiped the smile off my face and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Abigail, I only avoided you because Luke doesn't want me to go near you. I told Luke and Calum that I was gonna go with Nicholas so I could come and see you." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand.
"Fine, your forgiven." I smiled back at him and we began to walk down the street.
I saw Sierra walk by so I dropped Michael's hand and put my hands in my pockets. Sierra smiled at me before walking into the mall with Eva.
"Hey Abbie." Miguel walked up to Michael and I.
"Hey Miguel, ugh I need to talk to you. Michael, go back to Luke, okay." "Ugh..alright." Michael nodded and left.
I turned to Miguel and he was smiling brightly like always. He always puts me in a happy mood.
"So Miguel, why don't you tell me what types of things you like." I said as we walked down the street.
"Well...I love all types of music except for Indie and Country. I sing and play guitar. I like beanies more than I should...ugh...and I'm a single pringle." He smiled at the end and I laughed.
"Single pringle?" He rolled his eyes and began to laugh as well.
"It's like single, but hungry." I laughed harder. "It makes scense!" He exclaimed before laughing again. "Instead of focusing on me...lets move on to you."
"Okay ugh...I like rock, pop, punk, screamo and alittle bit of country. I sing and play the guitar, drums, violin, flute, saxophone, trumpet, piano and/or keyboard. I write books and songs and I am taken bacon." I finished and looked at him.
He was looking at the ground while bitting his lip. What was he thinking about?
"Miguel?" I waved my hand in front of his face and he looked back up at me.
"I have to go..." He walked off before I could say a word and I just stopped in my tracks staring as he turned the corner.
My phone rang and I groaned before picking it up. "Hello?"
"Hey baby." Ashton's voice rang through my ears and I instantly smiled.
"Hi Ashy. How are you?" I asked as I turned to my left and headed into the mall.
"I'm good. I miss having you and the guys around though." He sighed.
"I'll be back in 1 and a half days. I can't wait to see you again Ash." I walked into HMV and looked through the CD aisles.
I stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened when I saw 5 Seconds Of Summer EP Somwhere New on the racks.
"OMG ASH!!" I literally screamed. People in the store beginning to stare at me.
"What's wrong?" He asked while chuckling.
"Your EP is in HMV!! And there are girls here that are buying copies! Ashton I can't believe this." I exclaimed.
"Really?! Wow!! I need to text the other guys about this." He said excitedly.
Just on que, Michael, Calum and Luke came into HMV and I called them over. They looked at their EP on the rack and they had the same expression as I did.
"Here talk to Ashton." I handed my phone to Luke and walked down the aisles, waiting for them to finish their conversation about the EP.
"Your Luke, Calum and Michael!!" A girl yelled out and ran up to the guys.
"Yeah we are." Luke said with a smile.
"Can I get you guys to sign the EP?" She asked while holding out a black sharpie and the EP.
"Yeah sure." Michael said before talking the sharpie and signing the EP, then passing the sharpie to Calum who did the same and passed it to Luke.
Once they all finished, the girl asked to get a picture with them, so I walked over and offered to take it. She handed me her camera and I stood back while she wet between Luke and Calum to take the picture. I took a few pictures before she thanked me and I gave her camera back to her.
"Don't I know you from somewhere...?" She asked me, examining me up and down.
"Ugh...I don't think so." I said.
"Yes I know you from somewhere, I know I do." She thought for a minute before her eyes widened and she jumped up and down. "Oh oh oh I know!! Your the girl I see hanging around with Ashton. There's a few pictures of you guys walking down the streets of Sydney. The media has a few of you guys kissing too. Your such a lucky person...I think it's Abigail, right?"
I nodded and thought about what she just said. The media is stalking the guys, and me because I'm involved with Ashton? Seriously?! I don't like to be in pictures, especially if they are gonna be seen by the whole world.
"You guys done with my phone?" Luke nodded and handed my phone back to me.
I put it in my pocket and said bye to everyone before leaving the shop. I walked back to the hotel and went straight into my room. Jess was staying in since she said she wasn't feeling well this morning. I know I can talk to Jess about this, because she isn't like Sierra.
When I got into the room, Jess was sitting on the couch, watching tv. I sat beside her and sighed. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
"What's wrong?" She asked as she faced her body towards me.


Hey guys! So like I always say vote! Next update will be on Saturday! Bye. ~Amber~

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