Chapter 17

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(Abigail's P.O.V)

"Ashton seriously stop." I said angry as Ashton took out every piece of clothing I put in my suitcase.

This has been going on for 5 minutes now, I fold a piece of clothing, put it in the suitcase and Ashton takes it out and throws it on the bed.

"No you can't go! You literally just got back. Do you really wanna go to Ottawa?" I ignored him and put a shirt in the suitcase. Ashton took it out and I groaned.

"Ashton stop fucking around!" I grab all the clothes and just threw it in the suitcase, closing it quickly and putting it beside my backpack full of my makeup and bathroom stuff.

"Abigail please don't go-" I cut him off.

"Ashton, I have to go, Miguel is probably waiting at school for me." I got my bags and walked downstairs.

"Who?" Ashton asked, following me down the stairs.

"A friend I met earlier this week." I said, not wanting to go into detail. Knowing Ashton, once he finds out that I'm going to be gone for two days with a guy he doesn't know, he will flip.

"Who is he Abigail?" I opened the door and carried my things to Ashton's car.

"Ashton seriously, he's Sierra's boyfriend, okay?" I can't believe I lied to him.

He slowly smiled and sighed with relief. "Okay, good." He put my stuff in his car and we got in. We drove to the school in silence and I liked the silence, it gave me time to think about what I'd like to do in Ottawa.

We got out of the car and walked up to the front yard of the school. Ashton put my bags down and looked at me.

"I'm gonna miss you baby." Ashton frowned and I poked his bottom lip.

"I'll be back in two days." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't talk to any guys okay?" He chuckled and I nodded. "Just have fun though."

"I will. I love-" I was cut off by someone calling me.

"Abigail! Hey Abigail!" I turned my head to my left and smiled when I saw Miguel approaching us.

"Hey Miguel!" I moved away from Ashton to hug Miguel.

"You ready to leave? They're loading the bus." Miguel pointed to the bus and smiled. "My stuff is already in the luggage place with the others, I'll take yours for you." He was about to pick my stuff up but Ashton grabbed it.

"I've got it." Ashton walked to the bus and Miguel gave me a confused look.

"Did I do something...?" Miguel asked.

"No, Ashton is just very over protective." I said and Miguel nodded as we walked to the bus.

"I'll meet you at our seat." Miguel got in the bus and I looked at Ashton who was standing beside me at this point.

"I love you Abigail." Ashton hugged me and I hugged him back.

"I love you too Ashton." I smiled.

"Forever?" He said quietly.

"Forever." We pulled apart and kissed before I walked on the bus and took my seat beside Miguel.

Miguel had the window seat because I wanted to sit in the aisle so I could talk to Michael since him, Luke and Calum were seated together.

"Hey Abbie, guess what?" I looked to my right to see Michael smiling at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked, confused and clueless about what it could be.

"Luke's been talking to your friend Sierra ALOT lately." Michael pointed over to his right and I looked. Luke was texting away on his phone.

"Ew, that's just gross." I laughed and Michael soon joined in.


"Have a good nights sleep everyone." Mr. Palozi said as we all walked off to our rooms.

When Jess, Sierra and I got into our room, we picked a bed each and went to our dressers to put the clothes away.

"Jess and I are gonna go over to Eva's room for awhile, okay?" Sierra said as we put our stuff away.

"Yeah sure, I'll just invite Michael." I said as I shut my dresser and slide my now empty suit case under my bed along with my backpack.

Sierra and Jess left so I went to grab my phone to text Michael.

To Mike😙: Hey Mike!! Can u come over to my room for a bit? It's room 136.

From Mike😙: Yeah sure. Be there in 1 minute.

I put my phone away and waited for Michael. I heard a knock on the door and I ran to answer it. I opened the door and a smiley Michael came in. I shut the door behind him and we walked over to my bed, laying down together.

"Why did you call me over?" He asked as he moved around to get comfortable.

"I don't want to be alone and no ones better than you when it comes to cuddling." I smiled and Michael chuckled at my words.

"Well if cuddling is what you wanted..." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest slowly. "...then cuddling is what you'll get."

I giggled slightly and curled into a ball so I could get warm. It's fairly cold tonight plus I am very tired due to the jet-lag.

Michael noticed me shivering so he pulled the blankets over us and wrapped his arms around me once again. I began to doze off and I heard Michael chuckle, I guess he thinks I'm sleeping.

He began to hum then softly sing. "I know someday it's gonna happen...and you'll finally forget the day you met him...some times I'm so close to confession...I gotta get it through your head that you belong with me instead..." He sighed before resting he's chin on top of my head. "It seems like the only time I can tell you how I really feel is when your sleeping." He softy chuckled.

Should I say I'm awake? Or would that ruin everything? God what he said made my heart race and my stomach ache in a good way.

"I always wonder what that pretty little mind of yours is thinking when we are together. I just want to know if I have a chance or if I'm waisting my time...but I don't think your a waist of time..." Michael removed his head from on top of my head and I wondered what he was doing.

I felt a pair of warm lips touch my cheek, soon after Michael placed his head back on top of mine.

"Goodnight Abigail...sweet dreams..." He whispered.

I heard the door open and Sierra talking. She stopped talking for a minute then began to whisper. There was shuffling around the room and the sound of beds creaking, meaning Jess and Sierra had gotten into bed.

Michael began to snore and I laughed. "Your cute Michael..." I whispered before moving closer into Michaels chest and falling sleep.
I don't know if the feelings I'm having towards Michael are friendly or romantic. If they are friendly, then I don't have a problem. But if they're romantic...I'm screwed BIG time.


Hey guys! So like I always! Next update will be on Saturday! Bye. ~Amber~

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