Chapter 19

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I decided to update early since I won't be home tomorrow or Saturday.

(Michael's P.O.V)

"HOME!!" I chanted over and over again as we boarded the plane.

"Shut up Mike, your embarrassing me..." Abigail hid her face in her hands as she sat in her seat and I chuckled before sitting down beside her.

"I'm just happy to go back to Sydney. Ontario is weird." We laughed and Abigail's phone buzzed in her pocket. "You gonna get that?" I asked when I noticed she wasn't attempting to take it out.

"Nope, Ashton's gonna see me later today anyway so right now is just time to spend with you." She smiled at me and I smile back.

"What do you wanna talk about then?" I asked as I put my hand on top of hers.

She moved her hand away and sighed. "For What's been going on between us these past couple days, has to end. I love Ashton...I don't want to hurt him." She looked at me for a few seconds then looked out the window.

"Abigail, it's alright. As long as we can still be friends...I'm okay with these romantic things ending." I said, knowing that I was 99.9% lying.

She faced me and smiled. "Good, and of course we can still be friends. I don't know how I could go on without you Michael."

"The flight is now taking off everyone!" Mr. Palozi said from his seat and Abigail sighed.

"I hate planes..." She leaned her head back and sighed again. "Why can't we drive all the way back to Aussie?"

"Because we would be driving over water." I chuckled and she groaned.

"Don't laugh at me Clifford." She began to laugh herself and we both ended up laughing for no reason.

"Some people are trying to read." Abigail and I turned around to see Sierra with a book in her hands.

"Sorry..." Abigail mumbled before turning back around.

"Yeah, sure." Sierra began reading again and I look at Abigail who was leaning against the window.

"Don't listen to her okay." I rubbed Abigail's back and she moved my hand away.

"I don't need help Michael. Just stop okay?" She turned back to the window and I leaned back in my seat.

Why does she change moods so easily?


(Abigail's P.O.V)

When we got back to school, everyone waited to be picked up by someone, since it was late and Mr. Palozi wouldn't let anyone go home alone or walk. I sat down on the grass, looking up at the stars.
I never really noticed how nice Aussie was at night, I guess I'm stuck inside too much.

A red Chevy pulled up in front of the school and I got up. I grabbed my bags and ran to the car. Ashton got out and I dropped my bags to the floor, hugging Ashton within seconds of getting to the Chevy.

"I missed you." I mumbled into his chest.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "I missed you too."

His arms began to tense up and I lifted my head up from his chest to look at his face. He was focused on something; or someone, I should say. I followed his glare and my eyes landed on Michael, who was standing a few feet behind us with Luke and Calum.

"Luke, lets go." Ashton said before grabbing my bags and putting them in the trunk.

Luke got into the back seat and I got into the passengers seat. Ashton soon got into the drivers side and drove off to my place.

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