Leave The Darkness

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"What the hell was that!?" A small brunette boy squeaked almost covering his eyes in terror, but the adrenaline was forcing him to stand on his two wobbly legs. The terror was etched in his eyes but the older blonde boy shrugged off while the purple haired girl came forward, her voice devoid of emotion.

"What you saw was what we call Shadows and as you can tell, everyone at midnight sleeps in those coffins, but only a select few doesn't and we are tasked by our free will to stop those shadows."

"I-I d-don't understand..."

"It's really simple. You're being recruited to help us and you can't say no." The blonde stepped back holding the gun loosely in his closed hand as if it didn't bother him, and yet, how did it make any sense in the end.

"Togami, stop with the harshness. He still has a choice."

"I don't think so, Kirigiri. We need him, wasn't that the point of watching him?"

"Wait! You were watching me? What the hell is wrong with you!?"

Togami kept the expression of indifference but it was cracking under the pressure of anger and annoyance, but Kirigiri kept a good composure while leaning over the small brunette boy.

"Naegi, we need you but it's still up to you to fight with us. You've already summoned your Persona."


"Yes, the manifestation of your inner self. Persona. That's what gives us the power to fight the Shadows." Togami snapped now crossing his arms while still hanging onto the gun, but Naegi's eyes remained sharp and directly on it.

"You summoned that Persona, remember with the evoker?" Kirigiri moved her eyes to the gun in Togami's possession. The evoker.

"Yeah...I just put it to my head...and BAM! I was so scared..." Naegi mumbled but he knew he really wasn't because death didn't mean a damn thing to him, because he had seen it with his own parents...but it still didn't explain why this was happening to him of all people and why he was suddenly supposed to fight these Shadow creatures. Why, what was the reason for it? No, he couldn't be frightened anymore because the time had passed for that and action was called for. It was demanded.

"Some people have a hard time summoning their Personas, but, you didn't have trouble. I doubt you were really afraid because you showed bravery above all else, and that is why we watched you since you came to the dorms here; And that is why Togami and I need you, but again, it is up to you, but I promise you this isn't a nightmare or dream because this is the reality you face now. You cannot run from it."

No, Naegi didn't...It was easy not to fear mortality and just go with the flow but at the end, he could do it and he summoned his Persona...such a weird creature that came from his inner self, but if he helped these people then could he...? He shook his head violently and at last his quiet voice came to an understanding.

"Well? What are you waiting for!?" Togami raised his voice, almost frustrated to a larger degree with Naegi but this wasn't an easy decision to make or a light one to take, because like Kirigiri said, this was the reality that he was in and it was up to him to accept or run from it. Which should he do? No one would make the decision for him and yet, he couldn't be stagnant either because otherwise the Shadows might come back but seeing the figure of the pale Kirigiri in the moonlight was enough to come to some kind of thought.

"Then, I'll do it, only because I feel like I can help you."

"That's good, Naegi. Just took you long enough." Togami grunted even more turning his back to both of them. "I just hope you realize that you can only summon your Persona during this hour which we call the Dark Hour which is midnight. In the end, it is up to you to strengthen your bond with your Persona through your Social Links. Only you can do this, but don't expect me to hold your hand or otherwise, I am leaving you."

"Togami, you don't have to be so harsh to Naegi..."

"Don't lecture me, Kirigiri. I don't need to babysit him and if I have to, I won't forgive you."

"Enough, Togami." Kirigiri was getting filled with a rage that Naegi didn't want to touch but there was more secrets to uncover and yet, he felt they didn't know or didn't want to say. Where did he get this power anyhow? Where did this inner strength come from? Why was he able to summon a Persona, too? Too many burning questions and yet, he had to trust his new found friends and join this little group but it wasn't just them, too because more Persona members were coming out of the fold, no doubt. There was more if he was found, right?

Yet, he didn't dare ask and somehow, he grabbed the evoker from the ground and carefully tucked it into his back pocket feeling more determined. More determined to face the grim future with his new friends despite them having weak links to each other and maybe things in his life were meant to be played out this way and maybe he was meant to be here, too? His parents' deaths had to be the beginning of his struggle, right?

"Also to remember, you'll get tired as the Dark Hour goes on. Just remember that, okay?"

"Thanks, Kirigiri. I appreciate it so much..."

"Don't thank me. Thank Togami for he was the one that suggested monitoring you. It wasn't a coincidence that you came to this high school."

Togami? Why would he do something like that? Didn't Togami hate him? And what did Kirigiri mean that it was destiny to be here? Shouldn't that mean...? "Then I'll do my best with my Persona, and you can count on that."

"You better do more than your best." Togami replied entering back into Naegi's mind and yet, he couldn't picture Togami caring so much.

"Then I'll do that then."

"Then it's settled. Why not get some rest, now? The Dark Hour should be ending now..."

Naegi couldn't argue that to Kirigiri as a sweeping exhaustion set itself in motion but somehow it was only the start of an adventure he couldn't leave, a fate worse than death but he didn't fear the despair or sadness anymore, let alone death because he had seen it. He had seen it in his parents' double suicide that day after school.

He had found the bodies hanging together and yet, he wasn't frightened of the possibility of dying, himself. He wasn't frightened of losing to the Shadows because he knew he could get stronger and live longer than he imagined. He'd have to live forever more.

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