Future Date

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"You look a little pale but otherwise, you're alive. Scared us for a second, Makoto." Kazuichi yelled while his spiked bracelet moved slightly but Naegi noticed that Nagito was there in his world, so meticulous and alone. What secrets did Nagito have?

"Glad you're okay, Makoto. Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone about the reason why you were in the hospital. Kazuichi told me everything."

"Sorry about that, Makoto. I didn't mean to but man, I felt sorry for Nagito. He really has taken a liking to you and insisted on the truth and I have a hard time letting it stay secret long but don't worry, he only knows. He promises not to say anything."

Kazuichi rubbed his head and grinned but Naegi found it comforting to know the kind of laughter that Kazuichi had in him and how little Naegi had. There was a void, perhaps but it wasn't caused by him but he couldn't hide or close it no matter what he did or tried.

"It's okay, Kazuichi. You're such a good friend! At least now, Nagito has done his duty and helped me keep up with the school work. I am all caught up and glad. I didn't want to worry about homework or anything."

"Makoto, you didn't have to do that because I am sure that the teachers would have given you a pass."

"It was no problem and besides it gave me something to do and while it was nice to sit, I missed coming to school."

"School. Argh. Can't we talk about something else while we're here?"

"Oh, Kazuichi..."

"Why are you laughing at me? You, too, Nagito? Geez, you both are hopeless. This isn't funny, dammit!"

That fake anger only produced the loudest of laughing and only served to make the situation light hearted than Naegi cared to admit but he needed it and respected the efforts given now.

"I can't help it." Nagito gasped and soon got into a hearty laughing fit and couldn't stop.

Where did this bout of happiness come from? It was from the depths of his soul, wasn't it? Or did the heart play more to his laughter than Naegi cared to comment on? Sure, it was great to have friends and be loved by them, wasn't it, Nagito? Even to Kazuichi's sake...Wasn't it great to bask in warmth?

"Oh geez. I think Nagito is broken."

"Nah, he's just enjoying himself."

"That I am and it's thanks to Makoto and you, Kazuichi."

"Thanks, Nagito. You aren't a bad guy, at all."

"I hope I'm not after all, I do have you both."

"That's right, Nagito. You have Kazuichi and I, on your side."

"Hey, Makoto? Can I talk to you for a moment?" Nagito was now hard pressed to make a statement out of something but Naegi held back alongside the roaring crowd of students passing. It was late after school that Nagito caught up with Naegi but what could be so important that Nagito couldn't say earlier in front of Kazuichi? Naegi's stomach rumbled.

"I don't want to cause you alarm but I want to be around you...and..."


"I want you to spend some time with me, so I thought we'd see a movie tomorrow, after all it's the weekend. Not a date or anything, just something between us."

A date? What?

"Nagito, I can't..."

"Please, Makoto! It means the world to me!"

"I have school stuff to do and..."

"Just please, Makoto?"

The school stuff was with the team but couldn't Naegi squeeze in some time with Nagito, too? It was possible because the whole executing shadows thing didn't really start until midnight but even so, no doubt Fuyuhiko would be busy prepping them and going over strategy, right? There wasn't time, was there?

"Okay, but hopefully the movie isn't too long because I still have to some stuff for school and most importantly my dorm."

"It won't take up too much of your time since it's in the afternoon."

"Fine. I'll accept this time but know that my time is important to the dorm and school."

"It best be." A third voice interrupted harshly and from the side glances, it came from the back of Naegi-Byakuya was here.

"Oh. Who's this?" Nagito asked.

"You don't know me? How strange. I am Byakuya Togami, president of the Student Council here and dorm mate of this Makoto Naegi, and you better be truthful because Naegi has things to do for the school and it's very imperative that it gets done and I won't stand for people that waste my time. I have my eye on you, Nagito Komaeda."


"I have my ways after all I am a Togami."

Now, Byakuya was showing off and making Naegi very nervous but he trusted his senpai, right? No, what should Naegi consider Byakuya now? Boyfriend? Friend? Best friend? What? Lover, maybe?

"Okay, but I promise that Makoto will be in good hands and I'll return him home safely."

"Keep good on your promise."

"Yes, Togami senpai."

Then out of earshot of the disappearing Nagito, "I don't like that boy, Makoto. Be wary of him and others like him." And before Naegi could question that logic, Byakuya, also left. How odd.

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