Level Up

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 Slinging his bag over his shoulder, Naegi calmly exited the dorm and joined the throngs of students towards Gekkoukan High School and slowly exhaled a breath. What was he experiencing now after that odd dream that left him in cold sweats? Sure, he was dreaming again but this was the reality he needed to face and understand. He had this power and needed to exert himself and while finding his seat in the nearly crowded homeroom and somehow, he was greeted by the warm face and character of Souda, no, they were friends and were on first name bases.

"Heya!" Kazuichi drew his chair backwards and sat upon it placing his folding arms on Naegi's desk. "Are you still going to avoid me? I felt like I haven't seen you in forever..."

"It's only been a few days and it was a spring break, don't you remember?"

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. Man, I don't want to see my exam results anymore and I heard they are posting them up soon. Man, did you see how much they tested us on? I nearly died but on break, did you do anything on it?"

The ever talkative Kazuichi and it brought a small semblance of a smile to Naegi's lips.

"Did I say something odd? Why are you smiling?"

"Because you're so silly and besides I think you probably did just fine on it and even if you didn't, there is a next time. It's not like our futures are being decided now."

"True but the way the teachers drill it, makes it feel like it is."

"Anyways, are you free after school, Kazuichi?"

"Are you asking me a on date, Makoto?" Stars seemed to glisten in Kazuichi's eyes and Makoto felt like face palming hard but there was a break. "I'm kidding and yeah, I'm free."

"Want to go that Ramen place again?"

"Hell yes! Anything with food involved is my favorite place ever!"

"I never pegged as someone that likes food all that much."

"I do at times. I do, Makoto."

"Okay, that's fine. I was just wondering about you." Why was it difficult to grasp that his Social Link with Kazuichi meant something? Yes, it was leveling up inside of him to a higher plane, maybe not existence but understanding.

Rank 2

"Hey, how's living with Kirigiri like?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because," Kazuichi's face darkened and he leaned in with a glee, a spark of something unimaginable. "she's popular, you know? And isn't Togami in the same dorm, too? You are incredibility lucky to be in the same dorm as each other. I bet you guys are close."

"Not really. I hardly see them both, and together at that."

"That makes sense because Togami is the Student Council President and Kirigiri is part of the fencing team. She's captain in fact." A third voice rung out disturbing Naegi and making Kazuichi leap up.


"Aoi Asahina and Yasuhiro Hagakure."

There stood a girl with a tight brown ponytail and a funky haired boy next to her in who knew what that should have been the school uniform. Was he a rebel, too in personality?

"Did you forget to invite us, Kazuichi?" Aoi asked cheerfully pointing to herself.

"Hey! This is between Makoto and myself. No need to butt in! He's my friend first!"

A hearty laughed erupted from Aoi. "Are you sure you can lay claim to anyone? It is up to him to decide, you know?"

"Yeah." Yasuhiro muttered in complete compliance with Aoi, as if he was part of her squad but Naegi nearly hung his head in frustration. Why was everyone fighting over him? Why was it necessary to be so tactless?

"Regardless," Naegi cut in running his fingers through his hair and standing up. "I'm happy to be everyone's friend, not just Kazuichi's but please don't think I don't care because I do. Just know that this is a little too much for me and besides-"

"We have plans, Kazuichi and I but I don't see why you guys can't come too."


"Come on Kazuichi. Won't it be fun? The more the merrier they say, right? What do you guys say? Free after school?"

This was a stunning victory while Kazuichi remained frozen with his jaw nearly to the floor, figuratively of course. "Yup! Totally free!" Aoi beamed.

"Yup, same. My Kendo session isn't today for some reason." Yasuhiro noted out loud and Naegi nodded. "Then it's settled. See you guys after school!"

"Yeah, Yasuhiro and I need to return to our own homerooms now or else we get caught like last time." Aoi shuddered as if recalling the worst memory of her life. Were the teachers here truly dominating?

"You didn't have to." Kazuichi finally spoke after the two left.

"I know." Naegi gently touched his ahoge on his head pushing it back for it to only come back over in its original spot. "But I want to do this right. I feel like I should give myself a break and be friendly for once. I wasn't always so sociable in middle school but now, here, I can do it."

Yes, this was a game now but could true bonds be formed?

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