Something To Remember

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There was no time to mourn but they were doing what could be done-face the reality and go through knowing that Kirigiri was gone and buried. The memorial was sweet and long sped but Naegi couldn't see the fire burning in him and with a glint of something more, the Evoker was pressed and out poured all burning sensation in him.

It was now knowledge, at least for the team that people were getting lost in Tartarus and it was up to them to save those people and keep erasing the Dark Hour by the deaths of the Full Moon Shadows. Could they accomplish it despite the interference by Kuma? There was no second guessing because they had to do it.

"Did you find her?"

"It's hard when...anyways, she has to be here. No way." Kazuichi exclaimed proceeding cautiously through the long corridors and rooms of the new upper floor of Tartarus. More and more floors were opening each time they defeated the Full Moon Shadows. What was up with that?

"Who are we looking for?"

"Chihiro Fujisaki. Stay on task, Souda." Byakuya scoffed and with some steps and avoiding and sometimes battling the crawling lesser shadows, there in the hidden shadows was a trembling figure.

"D-Did someone say my n-name? Who is there?" She squeaked almost obscuring her face from view and Naegi knew it too, that she was confused why the school transformed here. Why Tartarus existed at all and damn wouldn't he'd like to know but there was a pure connection with him and whatever else.

Mysterious treasures blocked him and he knew the kind of person Chihiro was- she was the Computer Club president and while, she wasn't entirely popular or memorable, she made it up in kindness. Kindness that Naegi felt he should scorn openly but there was warmth about her that made him stand up with her. Why did he feel it necessary to continue, now?

With Kirigiri gone, her position was empty and any intel they could gain to give an upper hand was lost; but the flashbacks of her being pumped full of bullets and then her descent made it all worse in Naegi's mind but there was no time to rest for matters had to be taken care of and they had to make their goodbyes now than later.

"W-What's going on?"

"It's hard to explain and I don't entirely get it either, but maybe Togami-senpai and even Makoto can explain. I just go with the punches."

"Makoto-? You mean Makoto Naegi?"

"Yup, the one. You can rely on us, too, but now, you have to trust us."

"I-I don't know if I can." She squeaked crouching more and more into the darkness, but with a striking hand, Naegi let the Evoker fall to his other palm and snatched Chihiro up. If she had to have a chance then she had to stand up tall and shake the heavens with him and if she was in here, how many more people were trapped, too?

"I'll protect you, Chihiro and this I promise you." He whispered holding onto her hand tightly and not feigning the rage boiling up and with a single gaze, his Persona launched forward and despite this, Chihiro wasn't frighten or put off by it; She accepted the fate and accepted the way it had to be.

"More Shadows on your right, Makoto! Proceed with caution!"

"Byakuya, I have this and I promise you and everyone here," With a single breath, the anger subsided. "I won't stop now."

"Good because we still need you, Makoto and this I know, we'll figure it all out."

"Thank you, so much."

With Naegi's focus on ahead, the opening was clear and with a briskness, Chihiro and him started sprinting to the next floor with both Byakuya and Kazuichi taking the rear.

And if Naegi couldn't erase Kirigiri's death, what made it possible to accept it now? What did he make of the memorial and the tears shed by him and why was it unlike him? He hadn't known her much but in that way, she was the most important person to him and in a sense, her coldness was her only defense.

A defense he acquired well and it was her, that he believed in himself and her role was sorely missed by everyone.

"Makoto, please don't worry about protecting me..."

"Don't be silly, Chihiro but know that after this, I have faith you can learn to be strong, too."

She smiled.

"I can be like you?"

"Yes. You can face all the possible threats in the world and not let it bother you."

"I'm sorry about Kyoko."

"I am too. I am too."

Then with a bang, Naegi didn't look back because what would be the point to let it bother him now that Chihiro wanted to be like him? Surely, she would react in terror to what he has done but if she wasn't swayed by any of that, then he would be so happy and in terms he could understand and appreciate.


He heard the sharp yell of Byakuya in the distance and with a misstep, Naegi took Chihiro down and then he felt like he was dying, too. Why? Why because he was lying in the wake of Kirigiri's death? Her wish was undying and she gave her loyalty to them.

"M-Makoto, please wake up.."



"Huh? Chihiro,'s not a time to be strong..."

She turned around, pivoting sharply and facing the gathering shadows and with a sudden expression of unknown passing on her face, determination came up first. It was molding her to be something else and if she couldn't be strong now, when would she?

"Chihiro! Please, take this."

Barely standing up and falsely believing to be right, the Evoker was caught by her and now all she had to do was summon the courage and fortitude to fight the darkness.

Naegi believed in this moment that her faithlessness would be transformed.


I am thou...Thou art I...

With promptness and a will to live, the sea of souls reached out and took Chihiro by the hand instead and it was more than Naegi could hope for; And with the emergence of the new Persona, Naegi collapsed.


"Please wake up...I-I don't want to be alone..." Her voice faded into the static of his thoughts.

And even if his life was exhausted, he would have the resolve to embrace the new feelings in himself and take it so the memories didn't die with him.

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