Nobody Said It Was Easy

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How could Fuyuhiko betray them all? How did this happen at all and why didn't, he, Naegi see this? No, there was no way to admit that he could have changed it all...but Kirigiri's death was on his own hands. Why did he have to come back? Why was he drawn to this place again? Why couldn't he save anyone including himself? Would he be redeemed in the end or was it for nothing?

As always, the dorm was void of people and he accepted the outcome of this and didn't blame anyone for not being here. How could they? He hated himself being so unprepared and yet, this Fall sounded suspicious and even worth dying for. Did Kirigiri die for Fuyuhiko to aim his prospects for that future? A future that no one wanted?

Could he, Naegi fix anything? He wanted Byakuya to be here but no, solitude found Naegi once again and he was trapped to his own devices. Trapped to a wandering mind that only caused problems and no doubt casted hate on him.

He had abandoned Komaru and now, the guilt was flooding in because he hadn't been a good person at all and yet, did everyone need to suffer for him? His mistakes?

He had to die for all he'd done to everyone and that was the only to redeem what he'd done in his life but was it the answer? Would anyone be sad that he was gone? Struggling, fighting...what did it matter in the end? Would he be better off ignorant and without a Persona?

Slamming his head against the wall, sobbing erupted from his fragile quivering body but there were no arms to retreat to and no salvation inside.

No redemption for him and no way out of this mess and yet, he could have died so many times and all because his friends saved him, but he wanted to throw that away, because he didn't need them anymore. He didn't want that sort of responsibility anymore and just wanted to disappear and take the Dark Hour with him if he could and the relevation of his parents' death...the catalyst of all his actions and why he came was because of Fuyuhiko that his parents'...

Naegi despised it all and wanted to watch the whole world catch on fire if to stop Fuyuhiko and his nonsense of The Fall.

"It's no use wallowing in pity for yourself or your parents. We must get out there and stop Fuyuhiko because that is the best option we have now since he has plans. I don't like how 'This Fall' sounds like and knowing Fuyuhiko, if however brief, we know it will be enormous."

"Then what can we do, Byakuya?"

Naegi sneered aware of his boyfriend in the room but what was coming out; rooting out was his inability to protect himself and knowing the carnage he caused to people resulted in death. His parents didn't have to die in that manner and more than likely he could be more than a mess and pull himself up.

"I say we finish climbing up Tartarus and finish this fight with Fuyuhiko, but, first, we need to know more about the Kuzuryu's involvement with the Dark Hour and shadows in general."

"I think that is a good idea and I don't think we all disagree with that sentiment." Nagito said almost optimistic in nature but that was just him all around and no one could fault him for being a bit out of the ordinary. He was just Nagito Komaeda and part of this group and they needed all to be together.

"I wanna know why Kirigiri was killed and who this 'Hajime' character is, and I rather not let Makoto be more upset anymore, because after he's my friend and I can't let that slide."

"Thank you for Souda." Byakuya stated in a professional voice. "I think that I'll lead this group now as I figured that would be my spot but if we have no objections, I suspect we need to all get some rest and then I'll see what my family archives have and I am sure that something will turn up especially with the Kuzuryu's involvement."

"Good i-idea." Chihiro stuttered happily.

"Fujisaki, take Makoto up to his room-I have matters to deal with now-"

"You ain't gonna rest?" Kazuichi asked.

With a push of Byakuya's glasses, the light fractured on the lenses and soon, his eyes weren't visible and Kazuichi lightly stepped back.

"I s-see. You get it going, Chihiro! Makoto needs us more than ever." Kazuichi's voice was booming and commanding and Naegi couldn't force any more movement but with an arm to lean on and Chihiro's smile, he made it up the steps but not without stealing a glance at Byakuya but he didn't notice. But was he avoiding Naegi's gaze? So much occurred in the last 24 hours but they were exhausted and not worth talking to, not at all when so much was at stake.

Lips were chapped, and all the agony was making him soggy in his vision but with a healthy pull, Chihiro put Naegi on his back as he plopped on his back, but Chihiro stayed. Always watchful. Always careful.

"I'm sorry all for this."

"There's no need to apologize. It's just, that it didn't have to happen but now we know..."

He stared blankly at the ceiling, now it felt unfamiliar and passing into memory, but he raised a single hand as if he wanted to touch the limits.



"I am worried about you..."

"Aren't we all?"

"That's not very funny, Makoto."

"It never is. I'm sorry I persuaded you into this mess. This shouldn't have happened...and yet, it is all my fault."

His eyes were shut and then open, nothing could prepare him for the parting words of Hajime. If The Fall was happening, could it end? Could it be prevented? Could he kill Hajime and/or Fuyuhiko?

"I chose to do this. I chose to accept my Persona and it's through you that I gained the strength to face myself and I can't forget that and so, I wanna go through with you."

"You're something, you know, Chihiro?"

She laughed.

"You think so? Everyone looks at me with pity but you don't-SEES doesn't, and this is where I belong-with you all and I know we can end this, together, all of us. We don't have to fail now. We can overcome this under Togami-senpai." So sure, of herself and yet, Naegi couldn't decide to follow her point of view but maybe it meant something to her and he had to consider it.

Nobody said it was easy.

Nobody said it was easy and yet, something had to be done and he'd have to follow Byakuya's leadership, after all, Naegi could remember Kirigiri in a better light.

"You're right. I guess I just have doubts and regrets about the things in my life, but I can't let it weight me down. We have to do what we can and figure out what this Fall includes. I think, we all need to pull our weight now. You said you're good at programming?"

"Yes! You're right!"

"Is there a way to find more information about Fuyuhiko and his family-the Kuzuryus and so I entrust this to you, Chihiro Fujisaki."

"You can count on me, Makoto!" She exclaimed enthusiastically and, so it was set: they all had to do something whether it did make a difference and what role did Naegi have in this? Would he find out?

He set this a part and now, his heart was louder than the pain in his trembling hands.

His heart was speaking the loudest it had ever been and somehow, it never was easy. Never easy in the ways he wanted.


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