Face Me Now

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There were no leaps as only bittersweet memories plagued his eyes, all the while watching him cry but with some renewed vigor and standing, he could see the collapsing S.E.E.S members and it was within that mile that he sought to strive towards.

Face that unflinching destiny.

Face those thundering fears.

Hands clasped in the darkness of the world which stirred no more, and him up in those same clouds and pressing forward his sealed lips, with Thanatos behind but would the bonds matter and would the death of the world succeed?

"Take my life instead. I am worthy of the Universe Arcana and to be your seal."


"The world is not meant to fall and if I have to, if I must, take this life of mine with all the bonds I have-let them guide me," He whispered the last aching phrases all through him, but Nyx's form was barely if any visible despite the pushup of Makoto's tears. The leap was here and no amount of facing this face would yield any changing destiny. He was always meant to be the seal. Always meant to cry these tears.


Light wasn't the direct opposition of dark but the primary antagonist of a life's struggle.

"Very well."

Deepening sorrow.

Don't be proud or vain to say farewells anymore.

Why was Nyx accepting of this proposal?

Transforming tears were the softening blow as the frantic if numerous voices resounded all in this echo chamber of darkness with Igor's words wrapping with the other voices.

"...What you have in your hands is the power of the Universe... ...Nothing is outside the realm of possibility for you now."

His bonds were morphing, becoming all that he wanted as if knowing the strength and power of each Arcana represented by the people in his life. The bonds of possibilities.


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