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"Wow, this is just awesome!" Kazuichi cried excitedly surprising no one except Naegi. How easy it was to convince his friend to join them and maybe there was a purpose to it? Maybe there was a reason why they meant to be on the same team? Maybe, it was more than luck and more destiny. What did that boy say to Naegi anyway that signaled his own existence?

"I hate to break up the festivities..." Togami coughed into his hand and ignored Kazuichi's continual celebration but why though? Why was joining this team such a big deal? But with any luck, Naegi could look past his friend and see right through Togami but would it be enough to decipher the true motives of this senpai?

"We have to be prepared." Naegi squeaked.

"For what?" Fuyuhiko interjected echoing everyone's collected thoughts.

"I just have a feeling that we haven't done all we could and that more is happening around the corner..."

"I'll scan." Kirigiri mentioned summoning her Persona, Juno and was enveloped in a sort of chrysalis sheer material, all while closing her eyes. The Dark Hour was upon them again and now, they would have to deal with whatever shadow showed themselves.

"Naegi is right. I am sensing a huge presence in the shopping district...and other people..."

"What do you mean by that?" Togami demanded almost immediately. His sense of control losing the forefront.

"I sense power, I sense the shadows assembling."

"Then, I see no other course of action then to get involved, right, fuckers?"

"Fuyuhiko is right! We gotta stomp out these shadows or whatever or else the world is in danger..."

"I don't think you've realized why the shadows are dangerous...we think there's a connection between a thing we call Apathy Syndrome going around and as it frequents in cases after the Dark Hour."

"A-Apathy Syndrome?"

"You haven't noticed it, have you Naegi? It's all over the air waves and in the people. They are scared and we're the only ones to stop it and its connection to the shadows."

"But Kirigiri-"

"You should be more aware and we know why because Fuyuhiko has been monitoring the situation when the Dark Hour appeared more than 5 months ago..."

"That's right. The Kuzuryu Group is the watch dog of the city and not just because we founded the city either."

5 months ago? What was Naegi doing before then? Such mundane memories of a life before being in this dorm and before putting an end to shadows. Before his parents' suicide...? He could scarcely remember yesterday's breakfast so why would memories of the preceding 5 months make a difference? Did it matter here? How in the hell did the Kuzuryu Group not be involved with the Dark Hour more than this? Why would be they be omniscient when it came to these shadows? This gear? To this room? Why wasn't Fuyuhiko and his family being held responsible? Maybe they were the cause of everything? Nothing was outside possibilities and yet, Naegi couldn't believe he hadn't noticed this syndrome sweeping this town. Was he so blind to people that he forgot to be human? Forgot how to see? What else was blind in him? His own heart?

"Then there's no other choice..."

"I believe so, Togami."

"We know all our roles and I expect you, Naegi to keep Souda out of trouble."

"Hey!" Kazuichi objected but they were fiercely denied as Togami turned his head and met Naegi's eyes but Naegi quickly averted them. It was bad enough that Naegi had the scent of the kiss haunting him forever on his chapped lips, but it was worse to be reminded of it every time he looked at Togami.

How could this last and who asked Kirigiri or Togami to safe guard Naegi's wellbeing along with his heart? He wasn't a prize nor something to be hoarded but to live freely and if he had some say in it, he'd tell them to stop and leave him alone.

Wasn't it like last time? Wasn't it always? The scenery changed again and Naegi ran and ran hoping to catch the glimpses of the shadow in the middle of the shopping district and he could faintly feel more in that shadow. What? What was he saying to himself now? That he could somehow understand shadows? NO, if they were the cause of this Apathy Syndrome and threatened life, they should be gone.


The Evokers sounded off in unison and many different Personas- Naegi released Sati, a veiled Persona cloaked in fire, Togami- Flauros, a tiger face machine beast that was his main Persona, and lastly Kuzuichi had Principality, a Persona with white wings, a crown, and a holy spear; The Personas were set as Kirigiri stayed in the glow of Juno.

"Over there!"

"I don't think so."

"Who's that?"

"You heard us."


The voices of Kirigiri, Togami, and lastly an unknown third voice chimed in louder as the Shadow of pure brilliance dropped down from the sky with its zigzagged body and enormous head. It was beyond description only that it beamed magnificence and only signified the struggle to what they fought in.

"It's time to stop this. I can't let you go any further."

A young man stepped out letting the dust of the action settle before his ways could be examined further. "I can't let you interfere anymore!"

"Who the hell are you!? What gives you the right to-"


They were too close and somehow without knowing the young man pulled out an Evoker and in that moment made his intentions clear.

"I'll kill you all. You won't take this from me. Now come to me Persona!" The Persona was unknown to Naegi but it looked menacing enough but he was a Persona user, too? Why was he on the opposite side of them?

"The Dark Hour will be no more." Kirigiri mentioned casually but with a bit more bravado in her tone.

"That's your aim, it seems so it appears I have to stop you."

"I don't think so! Flauros! Come to me!" The Evoker from Togami's side rang off and Flauros launched forward rearing its teeth front and center.

"I don't think so! PERSONA!" The young man triggered his Persona to clash violently against Flauros, halting any progress and leaving the team in quite a predicament.

"He...s-stopped Togami senpai's Persona...." Kazuichi's dominated hand dropped and his Evoker went to his limp hands as it was in the danger zone of falling entirely and maybe shattering? Could it shatter so easily like that?

"It can't be! WHO ARE YOU!?" Togami bellowed heaving.

"I am the Ultimate Hope of this world and the Dark Hour gives my power and many others' as you can attest to. I am part of Kuma and it seems you're being foolish and I've come to stop it." The Evoker gave way to something more real and deadlier-a real gun. The young man held it up. "Your ideals of right and wrong are quite interesting and trying your hardest for vengeance's sake. Did they tell you why the Kuzuryu Group is so involved? Did they, young one?"

"Stop it..." Naegi began when all the questioning fell on him.

"They caused the Dark Hour and are trying to atone for their sins! But sins aren't so easily casted away and forgotten. They are etched on the stone marbles to heaven and hell. Too bad, one is going there."

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