Kuma Part 1

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Naegi readied himself, Evoker in one hand and sword in the other as he faced the boss of the top floor with his team mates. "I need you, Quetzalcoatl!" He shouted shooting himself on the side of the head, and the feathered serpent casted itself out and with flashes, more Personas joined in and there was a rhythm to it, almost like clockwork. Tick Tock.


"Hold STEADY!" Byakuya bellowed, almost being devoured by the dust clouds encircling them.

"You heard him! Attack from the rear, Souda." Kirigiri instructed in a way that seemed like yelling but it was more guided than anything and had control; She always had control over every situation and it was finally realizing more to her character.

"Got it! PERSONA!"

More shots rang out as the attack was launched and no way could hope be contained here, as another full moon shadow was beginning to fall. The adrenaline was too much and it was ringing in Naegi's ears, paining and stretching to his throat.

Nagito stood in awe, almost lost but with a quick snap, he instinctively put the Evoker up and fired and Alice came to him, all in her Wonderland glory but with a command, she pushed forward.

It was his death that he craved and this was the high he needed to continue and if that's what drove him, then what could Naegi argue with? Everyone had a drive, a wish of the heart to fulfill and here they were toiling at the Dark Hour and the full moon to end the darkness for good.

If it took all his strength, if it took nothing at all; That would be fine too, but it was his soul fighting out there and as the shadow broke the ground with its tentacle, the group scattered more but there were always Personas in the air, doing their best.

His Persona, his soul...interchangeable all the same.

"We're not alone!"

"What?" Kirigiri made a bee line to the front, with her Evoker, shining in the moonlight and quite tightly, too. They weren't ready and never would be for the enemies that were human.

Shadows, they could defeat but how could they with humans?

"Kirigiri!" Naegi shoved her forcefully, again taking the brunt force of the ground onto his hands, but at least this time he didn't get shot at.

She remained frozen. It had gotten to her, too, didn't it?

"That bastard is back. Kuma or whatever it's called. Be careful, Kirigiri."

"You...You didn't have to, Naegi."

"Of course, I did. You're a dear friend of mine."

With a swipe of her hand, hair exploded over her face, as if to shame or hide her from the vexing emotions that she was processing now, but for whatever reason, he smiled. She was beginning to reclaim that special part of herself that was lost to years of isolation. At least, that's what he told himself because why else would she intentionally hide from the world?

"I see, you're catching on." The young man emerged standing behind the flailing shadow, as vengeful as the shadow was, Naegi was more tensed up than ever. The fondest memories weren't there and like before, he wrestled with making his aim true.

"You're hopeless. I have a Persona, too, but I wonder who's stronger?"

"Stop it! Why would you want the Dark Hour to continue!? This isn't normal by any means and yet, you rally against us! We are trying-"

"Trying to ruin what makes us better than ordinary people. Do you want that taken from you? You were ordinary and plain, and now, look at you! Purpose! Fulfillment, and now, you're the one who's in the wrong, here. You should give up but knowing the way you are, you won't. It's natural to fight against what you don't understand."

The young man's gun's tip was licked furiously as if to signify his lack of sanity but it only served to paint a more unflattering portrait.

"No use in talking to him, Makoto!"

"I know I can get through, somehow! I can't give up, Byakuya!"

The gun was fired but only a slight ping and the bullet whizzed past Naegi's throbbing ears, but with all the excitement of a new player on the field, he had forgotten about the Shadow and its long tentacle smashing around.

"Please, I won't be cliched and this time, you will die."

Another click and Naegi found himself sliding to the side and reacting violating, too.

"If that's what you wanna do then, I guess, I have no choice to fight but it doesn't have to end this way..."

"Stop pleading with me."

The gun raised up and with a gleam, Naegi knew that he was in the sights again.


Alice skipped across the sky and pushed the young man back by casting a huge surge of light (Megidola) on the path of the young man. Nagito joined Naegi instantly and was beaming, positively madly.


"He isn't wrong, Makoto. We are nothing without our Personas."

"I know how you feel but,"

"I only fight to be near you and if I have to sacrifice in what I believe in, then, I don't mind."

How selfless and naïve, but it felt wrong and guilt flooded Naegi, but he couldn't change the outlook or mindset of someone already settled.

"The only thing we can do is meet fate, head on."

"That's even more cliched, but I'll take it."

Nagito was still odd but his phrasing made some clarity and in part it had to do with Naegi's own influence, however Nagito perceived to take from it.

"You should be more selective but what can I say, I take everything last."

"Nagito, it's not the time..."

More shots were shooting out like blazing falling stars and they danced, oh boy, did the young man play with them and savor the killing to the end, if the end even existed.

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