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"So, that's it?" Byakuya tentatively asked, drumming his fingers on the desk, while Chihiro felt judged and ready for execution.

"It is..." Naegi's voice was commanding and there but with some work, he could be even stronger. "We have no choice because she knows everything and besides, she has the "potential" that we need. We can't let it go to waste."

"I think it is a great idea!" Kazuichi chimed in.

"Shut up." Byakuya barked and Kazuichi hunched over avoiding any kind of contact with the steaming student council president. "Makoto, you do realize that we are not replacing Kirigiri with her. She's bare-"

"I vouch for her, Byakuya. She did summon her Persona and defeat those shadows...she's way more determined than you know. Give her credit." Naegi knew the tense room was all he needed to divide the group further but ever since Kirigiri's death, the sounding of problems became bigger and bigger so much that it couldn't ignored anymore. They were all different personalities united by a common goal and if that goal got lost, then, everything felt useless.

"She won't replace Kirigiri in the slightest nor is anyone insinuating that except you. I know that you two were involved..." The conversation raced in Naegi's mind and he felt only envy that someone had the chance...that Kirigiri felt like a burden to the group, to him. Why would he be so callous against someone that protected him? That worried and believed in him?

Byakuya's hands tensed as if a dirty secret was being relived, but if they wanted to be frank, things had to come to light and while the moment may have brief or long, Naegi had to be sure and make Byakuya understand.

"You and Kirigiri? I never knew you were so sly..."

"Shut up, Souda." Byakuya vehemently spat.

Whatever amusement that Kazuichi could had in order to tease the council president was far out of mine by the amount of venom that Byakuya had to give, however scarring the wound was.

"Makoto..." He was a lost in words that were meaningless and more worse, still, they had no way of conveying the heart or its contents.

"Byakuya, just give Chihiro a chance...and I know losing Kirigiri was difficult..." The scenes of Byakuya bowed down and no doubt deep in his own wallowed misery because Naegi felt it too closely. The school had to parade Kirigiri's memorial and that no doubt dragged them all down.

"Please, senpai!" Chihiro bowed in a rushed manner and with open hands, it had to be taken or thrown away and this was the time to decide that. "I know that you lost a dear friend but I want to prove my worth to you all...I am strong because I have this Persona. I have meaning to my life and I want to help you as you did for me."

She was sincere but would Byakuya accept it? Would it seem genuine to him or a farce?

"Fine, but you will need to prove me extra hard..."

"Byakuya, please-"

"No, Makoto. This is how it has to be and she knows it and so do you."

Naegi bit the bottom of his lip in anticipation of the fallout that could occur while Fuyuhiko listened in the background, still as a mouse. Why didn't he interject with something profound? Why was Byakuya allowed to make these sorts of decisions, alone? Weren't they a team?

"This is wrong...You know that and you're only lashing out because of Kiri-"

"That. Is. Enough. I refuse to hear more about that subject and if you bring it up..."

"You'll do what!?" Naegi dared to take the threat as it came but could Byakuya have the absolute power to abuse it? Surely, he pulled weight because of his status as Student Council President but would he hurt another student based on grief? "Please, tell me, Byakuya Togami what you meant to do to me...Are you threatening me to kick me off the team...?"

"I suppose I am."

"THEN JUST DO IT ALREADY! I don't care if you're hurting because of Kirigiri, but understand that you can't hide anymore in your sadness, because there are other people that need your guidance now that she's gone. You are our leader and without you, what's the point of trying to fight the Dark Hour and Kuma? Should we resign ourselves?"

The seething anger had enough and while it burst open, infected and swollen, Naegi had to stand his ground even if it strained his relationship with his bf, Byakuya. Would this mean the end of it? Would Naegi go back to oblivion because of this?

"If you're doing that, Togami-senpai...I will stand with Makoto...because he's the reason why I joined."

Souda's bravery was volumes over the loss and denial that Byakuya kept circling over in his brain.

"Then, as you wish...We will let the Dark Hour continue and forget those that have Apathy Syndrome and so, I'll ask you to return your Evoker, both of you. You aren't authorized to have them without this group."

A deep resignation.

Grief won.

There was no pity for the living anymore but regret.

There wasn't any hesitation and so both Evokers were given to Fuyuhiko, gently and almost totally silently except for the dry sob that bubbled its way to Naegi's throat.


"I'm sorry, Chihiro...for everything. You don't have to do this anymore. No one is forcing you to continue." Naegi's face soften and his voice carried a certain sweetness that he couldn't muster for Byakuya, but this never changed the fact he loved the man, it was just now, that Byakuya wasn't thinking clearly anymore, already taken by the waves. He had swam too far.

"I want to stay. You gave me meaning...I don't want to give up..."

"Unfortunately, Byakuya, won't let you...but I am sorry that I brought this on you. Meaning or not, we must let the things we love the most go. That's how love can work and how it must have some sort of semblance to sanity and logic. Don't worry...let us forget about everything."

With quivering hands, her Evoker was passed from her to many hands until Fuyuhiko grasped but only Byakuya kept his.

"You'll be moved to other dorms as soon as I can get an opening for you. A boy's dorm."

"That's fine with me." It wasn't but putting a mask was enough to hide the anguish in Byakuya's decision and how Kirigiri's death was an acumination of something sinister.

"I don't blame you for anything, Makoto, because it was a moment of clarity, your words inspired me to take a good look at myself...and I guess I don't need a Persona to define me as a person."


With eyes closed, Naegi accepted the inevitable death.

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