What Should I Do?

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Warm bouquet of flowers was waiting on the table's end while the nurse hurried about and yet, all Naegi could do was go through the feelings. Go through the feeling of exhaustion and yet, he felt safe with Togami and knew that perhaps he had stayed but there wasn't any evidence of that, just fragments of a warm day and an open window, the blue sky beaming at Naegi.

He had lived but to what end?

He sat up in bed with all sorts of machines and an IV bag attached to him, but it felt strangely fine but how long had he been here? How long did the clock keep on ticking and did it matter? Though he was alone, the moment to take was his'.

How long had it been since his last human interaction?

"Makoto...remember what I told you?"

He shut his eyes briefly swayed by the coming breeze and holding to the last of the cold's intervention in the middle of the spring. Did it want to come back so desperately? Did it have more to give and was it like him, too? So close to touch and to know but feeling the true weight of regret?

"Oh Komaru, I'm sorry for putting you through this...I wish I could have...been there more for you..."

Why was his little sister being brought up now in the forefront of his mind? He did leave so abruptly and for good reason-the reactions to the past and her inability to let it go like him but she was worse off.

"Are you talking about your sister?"

"Togami senpai. I didn't...think...you'd..."

"You thought I'd leave your side? I told you and will keep telling you, Naegi, what's most important to me." He gripped the edges of the chair before entertaining the thought to sit and be there.

"You don't have to do this. You don't at all..."

"Again, Naegi. Stop making me repeat myself but regardless, I do have power thanks to the Togami Group and so I know about your sister. I oversaw your relocation to the dorm along with Kuzuryu."

"How did you...?"

"We've known it since the Dark Hour those many months ago and it coincides with your arrival, as well and so we couldn't take it off the table."

Togami folded his arms and retained a solemn expression.

"Do you think it has anything to do with me?"

"Yes, though we aren't sure what the connection is; We just know that you are the catalyst to this Dark Hour and it's most conjecture at this point why it exists...why you of all people brought it."

Naegi's face darkened and waves of regret filled him.

"Don't think it's your fault entirely. This Dark Hour will be gone once we find the connection and root it out. That is what Kuzuryu is aiming for."

"Isn't your family powerful, too? Why aren't you leading the investigation?"

"Fair question. It must do with my great grandfather and Kuzuryu's as well and the deal they made to each other. They were always rivals in love, business, and life it seems but honestly, the details are foggy but what I do know is that my own father didn't believe in the Dark Hour and so I rebelled. I knew it was real when I got the 'potential' to summon my Persona."

"Why didn't your father believe it?"

"I haven't the idea but I do know that Kuzuryu knows more than he lets on."

"I am sure, Togami senpai..."

"I see you've been up and down with calling me your superior then back to my given name but there's no need to worry now. Call me Byakuya because after all, my eyes are on you."

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