Last Surprise

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Now, Nagito was saying desperately not to go and Naegi could read it all without mouths moving; But Naegi had to go and yet, letting go was never easy even for a friend but was it beyond hope to help Nagito when Naegi hadn't even conquered his own demons?

"I don't understand you, Nagito. Don't you understand that I'm a bad person and someone you shouldn't call a friend?"

"I don't believe that."

"You really should. There is a lot you don't know and should know, too, but there's no point in excusing myself from the blame."

"Just don't go."

"I can't stay and I don't feel the same."

Even if denial was the best option, Nagito couldn't keep coming and pumping its deception and expect to hit the truth and the painful truth of what Naegi really was. But did he have to hide from it? He only did what was necessary in those moments and yet, he was framed as being bad in his mind; Chained and treated like a prisoner, a prisoner in his own mind and yet, it fit perfectly in the narrative that he made for himself.

"Look, Nagito, I understand that it's hard but listen to me: I can't do everything and besides..."

"You can if you tried. You're just running."

"How in the hell am I running!?"

The rain was letting up and soon without knowing it, the clock changed to midnight but Nagito didn't slip into his coffin and yet, this didn't take precedence for Naegi. Yet, it should have and without his Evoker, he was powerless. He really had to go but without Nagito's interference, he'd stay.

"I can't stay here. We both can't."

"But Makoto..."

"I'm serious, Nagito!"

The Shadows would be coming in full force and with no way to summon his Persona, they were in trouble and yet, how could Nagito know this? With any luck, they'd make it back to the dorm safe and sound but did it mean that he had potential too? Naegi had to report it back immediately, if he could.

He reached and grabbed Nagito's entirely arm and brought the swirly head boy up, but confusion was already set in and would take eons to dust off but there wasn't any time for that, and yet, Nagito resisted. Goddamn, it wasn't the time when their lives were in danger and yet, how could he grasp that concept without Naegi spilling the beans of what his purpose was?


If he had the power to change and save the world, saving himself too, would he take it even if the odds against him? But there was no power with his Evoker.


Then out of the corner of the bench came a blob of blackness and it snatched out its arms, whipping them above Naegi's and Nagito's heads. Still, Nagito was stubborn until it didn't suit him anymore and it would be too late.

"We don't have time to talk but those things will kill you. Do you really want to die that badly?"


"Yeah, you may long for it but you can't commit to it and I don't blame you. It's too permanent, so we gotta get to my dorm asap."

Nagito's eyes were pleading. Death was a commitment that neither really wanted to meet now and would shoulder off the responsibility until later. Then with a clue, the shadow lashed out again and Nagito ducked completely freeing himself but Naegi reached out again, futile as the attempts were.

Then if a bulb went off in Nagito, he began to listen and slowly inched away, running past and soon Naegi joined him, weaving through the coffins that bunched up the streets and sidewalks. People were transmogrified and they'd be safe in the Dark Hour but it didn't count for Nagito or Naegi in this instance. Why was Nagito destined to slay shadows and be a Persona user, too?

The groans of shadows began nipping at their heels and soon familiar landscapes made it into view, but the dorm was a bit off and slowly the signs of exhaustion was playing through them both. Would they make it? Would Nagito last in this Dark Hour?


"A Persona...Someone's here!" Naegi cried excitedly but whoever it was, they'd be saved in time and not killed by these shadows.


"Yes, the manifestation of our true selves. We fight those things-shadows-you see, you're in a period called the Dark Hour and people that retain their true form are potential candidates for being Persona users. I think we'll be fine."

The exposition would be a lot to swallow here but Naegi had to be straight and true with Nagito and that meant putting him on an equal level of understanding and knowledge.

Without further ado, the figures that created the Persona up ahead formed, and it was joined by another one and from sight, it was composed of Byakuya, Kirigiri and good old Kazuichi. Now, Naegi would be scolded perhaps for being so negligent in this case, but it would have to be done later.


The Evoker was thrown and Naegi caught it between his palms and lifted it up against his temple.

"PERSONA!" Out popped a blacken Jack Frost named Black Frost, and with causal aiming, enormous ice shards gathered around the shadows and shattered.

"You..You.." Nagito stuttered and Naegi stood there, fixed and gazing down at the terrified boy in them. They both could gain power and through Persona, it was possible and doable. Maybe Naegi came off as crass but cool was something he was in this moment and quickly he worked at eliminating those gathering shadows.

Foolish it was to be boasting, Naegi was saving them both and without a glance back, he knew that the others would be here soon but he had to pull Nagito up and make something out of him.

"Yes, I am a Persona user and I strive to rid the world from the Dark Hour. You should plan your own reasons to fight."


"Yes, this is fighting those creatures. Don't be afraid."

"I'm no longer afraid. I'll help you, Makoto."

With determination, and with some intuition, Naegi threw the Evoker Nagito's way and hoped the instincts of using it came to him.

Would Nagito awaken?

"Don't be afraid. Think of it like accepting your death and do it."

In a show of sparkles and flashes, a Persona emerged: Alice, a young blonde girl that seemed suited to Nagito and with a show of strength... "This is the power of Persona...I...I...know what must be done."

And with darkness of instant death (mudo) came down, the Dark Hour quieted and soon the shadows were placid and gone. Nagito had done it and yet, he was collapsing and Naegi quickly grabbed Nagito by his waist. It would be all right and somehow it was known.

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