My Harmony Of The World

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"He's contacted us." Byakuya's voice was dripping with heaviness, and then, did Naegi falter- Hajime found them? He recalled the moments after and before Kirigiri's death and it struck him more, and his knees wobbled down and Chihiro didn't realize, but with a quick snatch...

"Nagito." Naegi painfully muttered.

"Always here for you, Makoto."

And without reeling back, Nagito's thin and warm finger caressed the finer points of Naegi's jaw, almost drawing more to him and painting a better picture than what was happening. What was forming. Why was Nagito so insisted in the love that never existed between them? Why did he feel so familiar and inviting? Was he someone Naegi knew?

"Regardless of what we must do, Togami-senpai!" Kazuichi was found yelling, almost pounding the table where the notes and maps were sprawled over top, and they just were fodder for the ground-nothing more and yet, there was a meticulous way of doing things with Byakuya and so even this was yearned and prepared for.


Byakuya's eyes were outshined by the pressing of his glasses so near to the only emotion that he could sustain himself; and what was that? What was Byakuya hiding now? Naegi hadn't been alone with his boyfriend in the longest time and there had been reasons why, but in the end, he longed, even perhaps needed to be with Byakuya and enjoy life again. Enjoy what time he had left...


"I don't give a damn what he wanted! Even an idiot like myself, can see this is a trap!"

"Then, don't go." Byakuya's reply was curt and even cruel, but this wasn't a game that could easily be played on another day-this was the real life, the real death that could end the world, and yet, losing so much and gaining so little proved to be the worst medicine to swallow the hardest.

"Don't put yourself on the line, if you do not wish to die."


"I'm not asking you to die, Kazuichi Souda, but I am asking if you want to save the world, and only you can decide if you wish to do so."

"I don't mind it." Nagito pipped up, always having the same unreadable grin on his face, and yet, laid on, piles of emotions were all gone, and it was impossible for such a person to exist, but here, he stood, ready to fight against the hell of the end of the world.

"You're fucking insane, Nagito." Kazuichi snapped.

"If, it means, pleasing Makoto."

"I don't have a problem with putting my life on the line, but, I wanna take it to heart that, my life matters."

"Good answer, Makoto! You found the value in your life, that we've been telling you." Nagito's grin transformed into more sinister fleeting memories, that had Naegi gripped in apprehension.

"Shut up! Shut up, Nagito!"


"Tell me a good reason why...I shouldn't...shouldn't..." The tightened hands dug into Nagito's shoulder and while, it felt perplexing that Kazuichi could act in this manner and although, Naegi knew no violence would be taken in, he felt offended to his core. No one needed to fight on his behalf, and he was exhausted from everyone doing it-Byakuya was certainly shielding him from the worst, so, why did Naegi feel the absolutely worse?

"Will you kill me, instead? Would that make you happy and will you make Makoto cry?"

"Kazuichi...P-Please, don't...because all life matters, even Nagito's-even if I don't get him, entirely, it is worth something to not only me but Kirigiri, too. Why else would she do what she did?"

Naegi had found himself, and was threatening the bones that trembled and jumped out of his skin, with tales of unforgettable eternities that were envisioned in a life outside of this-a life, with the happiness intact, with his heart no longer worn on the sleeve and now, he could take it, he could embrace it.

He found himself and no longer did he need to know more about Kirigiri or anyone else, for what was granted was relief and he didn't have to rely one everyone to grapple onto his own problems and the words, the sentences of Byakuya strung together perfectly, weaving more into a coherent narrative.

"Kazuichi, let Nagito down, and listen to me, closely, please, everyone also." The strain was breaking Naegi's vocal cords and yet, he had to push through the pain for happiness to arrive. "I'm not asking anyone to put their lives at risk, but, at the end of the day, we have to summon the courage to face the inevitable, but it doesn't mean that we can't mold it into a future without The Fall; And yes, Fuyuhiko lied to us, yet, it was a fresh betrayal that made sense. Let's save the world for not only others but ourselves, too."

"Makoto, bravo!"

"Hey, shut up!" Kazuichi's venom was enough to slice open old wounds, but with a landing so sharp, Nagito took care to straighten up the disturbance that Kazuichi had caused.

"No, don't thank me, Nagito, thanks to all of you, but I've been incredibility stupid and even downright silly to think that I wouldn't shoulder the blame of my own actions here. The Dark Hour exists because of me, and I'll do everything in my grasp, to shake the foundation and destroy The Fall."

"Makoto, you don't-"

A smile, a genuine feeling that lacked sorrow, and even then, Naegi could see the concern growing in Byakuya's eyes.

"I promise to fix my life and make it up to my sister, after this, and I want you, Byakuya Togami to be there with me."

"Whatever you want, Makoto Naegi."

And for the first moments, Makoto felt relieved, almost taken into the sincerity, but more pressing matters affected more of the situation than he knew, but hoping, at least, they would put their lives on that line and save their own souls.

They had to, they had to be part of it with Makoto, and they would do so, he knew so.

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