Destined Hearts

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The room was spinning but Naegi could see the ceiling, vaguely and of course, he couldn't manage very well with Byakuya kissing and caressing him. It felt soft spoken in the way that the kisses landed and took hold of Naegi's imagination and brought color back to him. It was enough that their hands were intertwined and their hearts collided silently, but with a ping of passion brought in, Naegi felt his voice get smaller and smaller but with a quick brush through Byakuya's hair, Naegi could grasp more than air this time. He could have relationships with other people and even then, he could learn to love again.

Naegi let out a moan but with the biting and sucking of his upper lips, he couldn't move much more, transfixed to the moment of divinity. He loved Byakuya Togami with his heart and yet, there were a lot of things to iron on, wasn't there?

Between breaths, between swimming tangible words.


"You don't have to say it."

"I really do. I you."

The systematic kissing continued all over the tiniest cracks and crevasses of Naegi's body; toes, fingers, nose, ears, and even the top of his head. The expression of joy made contentment and peace a possibility now but even so, it could be distant if it chose to be but today, it came out blazing the breadth of the sky.

Byakuya's and Naegi's head touched as they both went back to the surface. "It did hurt for so long."

"It will be over soon, Makoto and that I do sincerely promise, so let me take you away from it all."

It wasn't like Byakuya to spout mushy cliched nonsense but today, he made the most intelligent decision to love another and to love Naegi.

Does love take its toll on everyone that it greets and welcomes?

"It's going to be alright, now and I know that from you, Byakuya."

"Then, we should have no problem in succeeding and so you must fight harder than before and prove to me more that you're my match in love as well."

Yeah, the fighting had to resume but with renewed spirits, Naegi could take it all on.

"You're smiling. That's weird. I never saw your smile once, you know?"

"I guess I've changed, because of you."

And like that moment that dissolved into memories, Naegi felt a calming presence inside as he slept next to Byakuya soundly; the first real dream came to him and it felt lighter and carefree and something in the realm of possibility. He could finally realize what mattered to him and despite his own shortcomings, he could achieve the highest level possible of depth.

Yes, he'd fulfill the contract, if only to succeed, if only to attempt his destiny. The next few days flew closer together and Naegi found himself enjoying the newly calmed weather amongst Nagito and Kazuichi, rightly so.

They were his friends and he had to treasure them and make sure that they were protected, right? They'd do the same for Naegi, so...

"Whatcha smiling about, Makoto?" Kazuichi inquired in one of those uneventful days.

"Life, Kazuichi. I am smiling because I'm truly happy."

"That's good!" Nagito chimed in smiling, himself but even with added time, the meeting of Personas would again rise and they'd have to fight once more and maybe then, the secrets of the world would be revealed to them.

They'd have to try...they'd have to scourge the Earth for their answers and yet, it could be accomplished together. He could accomplish anything with his friends and rightly now, he knew to trust these people and to know the worth of relationships with others again. He'd bring himself back and change the world and end Tartarus.  

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