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Naegi quietly stared into the abyss as it too, tried to size him up, but what did it matter if he kept being at the edge and never fell in? What did it matter about boundaries if they constantly were crossed? What did he do now that he was shaking violently against his own will? Yet, hot flashes and intrusive thoughts collided in his already frantic mind. Why had he taken up the evoker and decided to fight?

Why was it okay to fight now and run away later like he always did? Yet, he could feel the end coming and did nothing to halt the finality of his own life.

The string of his own life wasn't anything worthwhile and here he was at the gate of his own darkness, ready to give his life for something more than himself: friendship, companionship, and finally a destiny he didn't quite fit into. No, there was no pleading for his life now, just silence as the thoughts ended in more confusion and were losing to the nightmare before him.


At every time he did it, at every time, he felt the coldness being pressed at his head and swore he lost more of himself. More than yesterday and more today, and yet, he had to find a reason to keep being alive. He found himself more and more at the back of his own subconscious; Always arguing about what actions or inactions he thought he should do, but in the end, this was the end of some illusion that he casted himself in the very moment he came to his school. Was it fate to be a Persona user?

Did he mean to be here at this exact moment as a Persona user?

The familiar figure of his new Persona Jack Frost made the situation almost comical, and almost worth climbing every step on the tower. What was it called again? Yes, Tartarus. At least, he had Byakuya and lastly Kyoko with him. Yes, they were his friends as far as he was concerned so why else would he pick up the mantle to fight the daily grinds every day?

The quiet green heal of Diarama came over him and he thanked Kyoko to himself with a nod, but he and Byakuya got back to the endless fight. The Shadows. They were everywhere and stronger on full moons and he didn't quite understand why, but it was related to something that happened 10 years ago at this very school.

The mystery would end now as they climbed room by room to relive that day so long ago, and then maybe there would be greater meaning in the struggle to live.

Remember to live.

Remember to keep fighting for the days weren't handed out nicely to each other, so pretty, in fact it was quite cruel and quite malicious in its deceitful ways. The deceit would end maybe if they got to the top and maybe confronted the worst of themselves.

The story of them began again.

His eyes were shielded by the harsh reality and the loneliness of his exterior life by living with those in the dorm, and with the passing of the shadow's existence from his mind, a surge of power grew in him. A level up of some sort, and he was getting stronger every day. Stronger all the time that he kept picking up the evoker and readied himself for battle, and Byakuya were even more steady and meticulous in his approach while Kyoko planned far ahead and kept the party well healed and went on the offensive when everyone was taken care of, while, he, Naegi planted the seeds of spirit while accepting more Personas into his self.

The list grew and grew and he found himself brighter and faster now in his ways, as he totally went off the rails and slashes with his new weapon and used his evoker more and more, all the time summoning more Personas.


That voice reaching at the inner parts of his decaying heart, and yet, he outreached the last of his strength to that warmth he'd always known and loved.

"Makoto, open your eyes." Kyoko commanded standing over him quite in a disarray manner, shoving her purple hair from her bright eyes, while Byakuya stood farther away with his arms crossed.

"He's a liability, I'm telling you." Byakuya barked again filling up the rafters with doubt and insecurity, but Naegi couldn't be fooled, despite his silent friendship with the blonde boy, there seemed to be a different face he kept wearing especially in battle, and Naegi couldn't blame him. This wasn't any sort of game and to treat this as such was the ending of one's life.

"What have I told you, Togami!?" Kyoko hissed making a planned gesture with a hand to her hip and a shining menacing look, and Naegi could of swore that it was meant for him and not Byakuya, but someone had to take it much more lightly, for Naegi was much more delicate than others.

"No need to protect me, Kyoko. I know what he means, and he's right. I can't keep fainting like this and I have to keep fighting and becoming stronger for the future."

"Are you sure that it's doable?"

"It is, Byakuya. I know it can be done, and I know I can be stronger but it's just that I keep hearing..."

"It's that voice again, isn't it?" Byakuya moved closer as if to swarm Naegi, but there was something more in the concern and yet, Kyoko blocked the way. "What voice?" She asked accusing of the boys for holding a secret from her but Naegi couldn't quite say it without being embarrassed and Byakuya wouldn't for the sake of the friendship.

Their bond.

The bonds that kept Naegi sane and helped him fuse more Personas to something more powerful and crazy like, almost retaining the words of the man in the velvet room. Could he only see that man? Didn't they awake the same way he did? He wasn't sure and yet, he had to know despite the vagueness of answers that he didn't want.

"It's not anything to worry about anymore, it's just that I get tired and..."

"It's not good, Naegi."

"I know, but I'll try to forget it but for now, we have to get rest. The Dark Hour is nearly over and I'm completely exhausted, don't you say Kyoko?"

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously and yet, her heels echoed on the barren floor and behind her came Byakuya, also with a look of victory in his eyes; Though Naegi was never too far behind casting his own shadow to the world and making a mark further down in his own mind.

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