The Fall Continues

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Naegi put his hands together and hoped that somehow this was a terrible dream-a waking nightmare, maybe? The Fall would happen and all because that Hajime wanted it, but what purpose lurked in desiring the end of humanity? Why wouldn't it halt? The procession of bells rang in his ears and as much as he stuffed pillow after pillow over his heard, the sound continued relentlessly.

Why had Hajime let him live?

Why would it matter if Naegi died? Yes, it would matter because there was something to prove and something to lose in it.

Could he somehow be granted the serenity to face what The Fall could bring forth?

No, he couldn't and without stomaching, the emptiness of his stomach fell before his feet and he doubled over, crushing his chest in the process, almost mixing the vomit with his tears.

Was everything worthless now?

Was finding his Persona, not worth much now?

Was fighting those shadows not worth anything, either? What mattered in the world? Would love be the driving force but even regardless of that, Naegi highly doubted it. The suspicions were too deep and somehow, letting it go would be terrible and not just for his sake, but people like Byakuya and even Komaru.

"A-Are you okay?"

"Chihiro...I didn't hear you. I'm okay...I just felt sick, that's all."

"I wanted to come back and tell you, that I couldn't find much about this "Fall" but what I do know, and what you gave me insight to believe in, is that, we have to approach this with not feelings but least I think?"

Naegi bravely smiled, stiffening up.

"I don't blame you for thinking that, but it's up to me..."

"Don't go alone, again. Don't because of-"

"You mean, Byakuya, right? I know what he means to me, but this is more than he knows."

"Makoto, you mean too much to us-"

"But I caused all of this, didn't I? If it wasn't for Fuyuhiko betraying us and...I hate to think what else, he meant to do. I was a fool to believe that we could finally end the Dark Hour and that my appearance back here, only made it worse-but why did I come back? Was I guilty of something? That's an easy answer that I can't get around."

Glum and down, he was, Chihiro tried to hide her own feigned smile, but why bother wasting the energy to wallow more? Yet, Makoto wished to wallow further in, further out.

"I did dreadful things, and abandoned a lot of people that needed me, but being here and helping you all-has really been the highlight of my life and besides, I can't die or let anyone down because it would be my greatest unhappiness."

"Makoto, I'm sorry."

"No, I am."

Chihiro moved uncomfortably.

"Don't worry, I intend to follow Byakuya's instructions and somehow, we'll follow through with anything that happens."

Chihiro's face lit up; She was certainly a string of lights-Christmas lights brightened up so much that the neighborhood could be astonished by it all.

She was easily breakable, though, easily taken apart by malice, by pain.

"Then, I guess, there was another reason, you're here, right?"

"Y-Yes. It isn't just about you but rather Byakuya-senpai."

"He's summoning us, isn't he? He must have a plan. He must."

Without wrapping it all up, Christmas couldn't be heavier in Naegi's mind and while the memories all rolled back, he frantically searched for his sister's face. What was she doing now? What was she feeling and where was the blame laying on?

Naegi knew that this Fall had to be stopped, and he'd do it as a team.

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