Under Love: The End?

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The morning, so crisp and unique but lurking on the depths was the foreboding of death's chokehold but Makoto still slung his bag over his shoulder almost accepting of it.


He recounted the steps to the school almost passing by people he knew forgot about him, but it was the best, wasn't it? The Fall was gone and now, now, he would join the biggest hole in that sky.



It didn't certainly frighten him anymore, but he was another student even if regret filled his eyes, knowing full well that he'd never reconcile with Komaru or at least be around his friends again. Yet, his life would be exhausted by that time wouldn't it? He had to prepare himself for that evitability. Smiles he couldn't prepare or pack up made him way up to the cusp of his mind but dying was okay, right? He'd be there wouldn't he?

There were so many things he could have done but at least, he wouldn't think his life was meaningless. That his life wasn't unfilled also undeserving.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't..."

"Couldn't what?"

Makoto tilted his head slightly before ignoring the very sound of Byakuya Togami's voice and his body leaning lightly as if remembering the very takeover of the heart. No regret took the moments of passion away from Makoto nor were the memories' ending here.


The classroom was starting to fill up but most of the people were meandering and not wanting to listen to the sounds of assembly's words echoing on the foot steps ahead; But here, with a stretch of imagination, Byakuya's hand twitched if paused and memorable.


"Don't do that, Makoto."

Brushing past the unkempt hair from Makoto's eyes but it was clarity after stormy days yet, did Byakuya remember? Did he yearn also for that touch? The touch of similar lips? Of unfettered stringing along of words. No more could be taken from this moment but what it was, simply was the beginning or maybe the omega of Makoto's unassuming life, right?

"I... I..."


"Don't. Makoto."

"Come with me. I want the moments not..."

Why was it lingering now? This sudden realization of not wanting to die? Could hanging onto Byakuya be the cause? No, no, Makoto had to die, right? It was heavier than expected but he couldn't do more than reconcile the mounting regret in him, right?

The sun matched the floating and flowing cherry blossoms all over head and more so with Makoto examining the last moments.


"So, you remember." Makoto's lips curled up in the very expression of love, of sorrow.

"I couldn't possibly-"

"It's never your fault. I just didn't want you to forget but," Makoto's body nearly fell apart but with steadiness, with some graciousness, "Byakuya...I love you."

Strangely, the calm and disappearing straight posture of Byakuya Togami, the student council president, the highest-grade point average in the school and already poised for a life full of easiness, broke down as he clutched Makoto's, his lover's arm, holding them both together.

"Please don't go, please, I need you, Makoto Naegi."

"Byakuya," With a pivot of Makoto's heel, pressing and reaching against the taller male's opened lips was all the invitation he desired. "I'm feeling tired. Stay with me."

"Always, Makoto."

Already sniffling, becoming the worst mess possible, Byakuya laid Makoto down onto his lap admiring the very features of lover's pain, of their parting.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to-"

"It's funny, you know? I thought of all the meaningful things in my life, that I could do something more for others, that I could do it for you and..."

"You have, you have and the fact...I can't stop it with anything I have. Makoto. I intended to be with you forever, even if I could be exhausted and die here with you."

The embrace of hands, interlacing fingers were enough to satisfy the perfect image in Makoto's head although it was far from this perfection as possible.

"Would the world be ready for us? Would they thank us?" Makoto's eyes fluttered on and off, but he clasped tighter than possible.

"I'd make them see. I'd make them see what a person you were or are."

"I'd love to be yours, yours and only yours, Byakuya Togami, but for now, let me rest."


"Just stay here, never let me go, never leave me."


There were only shades of gray, only moments so divine that he ought to have it preserved but who would consider it precious except for them? Then without any hesitation, more footsteps trampled ahead, and Makoto couldn't help but smile more.

They were all coming.

All of S.E.E.S

But would they come in time for him? Maybe, maybe not but all he knew was Byakuya's gentleness and loving embraces.

"I won't, Makoto Togami."

That was spinning so close, but life was a series of exasperations even more devastating was the farewells that hurt the worst. What did that Shakespeare fellow say?

Parting is such sweet sorrow?


Parting was the bitter sorrow that kept them all interconnected and the very impression of smiles then and there. He had to die now.

He had to say goodbye.


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