You Hit Him

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Me and Payton have been dating for a few months now, right now I'm heading over to his house to hangout. When I get to his house I park my car and get out, I walk up to the door and knock on it. It opens a few seconds later.
Ava: Hi Faith.
Faith: Hi.

She moves out of the way and I walk in.
Faith: Payton! Ava is here!
Payton: Okay!

I walk upstairs, I walk to his door and knock.
Payton: Come in.

I walk in and shut his door behind me.
Ava: Hi.
Payton: Hey.

I set my bag down and take my shoes off, I walk over to him. I lay down on his bed next to him, I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest. He sets his phone down and wraps his arms around me.
Payton: What do you want to do?
Ava: I don't know.
Payton: Do you want to watch a movie?
Ava: Yeah.

Payton grabs his remote, I look around and see he has his camera in a weird position and place.
Ava: Why do you have your camera over there? You normally have it on your nightstand. *laughs*
Payton: Oh, I don't know.

He turns on a movie, he turns around so he's on his side facing me. He smiles at me and I smile back at him, a few seconds go by and I notice something on Payton's neck. I take my hands away from him and sit up along with him.
Ava: What is that?
Payton: What is what?
Ava: On your neck.
Payton: Nothing.

He takes his hoodie and puts it over his head so it's covering his neck.
Ava: Payton, what is on your neck?
Payton: It's nothing.
Ava: If it's nothing why can't you tell me what it is?
Payton: Because it's not important. I told you it's nothing.

I reach my hand over to his neck, I go to remove his hood. He grabs my hand and pushes it away.
Ava: Payton, tell me what it is right now. I know if you're lying because I'm pretty sure I know what it is.
Payton: It's nothing Ava.
Ava: Then why did you push my hand away?
Payton: Because it's nothing.

I get off of his bed and walk over to my stuff, I start putting my shoes on.
Payton: Where are you going?
Ava: I'm leaving. You are clearly a cheater and a liar.

I walk over to his bed and grab my phone, when I go to grab my phone his phone dings. He reaches for it along with me, I push his hands away and grab it. I turn his phone on and read the message.
❤️Katie❤️: Are we still hanging out tonight? I miss you😘

Tears gather in my eyes and I throw his phone on the bed.
Ava: Who's Katie?
Payton: No one.
Ava: Stop lying to me. She's saved in your phone with two hearts. Who is she?
Payton: She's just a friend.

I slap his face and walk over to my stuff again, I go to grab my keys.
Payton: Don't leave.
Ava: Why not? Your cheating on me Payton.
Payton: It's a prank.
Ava: That's bullshit. Why did you actually get a text from a girl named Katie?
Payton: Its a prank. I promise.

I roll my eyes, grab my bag and go to open his door. Payton walks over to me, he grabs my wrist and turns me around. He kisses me, he pulls away a few seconds later. 
Payton: We haven't kissed yet so I hope that shows you that it is just a prank. I promise you. It's just makeup, watch it comes off.

He lets go of my wrist and takes his hood off, he starts rubbing his neck and the makeup starts to smear. He walks over to where his camera is, he grabs it and walks back over to me.
Payton: See it's not there anymore.

Payton smiles and laughs, I wipe my eyes and laugh a little bit.
Ava: You're a jerk Payton.

I laugh a bit and he does his outro, he sets his camera down and walks back over to me.
Payton: Put your things down and take your shoes off.
Ava: That still doesn't explain who Katie is.
Payton: I had Dylan send me that message and I just changed his contact name in my phone so it would be more believable.
Ava: You promise?
Payton: Yes I promise. I wouldn't ever cheat on you.

He kisses me again but this time I kiss him back, I wrap my arms around his torso while he wraps his arms around my waist. I take my shoes off and put my bag down.

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