He Catches You Doing Drugs

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I'm downstairs saying bye to my parents because they are going away for the weekend for their anniversary.
Mom: Okay, we're leaving now. Be safe please. Luke you really watch her. Especially after last weekend.

I roll my eyes.
Dad: Don't roll your eyes at us. You could've gotten pregnant Ava. It's not funny.
Mom: Bye you guys. Love you.

They walk out of the house, I walk downstairs to where Calum, Michael and Ashton are. I walk to the closet and open it, I grab a box and shut the closet.
Calum: Whats in the box?
Ava: Uh, art stuff.
Calum: Oh.

I run up the stairs and to the other set of stairs, I walk into my room. I grab a towel and shove it under my door, I lock my door and open my window. I open the box up and grab a lighter and a blunt, I light it and start smoking it. An hour goes by and I hear a car pull up the driveway, I get up from my bed and look out my window and see Payton getting out of his car.
Ava: Shit.

I run to my bathroom and put the rest of my blunt in the toilet, I flush it and run back to the box. I put the lighter in it and quickly close it, I set it on my nightstand. I unlock my door and grab the towel, I put the towel in my closet. I start waving my arms in the air to clear the smoke, I hear the front door open and close. There's footsteps coming up the stairs, I run to my bathroom and grab my strongest perfume. I start spraying it as my door opens.
Payton: Hey.
Ava: Hi.
Payton: It smells like weed in here.
Ava: Oh? Really?
Payton: Yeah.
Ava: Oh, I don't notice it.
Payton: Then why were you spraying your strongest perfume you have?
Ava: Cause I like the scent of it.
Payton: Oh? Since when?
Ava: Since a few days ago.
Payton: Oh.

He walks over to me and hugs me from behind.
Payton: I missed you.
Ava: I missed you too.

I kiss his cheek.
Payton: You smell like weed too.

He pulls away.
Payton: Is your brother and his friends like smoking in his room or downstairs?
Ava: I don't know.

I spray the perfume a few more times in my room and on me.
Payton: That smells way better. *laughs*

I smile and laugh, I put my perfume away. Me and Payton go lay on my bed, he wraps me in his arms. I kiss him and he kisses me back, he pulls away a few seconds later.
Payton: I love you so much.
Ava: I love you too.

A few hours go by and it's 8 pm, Payton goes to turn my lamp on. As he turns the lamp on he accidentally knocks the box off of my nightstand, I go to get up to clean it up.
Payton: I can clean it up. I'm the one who accidentally pushed it off.
Ava: No it's fine. I got it.

I quickly get up and walk over to Payton's side of my bed, I grab the box and start putting the lighter, weed and blunts back in the box. Payton sits up and looks at me.
Payton: Are you fucking joking me Ava. You lied to me.

I look at him.
Ava: I'm sorry.
Payton: That's why you and your room smelled like weed because you were smoking it before I came. Do you know what that stuff does to your lungs and throat?!
Ava: I'm sorry Payton.
Payton: Do your parents know?! Does Luke?!
Ava: No. Payt, I'm really sorry. It won't happen again.
Payton: You're damn right it won't happen again.

Payton gets off of my bed and grabs the weed and blunts out of my hand, he walks to my bathroom and flushes it down my toilet.
Payton: Why would you even think about smoking weed?
Ava: I don't know. I'm really sorry Payton.
Payton: How long have you been smoking it?
Ava: Only since last week.
Payton: God Ava what even went through your mind when you thought about smoking weed?
Ava: I really don't know Payton. Im so sorry.
Payton: Just don't do it again.
Ava: I won't. I promise.

I put the lighter in the box, I set the box on my dresser and lay back down on my bed. Payton lays next to me, we watch movies for the rest of the night.

payton moormeier imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang