He Gets Jealous (Different Story) Part 2

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💍Ava💍: No Payton. You didn't need to get mad at me. I didn't do anything. I'll talk to you tomorrow or something.
*End Of Recap*

I set my phone down on my lap and Ashton continues to drive, when we get to Ashton's he parks in his driveway. We get out and walk into his house, I take my shoes off along with him.
Ashton: You can go hangout in the living room if you'd like. I'm going to go out in the back. You can come out in the back if you want to.
Ava: Okay.

Ashton walks to his kitchen and grabs a beer from his fridge, he walks outside to the backyard. I sit on the couch and turn on the tv, my phone starts ringing. I look at it and see it's Payton, I decline the call. My phone dings a second later, I click on Payton's name and read the messages.
🌷Payton🌷: I'm sorry Ava. I know I was in the wrong and I'm sorry. I shouldn't of ignored you and I shouldn't of gotten mad at you.
🌷Payton🌷: Please just answer my texts? I know that you are seeing them.

A few minutes go by and he sends another message.
🌷Payton🌷: You're giving me the silent treatment. I know you are and I don't blame you. I was such a jerk to you and I'm sorry.
🌷Payton🌷: This isn't going to cause us to break up is it? I would be lost without you. I love you.
🌷Payton🌷: I just got jealous when Dylan said those things because you're my girlfriend and I don't want my friends hitting on you. I don't want to lose you.
🌷Payton🌷: Are you at Ashton's?
🌷Payton🌷: If you don't respond I'm coming over.
🌷Payton🌷: I want to fix this now. I'm so fucking scared Ava. I don't want to lose you. I love you so incredibly much.
💍Ava💍: No. Don't come over. I want to be alone. I'll talk to you tomorrow I said.
🌷Payton🌷: Just talk to me now, please?
💍Ava💍: Fine.

My phone rings a second later, I answer it.
Payton: I am so sorry. I acted like a jerk. I had no reason to ignore you and yell at you. I was just jealous that Dylan was saying those things. It wasn't fair to you that I got mad you. I know you didn't do anything wrong. I just don't want to lose you. I love you so much Ava.
Ava: I love you so much too Payton.
Payton: So am I forgiven?
Ava: On one condition. You can't ignore me and get mad at me when something isn't my fault ever again.
Payton: Okay. I promise I won't do that. So I'll see you tomorrow?
Ava: Yeah.
Payton: Okay. Bye. I love you.
Ava: Bye. I love you too.

I hang up and set my phone down.

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