You Guys Play 7 Minutes In Heaven

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Right now I'm sitting in my living room on my phone, I get a text from Bailey.
🌼Bailey🌼: Hey.
🌺Ava🌺: Hi.
🌼Bailey🌼: You should come over. Jackson, Sam and Bella are coming over.
🌼Bailey🌼: Plus Payton is coming and I know you have a crush on him and he has a crush on you. Everyone knows actually except him because he clearly doesn't see it.
🌺Ava🌺: Okay. I'm on my way.
🌼Bailey🌼: Okay😋

I stand up from the couch and walk over to the front door, I put my shoes on and walk outside. I see Luke getting into his car.
Luke: What are you doing?
Ava: I'm going to Bailey's. What are you doing?
Luke: Going to Calum's. Do you want a ride?
Ava: Yeah.

I walk over to Luke's car and get in, he shuts his door and pulls out of the driveway. He starts driving to Bailey's, when we get to Bailey's he parks his car and I get out.
Ava: Thanks for the ride Luke.
Luke: You're welcome. Let me know if you are staying the night or if I need to come get you.
Ava: Okay.

I shut his door and he leaves, I walk up to Bailey's front door and knock on it. It opens a second later, I look and see Payton.
Payton: Hi.
Ava: Hi.

He smiles at me and I smile back, he shuts the door.
Payton: We're all downstairs.
Ava: Okay.

We walk downstairs and I go to sit by Bailey, she spreads out on the couch.
Bailey: Sorry. You can't sit here. The only open seat is next to Payton.

She smiles at me and I glare at her, I go to the other couch and sit by Payton. A few minutes go by.
Bella: We should play a game.
Sam: What game?
Bailey: Seven Minuets In Heaven.

Bailey and Bella smile at me and I glare at them again.
Bella: Bailey and Sam. You guys go first.

Bailey and Sam stand up, he grabs her hand and they walk upstairs. 7 minutes go by and they walk back downstairs.
Bailey: Jackson and Bella it's your turn now.

Jackson blushes and they stand up, another 7 minutes pass by and they come downstairs.
Bailey: Payton, it's your turn.
Bella: Who do you want to kiss? 
Payton: Uh, you or Bailey?
Bella: Nope sorry. You and Ava have to kiss.
Ava: Bella. Bailey. Stop.
Bailey: Go.

Payton stands up along with me, we walk upstairs and go to the closet. We get in the closet and Payton shuts the door, a few minutes go by of awkward silence.
Ava: If you don't want to kiss that's fine, we could just talk-

Payton interrupts me by pressing his lips against mine, he starts kissing me. I kiss him back, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he pushes me against the closet wall.
Payton: I've liked you for a while now.
Ava: I've liked you for a while now too.

He kisses me again and a few minutes go by, there's a knock on the closet door.
Sam: Hey uh you guys, it's been longer than seven minutes. It's almost been ten minutes. Are you going to come out?
Payton: Oh. Yeah we're coming out now. We were just talking.

Payton sets me down and we walk out of the closet and follow Sam back downstairs.
Jackson: What were you guys doing for almost ten minutes?
Payton: We were talking.
Bella: I don't believe that.
Ava: Well that's what we were doing.
Bailey: No you guys weren't. We didn't hear any talking and we heard a bang in the closet. We heard you talking when you said that if you didn't want to to kiss you guys would just talk but after that there was no talking. We aren't stupid.
Payton: Shut up Bailey.

Bailey laughs and a few hours go by, Sam, Jackson and Bella left a little bit ago. I look over at the couch and see that Bailey fell asleep, I stand up and put my shoes on.
Payton: Where are you going?
Ava: I'm gonna go home.
Payton: Do you want a ride?
Ava: Oh I can call my brother to come get me. I don't want you to go out of your way.
Payton: I don't think you remember that I live three blocks away from you. It's not out of my way.
Ava: Are you sure?
Payton: Yeah. I would like to spend some more time with you.

Payton smiles at me and I smile back at him.
Ava: I would like to spend more time with you too.

Payton stands up and puts his shoes on, he grabs his keys and phone and we walk upstairs. We walk outside and to his car, we get in and he starts driving.
Payton: So I was maybe wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend? I mean like we already kinda made out so. *laughs*
Ava: *Laughs* Yeah. I would love to be your girlfriend.

I smile along with Payton, we arrive at my house a few minutes later. I open the door.
Payton: I'll talk to you tomorrow?
Ava: Yeah.

I smile and get out, Payton smiles and I shut the door. He drives away and I walk up to the front door, I walk in and see Luke sitting on the couch.
Luke: How did you get home? I thought you were spending the night because you never called me.
Ava: Sorry. I was going to but Payton gave me a ride.
Luke: Who's Payton?
Ava: A friend.

I smile and take my shoes off.
Luke: Do you like him?
Ava: Yeah.
Luke: Then stay away from him. You don't need a boyfriend yet. You're fifteen.

I roll my eyes and walk upstairs, I walk into my room and change into pajamas. I lay down in my bed and go to sleep.

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