You Guys Are Best Friends And He Doesn't Like Your Boyfriend

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I'm walking out of school with my boyfriend Mason.
Mason: Would you maybe want to come over for a little bit?
Ava: Sorry Mason. I would love to but I can't. I have to get my homework done.
Mason: That's okay. Since tomorrow is Saturday would you maybe want to come spend the night tonight after you're done with your homework?
Ava: Of course.

I smile at Mason and he smiles back at me.
Mason Okay. I'll see you later.
Ava: Okay. I love you.
Mason: Love you too.

Mason kisses me and I kiss him back, he pulls away and walks to his car. I start walking to my car, I hear someone scoff behind me. I stop and turn around, I see Payton.
Ava: Payton I'm not doing this today.
Payton: Well I just don't see what you see in Mason. He's a jerk. He's mean.
Ava: He is not. He's the nicest guy I've ever met. You just don't like him. He's never done anything to you.
Payton: Yes he has.
Ava: Okay what has he done to you then?
Payton: He took you away from me.

I roll my eyes.
Ava: Payton he did not. We still hang out almost every day.
Payton: No we don't.
Ava: Yes we do.
Payton: Then hangout with me tonight.
Ava: I can't.
Payton: Why not?
Ava: Because I'm going to Mason's.
Payton: See we don't ever hangout anymore.
Ava: Where was I yesterday then? I was with you Payton.
Payton: You're supposed to be my best friend and hangout with me.
Ava: Well you're supposed to be my best friend and not get mad or angry at me for hanging out with my boyfriend and you aren't supposed to hate my boyfriend either.
Payton: Well I don't have to like everybody.
Ava: No you don't but you can at least keep it to your self that you don't like Mason. You're my best friend but I could honestly care less if you like him or not because it doesn't matter if you like him. It matters if I like him.
Payton: Ava, if I'm your best friend then that means you would do anything for me, right?
Ava: Yes of course Payton. I don't see why this has anything to do with Mason though.
Payton: If you would do anything for me since I'm your best friend then break up with Mason.
Ava: Are you fucking kidding me Payton? I'm not breaking up with Mason for you.
Payton: Then we must not be best friends.
Ava: I guess not then. You're a real jerk.

I turn around and walk to my car, I unlock it and get in. I start my car and start driving home, when I get home I park my car and walk inside.
Luke: Hi.
Ava: Hey.

I take my shoes off.
Luke: How was school?

I walk up the stairs ignoring Luke, I walk into my room. I shut my door and set my bag down on my bed, I start grabbing my homework out of my bag. My door opens and closes, I turn around and see Luke.
Luke: What's wrong?
Ava: Nothing.
Luke: What's wrong Ava? I know when you're lying so tell me what's wrong.
Ava: Payton. He's what's wrong.
Luke: What did he do? You guys are best friends so he must of really done something to get you mad.
Ava: Payton wants me to break up with Mason because he doesn't like him.
Luke: Mason is so nice though.
Ava: I know. Payton said that Mason is apparently taking me away from him and that we never hang out anymore when we literally hangout like five days out of the week.
Luke: Maybe Payton likes you so he's jealous that you're dating Mason.
Ava: Payton doesn't like me. That would be weird. He's supposed to be my best friend.
Luke: Well maybe he does.

I roll my eyes.
Ava: Anyways after I'm done with my homework I'm gonna go to Mason's.
Luke: Okay.

Luke walks out of my room and I sit down at my desk and start doing my homework, when I finish my homework I start packing an overnight bag. I grab a pair of clothes, pajamas, perfume, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and a brush, I put the stuff into a bag and zip it up. I grab my phone and phone charger and text Mason.
🥰Ava🥰: I'm on my way over♥️
😍Mason😍: Okay😘

I walk out of my room and walk downstairs, I put my shoes on and grab my keys.
Ava: Luke I'm leaving!
Luke: Okay!

I walk outside and walk to my car, I unlock my car and put my stuff in the back of my car. I go to open the drivers side door.
Payton: Ava I'm sorry.

I turn around and see Payton standing behind me, I shut my door.
Ava: Payton I don't want to hear it. You are so rude and inconsiderate. If we were best friends you would be happy for me and you wouldn't care so much about Mason. I love you as a best friend or brother way but you make me so angry.
Payton: I know and I'm sorry.
Ava: I just don't get it.
Payton: Get what?
Ava: I don't get why you care so much about me and Mason being together.
Payton: I just do.
Ava: But why Payton?
Payton: Because I just do Ava. Okay?
Ava: No Payton. I want a real reason why you care so much.
Payton: Fine. I care so much because I like you Ava. I like you like in a way more than a friend and I'm jealous. I'm jealous that you are with Mason and not with me and I'm mad at myself for catching feelings for you and I know that you don't have feelings like that for me and it's embarrassing and it sucks. I'm mad because I can't do anything about it and I try to date other girls so I don't think about you but it doesn't work. I love you Ava. I love you more than a friend and more than a sister way. Like it's the type of love where I just want to kiss you but I can't because we're best friends and you're with Mason and because you don't like me like that.

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