You Guys Get In A Argument When You're On A Trip Together Part 2

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Payton: Oh good because I've always hated you! I don't love you anymore and I never loved you! This whole relationship was a waste of my time because I never ever loved you!
*End Of Recap*

I instantly get a lump in my throat.
Ava: Oh.

I look down, I walk to the bathroom. I shut the door and lock it, tears gather in my eyes as I slide down the door. I pull my knees up to my chest and start crying, I grab my phone out of my pocket and dial Luke's number. He answers a few seconds later.
Luke: Hey Ava. What's up?
Ava: *Crying* L-Luke. W-what do I do?
Luke: Whats wrong? Why are you crying? And what are you talking about?
Ava: *Crying* What do I do? P-Payton just said he doesn't love me anymore and h-he's never loved m-me.
Luke: What happened?
Ava: *Crying* W-we got into an argument because he got mad when another boy asked me to take a picture with his l-little sister and Payton got mad and we got into an argument and he said that he never loved me and that he doesn't love me anymore.
Luke: Okay, can you wait two days? I'll be in Minnesota in two days for part of the tour. Do you think you can wait that long?
Ava: *Crying* Y-yes.
Luke: Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you.
Ava: *Crying* O-okay. I'll see you in two days. I love you t-too.

I hang up the phone and continue to cry, there's a knock at the door a few seconds later.
Payton: I'm sorry. Can I come in?
Ava: *Crying* No.
Payton: Ava, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it-
Ava: *Crying* What do you mean you don't mean it? You just yelled at me and told me you never loved me and you hated me and you don't love me a-anymore.
Payton: I know and I regret it so much. I'm so sorry. You aren't actually leaving in two days are you?
Ava: *Crying* I-I am. Luke is coming to pick me up in two days. I'm not going to stay here with my ex who said he never loved me.

A few seconds go by and I hear Payton crying, I hear the door shut a second later. I stand up and unlock the door, I walk out and walk over to my suitcase. I get changed into pajamas and lay on one of the beds.

(Payton's POV)
I start crying, I walk out of the room and across the hall to Jackson and Dylan's room. I knock on the door and Jackson answers it.
Jackson: Woah. What is going on?

I walk into the room and Jackson shuts the door.
Payton: *Crying* I fucked up so b-bad.
Dylan: What did you do?
Payton: *Crying* I got mad at Ava and I-I told her that I hated her and that I don't love her anymore and that I never l-loved her.
Dylan: Why the hell would you do that?
Payton: *Crying* I don't know. Then she said that she's leaving in t-two days and Luke is coming to pick her up and she said that she's not staying here with her ex. She just broke up with m-me.
Jackson: I don't blame her. I would've done the same thing. I wouldn't want to stay with someone that just told me that they don't love me anymore and they never loved me.
Payton: *Crying* The thing is that I do love her! I have always loved her! I was just mad and now I fucked everything up and I don't know how to fix it.
Jackson: We will help you but you need to start thinking about things before you say them.

I nod my head and we walk over to the door, we walk out of the room and over to mine and Ava's room. When we walk into the room I see Ava laying under the covers on 1 of the beds, I walk over to her and wipe my tears.
Payton: Ava?

(Ava's POV)
I turn around so I'm not facing Payton.
Payton: Please look at me?

Payton moves to the other side and looks at me, I pull the blanket over my head.
Payton: Just listen to me.
Ava: No. Don't talk to me.

I feel him lay his head on the bed. 
Payton: I don't know what else to do you guys.
Dylan: You must of really fucked up Payton.
Payton: I know.

Payton lays on the bed and tries to wrap his arms around me, I pull the blanket off of my face and push Payton away.
Ava: Get away from me.
Jackson: Just leave her alone and let it go for the night. Talk about it in the morning.
Payton: But I need to fix it now.

Payton wraps his arms around me again, I push him off of me and stand up off of the bed.
Payton: I am so sorry Ava. I never meant anything I said. I was just mad!
Ava: You still said it!
Dylan: I feel kind of awkward right now.
Payton: Then leave! You aren't helping me anyways!

Payton walks over to me and corners me between the wall and the bed while Jackson and Dylan leave, a few seconds later there's a knock at the door. I walk over to it and open it, Chase walks in and walks over to Payton. He pushes him.
Chase: Why would you say that Payton?! Why would you tell Ava those things?! Rather you were mad or not you shouldn't ever tell someone that out of anger!
Payton: How do you know about that?!
Chase: Dylan and Jackson just told me!

Payton gets tears in his eyes again, I slide down the wall and pull my knees up to my chest I shake my head. Payton looks at me.
Payton: Ava, I'm so so sorry. I love you.
Ava: No you don't Payton.

He walks over to me and grabs my wrist and pulls me up off the ground, he hugs me. I take my wrists out of his grip and push him away.
Ava: Get away from me. You said what you said. I don't even want to be near you right now.
Chase: Get your stuff Ava. You're coming to my room. You're not staying in here with Payton.

I push past Payton and grab my stuff, Chase walks to the door and opens it. We walk out of the room and start walking to the elevator, I hear Payton's voice a few seconds later.
Payton: Ava-
Ava: Leave me alone. Don't talk to me. I'll see you tomorrow when we meet your mom and Faith at eleven and don't even think about talking to me then.

We get to the elevator and Chase presses the button, we hear footsteps behind us.
Chase: Ignore him.

The elevator opens and we step into it, I press the close button. I see Payton and the elevator closes, Chase presses his floor number. We get out of the elevator a few seconds later, he starts walking to his room with me following him. He opens his door and we walk in, he shuts the door.
Chase: He had no right to get mad at you and say those things to you.
Ava: I know. He's ridiculous.
Chase: Well you can stay in here until you guys leave or you can go home with me when I go home.
Ava: Okay. Thanks for the offer but I'm leaving in two days. Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael are coming to pick me up because they have a concert here in Minnesota.
Chase: Okay. I'm going to bed. You can too or you can do whatever you want.
Ava: Okay. Thank you.
Chase: You're welcome.

Chase lays down and goes on his phone, I set my stuff down and walk over to the other bed. I get under the covers and go to sleep.

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