You Find Out He Has Been Cheating

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I got this idea from irlyjreyclmb this was their idea!:) Go follow them!:)

Lately Payton has been a bit distant and not responding to my texts very often, right now I'm sitting in my room on my bed. My phone starts ringing, I grab my phone and see that Joanne is calling me. I answer it.
Ava: Hi Mrs.Moormeier.
Joanne: Hi Ava. Is Payton with you?
Ava: No.
Joanne: Has he been with you at all for the past few days?
Ava: No. I haven't seen him for like two weeks.
Joanne: That's weird.
Ava: Why?
Joanne: He said that he was with you today and that he has been with you for the past few days.
Ava: Oh. Did you ask Dylan or Chase?
Joanne: Yeah. I asked all of his friends and they all said that he wasn't with them.
Ava: Oh. That is weird. I can try to get a hold of him.
Joanne: Okay. Thank you.

I hang up the phone and go to Payton's contact, I click on our messages.
💍Ava💍: Payton, where are you?
💍Ava💍: I just got a call from your mom. She said you weren't home and she asked if you were here or have been here so where are you?
💍Ava💍: Why haven't we gotten to see each other in 2 weeks. Every time we make plans you say you can't make them or you don't answer me. Is something going on? Are you okay?
🌷Payton🌷: I'm fine.

I roll my eyes and press the call button, he answers a few seconds later.
Payton: What?
Ava: Is something going on?
Payton: No.
Ava: Then why did you tell your mom that you were at my house and that you have been at my house for the last few days? That wouldn't even make sense because we haven't seen each other for two weeks. So where are you?
Payton: I'm at Dylan's.
Ava: No you aren't. That's a lie. Your mom called Dylan and all of your friends and they all said no that you haven't been with them lately.
Payton: Ava-
Ava: No Payton. Where are you? Not only do you have your family worried and wondering where you are but you also have your girlfriend wondering and worrying where you are.
Payton: Okay. I'm sorry. I'm in a hotel.
Ava: Why?
Payton: Because I needed a break. Everything was getting too much.
Ava: Is that why you have been distant and don't answer my texts often?
Payton: Yes. I'm so sorry. It's not right or okay. I feel bad. Can I come over today?
Ava: Do you promise that you will show up?
Payton: Yes I promise.
Ava: Okay. Then yes you can come over.
Payton: I'll see you in a little bit.

Payton hangs up, I stand up and walk to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and put on a pair of leggings and a tank top, I put on one of Payton's hoodies that he left. I brush my hair and walk out of my room and walk downstairs. I lay down on the couch and start watching Ellen's Game Of Games, about 46 minutes go by and there's a knock at the door. I get up and walk over to the door, I open it and see Payton holding some flowers. He walks in and hands me the flowers, I shut the door.
Ava: Thank you.
Payton: You're welcome.

I hug him and he hugs me back.
Ava: I missed you.
Payton: I missed you too.

He lays his head on top of mine.
Payton: I'm sorry. I owe you a better explanation.
Ava: You do because you can't legally get a hotel room at the age of sixteen so either someone is covering something up for you or someone helped you get the hotel room. I know we are supposed to believe each other and have trust in each other but I don't believe that you just needed a break Payton. Something else was going on. What happened?
Payton: Ava-
Ava: Payton just answer me honestly. If you needed a break you wouldn't of been so distant like you were and you would've called me and talked to me on the phone for like eight hours. That's exactly what you do every time so something else was going on. Just tell me the truth.
Payton: I-I can't.
Ava: Yes you can.

I pull away from Payton and look at him.
Payton: I really can't. It will ruin our relationship Ava.
Ava: If someone told you something and is trying to get you to break up with me I don't care. We only need us two and we are perfectly fine. We don't let other people decide what we think or feel about each other.
Payton: I really can't. Nobody told me anything. This just isn't working out.
Ava: What do you mean this isn't working out? Me and you?
Payton: Yes.
Ava: Why not? What's wrong?
Payton: Because I did something and I've been doing something that I regret and I shouldn't of done.
Ava: What did you do?
Payton: I've been seeing someone else. I'm so sorry.
Ava: How could you?!
Payton: Don't yell.
Ava: I have a good reason to yell!

I throw the flowers at him, I take his hoodie off and also throw it at him.
Ava: You are such a jerk!

I get tears in my eyes.
Ava: What did I do wrong?! Why'd you cheat?!
Payton: I'm so sorry. I really do regret it. I shouldn't of done it and I'm so sorry.
Ava: How l-long?!
Payton: Three months.

He grabs the flowers off of the floor along with his hoodie, I walk over to him and push him.
Payton: I'm sorry Ava.
Ava: Shut up! Just get out! I don't want to see you again!

I open the door and push Payton out of the house, I slam the door in his face and run up to my room. I lock my room door and lean against it, I slide down it and pull my knees to my chest. I start crying.

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