He Thinks You're Not Good Enough For Him Part 2

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He rolls his eyes and gets out of my car, he shuts my door and walks inside. I start my car and start driving back to my house.
*End Of Recap*

A few minutes go by of me driving, I go to turn a corner and a truck speeds up and t bones the drivers side door. I feel instant pain in my shoulder and arm, I grab my phone and call mom a few times. She doesn't answer so I call dad, his phone goes to voicemail. I call Luke and he picks up a few seconds later, I start to cry.
Luke: Hey Ava-
Ava: *Crying* Luke I just got into a crash.
Luke: Oh my god! Are you okay?! Where are you?! I'm on my way!
Ava: *Crying* I-I don't know. I was leaving Payton's and I turned a c-corner and a truck t boned the drivers side door and I'm scared and I don't feel good.
Luke: Was it the first corner you turn after you leave Payton's?
Ava: *Crying* Yes.
Luke: Okay. I'm on my way. Is there any ambulances yet?
Ava: *Crying* No but I h-hear sirens coming closer.
Luke: Okay. Let me call and mom and go tell dad. Tell the paramedics my name so if anything happens they can get ahold of me.
Ava: *Crying* O-okay. Luke I love you.
Luke: I love you too. I'll see you soon.

I hang up and try to unbuckle my seat belt, a few minutes go by and I see a paramedic trying to open my door. Once they get it open they start talking to me.
Tracy: Hi, I'm Tracy. Can you tell me your name?
Ava: *Crying* Ava.
Tracy: What's your last name?
Ava: *Crying* Hemmings. My brother is Luke Hemmings.
Tracy: Okay and how old are you Ava?
Ava: *Crying* I'm fifteen. 

I start to doze off.
Tracy: Okay, I need you to stay with me. Don't fall asleep. Keep your eyes open. Can you do that?

I nod my head.
Tracy: Don't move your head. Okay?
Ava: *Crying* Okay.

Tracy grabs my head and keeps it held in the same place, I see 2 more paramedics bringing a stretcher to my car before my eyes close.

(Luke's POV)
I run downstairs from my room and grab my keys and put my shoes on.
Luke: Dad we have to go now!
Dad: Have to go where? Why are you yelling at me?
Luke: Ava got in a crash leaving Payton's! We need to go! Call mom!

He instantly stands up and puts his shoes on, he grabs his phone and we run outside. We get in my car and I start driving towards Payton's, we get to the scene a few minutes later. I park my car and we get out, I see them at Ava's car trying to get her out of her car. Dad walks up to a police officer while I walk to Ava's car.
Matt: Hey you can't cross this line.
Luke: I don't care. That's my sister in that car.

I push pass the officer and walk over to Ava's car, when I get to her car I see her unconscious.
Tracy: Hey who let you over here?
Luke: I did. That's my sister Ava.
Tracy: Are you Luke?
Luke: Yes. Is she okay?
Tracy: I'm not going to lie I'm not sure. She just went unconscious a few minutes ago. We're trying to get her out of the car.
Luke: Can I ride in the ambulance with her?
Tracy: Yes but you need to move aside.
Luke: Okay.

I turn around and run to dad, I give him my keys.
Luke: Start driving to the hospital. I'm riding in the ambulance with Ava.
Dad: Okay.

He goes to my car and starts driving to the hospital, I walk back over to Ava's car and see them putting Ava on the stretcher. They put a neck collar on her and start walking to the ambulance, I follow them. The put Ava in the ambulance and get in along with me, they close the doors. I grab her hand and they start driving to the hospital, I grab my phone and call Payton.

(Ava's POV)
I wake up a few hours later in a hospital bed, I look over and see Luke, mom and dad sitting in chairs beside me.
Mom: Oh thank god you're okay.
Dad: Are you feeling better?
Ava: Kinda.
Luke: I'll go get a doctor.

Luke stands up and walks out of the room, he walks back in a few seconds later with a doctor.
Dr.Dallas: Oh good, you're awake. How are you feeling?
Ava: I'm feeling okay. My shoulder kind of hurts.
Dr.Dallas: Okay. So you have a fractured shoulder so you have to wear that sling on your arm for six weeks.
Ava: Okay. 
Dr.Dallas: I'm just going to do some other check ups to make you sure you're blood pressure and everything is good.

I nod my head, a few minutes go by and he's done with all of the tests.
Mom: We're going to go down to the food court to get something to eat. Do you want anything?
Ava: No.
Mom: Okay.

Mom, Luke and dad stand up from their chairs and walk out of the room along with the doctor. I look around the room for my phone, I see it sitting next to me on the bed. I grab it and see a ton of missed calls and texts from Payton.
😔Payton😔: Answer me please!
😔Payton😔: Are you okay?!
😔Payton😔: Luke just called me and told me what happened!
😔Payton😔: I'm so sorry! I hope you're okay!
😔Payton😔: I'm on my way to the hospital!
😔Payton😔: God Ava I'm so so sorry! This is my fault! I shouldn't of broken up with you, I'm so fucking sorry! This wouldn't happened if I didn't break up with you!
😔Payton😔:I'm at the hospital, please just answer me so I know you're okay💔
😔Payton😔: They won't let me back to see you. I hope you're okay.
😔Payton😔:Your brother told me that you have a fractured shoulder, Ava I'm so sorry.

A few seconds later there's a knock at the door and it opens, I look over and see Payton. He walks over to me and stands by the bed, his eyes are all red and puffy.
Ava: Please go.
Payton: I will but please just let me talk to you. I'm so so sorry Ava. What I said was wrong and I shouldn't of said it. None of this would of happened if I didn't break up with you because then you wouldn't of left and you wouldn't of gotten in a car accident and I'm so sorry. I love you still. It just took me some time and a very harsh accident for me to realize that and I'm so sorry. I regret everything I said and I'm sorry.
Ava: Really Payton? It took a car accident to where I get injured for you to realize that you still love me? That's messed up. I don't want to date you again.
Payton: But I never meant anything I said.
Ava: You still said it Payton. We can be friends but we will never ever be anything more ever again.
Payton: Ava-
Ava: Payton please just go. I want some rest. We can talk more about this tomorrow.
Payton: Okay. Im sorry.

Payton leans down and kisses my cheek, I pull away.
Ava: Friends don't kiss each other Payton.
Payton: I know. I'm sorry.

Payton walks away and out of the room, a few hours go by and I get discharged. I get into Luke's car while mom and dad drive in the same car, Luke starts driving home.

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