You Accuse Him Of Kissing Someone Else

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Right now I'm hanging out with Payton, Avani, Anthony, Chase, Jaden, Josh, Jackson and Cassie, were in a hotel room talking and watching tv. Payton gets off of the bed and walks over to Avani, Cassie looks at me. I try to see over everyone to see what he's doing, I see him lean his head down close to Avani's face. He smiles and puckers his lips, my mouth drops and I get up off of the bed.
Chase: Hey where are you going?
Ava: To the vending machine.
Josh: Oh I'll come with.

I turn around and roll my eyes, I walk out of the room and start walking to mine and Payton's room with Josh following me.
Josh: What are you doing? The vending machines are this way.
Ava: I'm not going to the vending machines. I'm going to my room.
Josh: Why? What's wrong?
Ava: Did you not see Payton and Avani?
Josh: No. What happened?
Ava: He got off of the bed and went over to her and he kissed her.
Josh: What the hell. Would Payton really do that though? Especially in front of you?
Ava: Obviously he would because he did.
Josh: Do you know he for sure kissed her?
Ava: He smiled at her, bent down and put his face down in front of hers and then he puckered his lips. He for sure kissed her Josh.
Josh: Oh.
Ava: I really don't mean to be rude but I kinda just want to be alone right now.
Josh: That's understandable.
Ava: Okay. Thanks Josh.
Josh: You're welcome.

Josh turns around and starts walking back to Jaden's hotel room, I put my key card in the key reader and open the door. I walk in and shut the door, I take my shoes off and set my phone down. I lay down on the bed, tears gather in my eyes. A few minutes go by and the hotel door opens and shuts, Payton walks around the corner and looks at me. He scoffs.
Payton: What is your problem?
Ava: What do you mean?
Payton: We were all hanging out and you left the room and said you were going to the vending machine but instead you came to our hotel room. Why did you leave?
Ava: Because I can leave if I want to.
Payton: What's the real reason Ava?
Ava: You should know the real reason.
Payton: Well I don't.
Ava: You kissed Avani. Don't act like you didn't because I saw you.
Payton: I did not kiss Avani!

I stand up off of the bed.
Ava: Yes you did! I saw you Payton!
Payton: I can't believe that you are really accusing me of kissing someone else right in front of you! I would never do that Ava!
Ava: Payton I saw you!
Payton: Well clearly you're lying because I didn't kiss Avani! I don't know what you saw but you definitely didn't see me kissing Avani!
Ava: You got off of the bed and went over to her then you smiled and bent down to her level and puckered your lips! You don't just do that!
Payton: Next time let me explain what I was doing instead of accusing me of shit I didn't do! God Ava! I can't believe you would actually think I would do that!
Ava: You kissed her Payton!
Payton: No I didn't! She was recording a Snapchat so I went over to her and puckered my lips in front of the camera and smiled at the camera! My fans watch her Snapchat too! And there's no reason I can't be or act silly in front of a camera!
Ava: Then why did it look like you kissed her! Cassie saw it too!
Payton: I don't know! Maybe you're lying to start a fight! I didn't kiss Avani and if you can't believe me then that is your fault! Here's the video proof that I didn't kiss her!

Payton shoves his phone in front of my face, I look at his phone and see a video from Avani's Snapchat of him puckering his lips and smiling.
Payton: See!

I push his hand away.
Ava: Okay well I'm sorry I accused you of kissing Avani but you gotta understand it from my point of view and see it how I saw it. It really looked like you kissed her Payton.
Payton: Okay well I didn't so you can stop the conversation now.
Ava: Okay. I'm sorry I got upset and I'm sorry I accused you of kissing her.
Payton: It's okay I guess but we have to have trust in each other even when it looks like one of us did something when we didn't.
Ava: I know. I was just scared so I freaked out and I shouldn't of freaked out or accused you of anything.
Payton: Why did you get scared?
Ava: I don't want to loose you.

Payton hugs me and I hug him back.
Payton: You won't loose me. I love you.
Ava: I love you too.

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