You Find Out You're Pregnant And He Leaves You Part 3

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Me and Jackson walk out of the aisle, I set the pacifier back down and we leave. He takes me home.
*End Of Recap*

I wake up the next morning and look at my phone, I see that it's 10 am. I get out of bed and start getting ready, when I finish getting ready I walk out of my room and walk downstairs. I put my shoes on and walk into the kitchen and see Luke making lunch.
Luke: Hi Ava.
Ava: Hi.
Luke: You have a doctors appointment tomorrow at two.
Ava: Okay.

I grab my keys and go to walk out of the kitchen.
Luke: Where are you going?
Ava: Payton's.
Luke: What? Did you guys figure everything out?
Ava: No. His mom found out and wants me to come over so me and Payton can talk about it.
Luke: Oh.
Ava: Bye.

I walk out of the kitchen and walk to the front door, I walk outside and get in my car. I buckle in and start my car, I start driving to Payton's. I get to Payton's 15 minuets later, I park my car and get out. I walk up to the front door and knock on the door, it opens a second later.
Joanne: Hi Ava.
Ava: Hi.

She opens the door wider and I walk in, she shuts the door behind me.
Joanne: Payton!

Payton comes running down the stairs a few seconds later, we follow Joanne into the dining room and we sit at the table. Me and Payton sit next to each other while Joanne sits across from us.
Joanne: Payton I'm not gonna let you just abandon Ava and your guy's baby that will be coming in a couple months. It is both your faults and she shouldn't have to do it alone. You will help her with this baby and you will own up to it too.
Payton: I understand that it is both our fault but I don't want a kid. I'm still sixteen-
Ava: So am I Payton. We are both sixteen and neither of us want this but it's happening.
Payton: Get an abortion. Then we both won't have something that we don't want.
Ava: I don't want to get an abortion.
Joanne: Payton you're going to help rather you want to or not.
Payton: Fine I'll help out. 

Payton rolls his eyes.
Joanne: Thank you for finally agreeing with that. Now you guys need to talk about your relationship. Are you guys gonna start dating again or just be friends?
Payton: I don't know. What do you want to do Ava?
Ava: I don't know either.
Joanne: I'll let you guys talk about this privately.

Joanne gets up and walks out of the dining room, I lay my head down on the table. A few minutes of silence go by.
Payton: Are you okay?
Ava: To be honest no.
Payton: What's wrong?
Ava: I have a headache and I'm scared.

Payton's gets up from his chair and walks out of the dining room, he comes back a few seconds later.
Payton: Here.

I lift my head up, Payton hands me some ibuprofen for my headache and a glass of water. I take the ibuprofen and a drink of water, Payton sits back down next to me.
Payton: Why are you scared?
Ava: I don't want to do this alone Payton. That's why I'm scared. I don't care if we're friends or not or if we're dating or not. I just don't want to do this alone. I know I'm gonna need help and I want our future kid to have a dad in their life. I know that we are really young and it's scary and I also know that you don't want a kid but Payton I really can't do this alone. Please don't leave me alone to do this.

He lays his head on my shoulder, I lay my head on top of his.
Payton: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Ava. I should of never gotten mad in the first place. I just wasn't ready for a kid and I'm still not. I know it's part my fault and I'm gonna finally own up to it. I'm gonna be there for you and for this baby. I promise.

Payton grabs my hands and locks our fingers together.
Payton: I love you.

I hesitate for a few seconds.
Ava: I love you too.
Payton: Why'd you hesitate?
Ava: Because Payton we haven't been together for three months and I don't know what we are and I'm scared to say it back if I don't know what we are. I'm still a little upset from when you freaked out and got mad and broke up with me.
Payton: I know and I'm sorry. I shouldn't of freaked out. I'm trying to apologize and I understand if you don't accept my apology but do you at least want to try and date again?
Ava: I accept your apology and I think we should try to date again for the baby.

Payton kisses my cheek, I lift my head up along with him. He kisses me and kiss him back.

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