You Cheat Part 2

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I get tears in my eyes, Payton walks out of the house and leaves. I turn around and look at Joey.
*End Of Recap*

Joey: I literally have no words. I don't know what to say. I never thought that we would get caught.

I walk upstairs with Joey following me, I walk into my room. I grab my phone and go to my contacts, I press on Payton's contact and call him. It sends me straight to voicemail, I set my phone back down.
Joey: I mean like since you guys just broke up maybe we could officially become a thing.
Ava: Joey just get changed and leave please. I don't want to see you anymore. I messed up.
Joey: Hey you can't be mad at me. You had this idea and you are the one who cheated on someone.
Ava: Please just leave.
Joey: Fine.

He walks to my bathroom and gets changed, he walks back out a few minutes later. Joey hands me Payton's swimming trunks, he grabs his phone and walks out of my room shutting the door behind him. I wipe the tears from my eyes and walk over to my closet, I grab a change of clothes and walk to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and get changed, I walk out of my bathroom and lay down on my bed. There's a knock at my door and the door opens, I turn over and face my door. I look and see Payton walk into my room, he shuts the door and looks at me.
Ava: What are you doing back here?
Payton: I uh I brought your stuff back. I didn't think I could do it tomorrow so I went home and got your stuff and came back here.
Ava: Oh.
Payton: So where's my stuff?
Ava: I haven't gotten it together yet. You can go through my room and get all your stuff if you want.
Payton: Okay.

He starts walking around my room and starts grabbing all of his stuff.
Ava: Payton I'm sorry. I know it was wrong and I shouldn't of done it and I'm sorry.
Payton: I just want an explanation on what I did for you to just go and cheat on me with one of my friends.
Ava: I don't have a reason I guess.
Payton: Did you just get bored or something? Did you just decide that our relationship wasn't important anymore? We were together for a little over a year Ava and then you just go fuck it all up. You just wasted a whole year of my life so thanks a lot.
Ava: I know but I am really sorry Payton. I honestly just don't know what I was thinking. I really messed up and I'm really sorry.
Payton: You know I get that you're sorry and that you feel bad but just stop. You can say sorry all you want but it's not going to fix our relationship. We're over. I can't trust you anymore. Especially since it went on for a whole month.
Ava: I know.

I sit up in my bed and a few minutes go by, Payton finishes gathering up all of his stuff.
Payton: I'll see you around I guess.
Ava: Okay.

I look down at my hands, tears gather in my eyes. Payton sighs.
Payton: Did you and Joey do anything intimate?
Ava: No. We only kissed.
Payton: Well then maybe, just maybe we can work on our relationship. I'm hurt right now but I miss you already.
Ava: I miss you too.
Payton: I'll talk to you later and maybe we can work on our relationship and get back together later in the future.
Ava: Okay. I would like that.
Payton: I would too. I have to go. Bye.
Ava: Bye.

Payton walks out of my room and I lay back down, a few hours go by and I fall asleep.

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