You Guys Get In A Argument When You're On A Trip Together Part 7

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Ava: You shouldn't be scared of that, you should be scared of Luke and his friends knowing.
*End Of Recap*

Chase: I know. I would rather get beaten up by your brother than you keep it a secret along with me.

A few seconds go by.
Chase: He cares for you so much.
Ava: I'd hope so. He's my brother.

Chase let's out a little laugh, a few hours go by and someone knocks on the door. I look at my phone and see that it's 5:50 pm, I walk over to it and open it. Before it's all the way open Luke pushes through it, he walks over to Chase and pushes him.
Luke: Don't ever touch my sister again!

Ashton, Calum and Michael walk into the room, Calum grabs my suitcase.
Chase: I'm sorry. It was wrong. I shouldn't of done it.

Luke grabs him by the neck and pushes him against the wall, he pulls Chase up by his neck. Chase grabs Luke's hand.
Luke: No you shouldn't of! Don't ever speak to her again!
Chase: I-I can't breath.
Ava: Luke! Let go of him!
Luke: Why would I do that?! He hurt you!
Ava: He can't breath! You're going to kill him! Let go of him!

Luke lets go of his neck and he falls to the ground, Chase grabs his neck and lets out a breath. Luke walks away from him.
Luke: I hope you rot in hell you asshole. Lets go Ava.

Luke grabs my wrist and drags me out of the room, we get down to the lobby a few minutes later. I follow Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton outside of the hotel, we walk over to their tour bus. Luke opens the door and we walk in, he walks to the back and unfolds the couch to make it a bed.
Luke: Are you okay with sleeping here?
Ava: Yeah I'm fine with that.
Luke: Okay.

I sit down on the bed while everyone else gets into their bunker beds, the driver of the bus starts driving. I close the curtain making the couch/bed area a different room from their beds, an hour goes by and I get a text from Jackson.
🤪Jackson🤪: Payton is crying.
🤪Jackson🤪: Like he's crying his eyes out.
🤪Jackson🤪: I know and he knows what he said and did wasn't okay and he feels really bad.
😁Ava😁: Oh.
🤪Jackson🤪: I know that a lot has happened in the past 3 days but he is seriously so upset. I've never seen him this upset. He still cares for you. I know you still care for him too. He just made bad mistakes that hurt you really bad.
😁Ava😁: There's nothing I can do Jackson. I still care for him, a lot but we need a break. I told him that we would talk and figure everything out when he gets back home.
🤪Jackson🤪: He's not just crying because of that. He's crying because he's mad. He's mad at Chase and he's mad at himself. He's mad because Chase did that to you and he couldn't do anything to help you. He's mad because he messed everything up and that things ended like this. He's mad because he said those things to you. He's mad because someone he trusted so much did that to you.
😁Ava😁: Jackson, there is literally nothing I can do right now. What Chase did was horrible but no one could of stopped it except me and Chase was hardly even listening to me. I want to help and make Payton feel better because I still care for him and I still love him but I don't know what I can do. I would rather much talk about our relationship and we are going to do in person, not over text. Can you just tell Payton that I'm sorry that I don't want to talk about this over text? And that I love him and we will talk when he gets home.
🤪Jackson🤪: Yeah.

I turn my phone off and set it down, I hear someone get off their bed.
Ava: Luke? Can we talk? Please?

The curtain moves.
Michael: It's not Luke, it's Michael.
Ava: Oh.

Michael opens the curtain more and sits on the bed by me.
Michael: Are you okay? I know Luke and nobody else asked if you were okay. Be honest. You wouldn't lie to Luke so don't lie to me.

I look down and start playing with my fingers.
Ava: No.
Michael: Do you want to talk about it?
Ava: Yeah.
Michael: Okay well lets start with this, how do you feel?
Ava: Hurt, upset and disappointed.
Michael: Why are you disappointed?
Ava: Because I trusted Chase. He was one of my friends and I trusted him and he did something that's unforgettable and unforgivable. And simply because of the things Payton said. I'm hurt that Payton would say the things he did.
Michael: He was just mad though.
Ava: I know but it still hurt to hear those words come out of his mouth because I love him. You don't want to hear those things come out of someone's mouth that you love.
Michael: And why are you upset?
Ava: Because he was crying earlier and he's mad at himself and there's nothing I can do to help him. I know he hurt me but I love him and I don't want to see him upset either.
Michael: I understand what that feels like.
Ava: You do?
Michael: Yes and I wish someone was there for me to tell me that everything will be okay but nobody wasn't but I'll be here for you. You're like my little sister. I promise you, everything will be okay and it will work out.

Michael hugs me and I hug him back.
Michael: Will you be okay for the night?
Ava: Yeah. Thanks Michael.
Michael: You're welcome Ava.

Michael gets up and walks back to his bed, he shuts the curtain behind him.

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